In This Chapter
- Finding out how horses think and move
- Getting started with riding lessons and conditioning
- Exploring different riding disciplines
- Advancing to the next level and having fun
The act of riding horses has been going on for thousands of years. In the old days, people did it because they had to — it was the only way to efficiently travel from one place to another. Today, we ride horses because we want to.
Why do some people love riding
horses so much? Is it a way to connect with nature in our highly technical
world? Or is it a product of genetic memory? Are we drawn to horses because
it’s in our DNA?
Whatever the reason, horseback
riding is an activity that millions of people enjoy the world over. If you’ve
ever done it, you know why it’s so popular; if you haven’t but want to, you can
imagine how much fun it is. And you’re right. When it comes to horses and
riding, you’ll never find yourself at a loss for things to do. For those who
love these friendly beasts, horses make the world go round. Start riding, and
you’ll see why!
In this chapter, I introduce you
to the world of horseback riding. It’s a world where human and horse become one
and where you can leave the cares and pressures of your daily life behind in
the dust.
Discovering the Horse’s Mind and Body
I’ve heard people say that horses are dumb, but that idea couldn’t be further from the truth. Horses are brilliant in many ways, which is why they’ve been around for so many millions of years. You can’t be stupid and manage to stay alive for that long!
Likewise, the horse’s body is an
amazing machine, designed for speed, agility, and survival. Horses can run
incredibly fast, turn their 1,000-pound bulk on a dime, and react physically
with lightning speed to even the slightest sound. If you want to ride horses,
you need to understand all these abilities in depth.
As a rider, you want to
understand and communicate with your mount. Horses don’t see the world the way
we do. Cellphones, computers, and fax machines are not their world; hay, dirt,
and other horses make up the bulk of their existence. Seeing the world from the
horse’s perspective can make you a better rider and provide you with more
enjoyment when you’re around these really neat animals.
The equine mind and body are at
your fingertips if you just know how to use them. In Chapter Head
to Hoof: The Mind and Mechanics of a Horse of this book,
you get a primer on equine psychology and discover the language that horse
people use to describe their favorite animal and her various body parts. Each
part of the horse has a corresponding name that horse people toss around like
so much confetti. If you want to fit in with the crowd and know what people at
the barn at talking about, make sure you take a good look at the diagram in
Chapter Head
to Hoof: The Mind and Mechanics of a Horse.
Taking Riding Lessons
Getting up on a horse’s back can
be an exciting experience, but it can also be frustrating and even scary if you
don’t know what you’re doing. Learning to ride in a formal setting, with an
instructor or trainer who knows how to properly teach riding basics, is
Even though horses have minds and can think and see where they’re going (unlike cars, which need direction every inch of the way), don’t fall victim to the notion that you just need to sit up there and let the horse do his thing. This approach only lets you discover that you and the horse may not have the same ideas about what to do next. Instead, figure out how to ride before you start doing it on your own, just like you’d take skiing lessons with an instructor before heading down the slope.
Riding lessons are a lot of fun,
but they’re also hard work. You find yourself using muscles you never knew you
had and are challenged to coordinate different parts of your body in ways you’ve
never done before. If you enjoy learning and challenging yourself, you’ll
likely enjoy horseback riding lessons. You’ll also discover the wonderful
feeling that comes when you communicate with a horse while on his back.
In Chapter School’s
in Session: Taking Riding Lessons, I give you advice
on how to get started with riding lessons. Here are some examples of what you
can find there:
- Finding a stable. A friendly atmosphere, a clean environment, healthy equine tenants, and a professional demeanor from the staff are all things you should seek out when picking the stable where you’ll learn to ride.
- Choosing your instructor. The person you pick to be your instructor should have a teaching style that you like, be experienced in the discipline you’ve chosen (English or Western), and be familiar with training adult beginners.
- Being a good student. It’s not all up to the teacher! The best students (and the ones who get the most from their training) are the folks who show up on time, pay attention, speak up when they need to, and do their homework.
Getting into Riding Shape
Horseback riding is hard work! It
may not look all that difficult when you’re watching an experienced rider, but
the truth is that a whole slew of muscles, along with balance and stamina, come
into play as you’re riding.
To prepare your body for the rigors of riding a horse, do some or all of the following:
- Lose weight
- Build strength
- Cross-train
- Improve endurance
- Increase flexibility with stretching exercises
Mental challenges also come along
with this sport. In order to get the most from your riding lessons and your
time in the saddle, deal with any fear issues you have about riding and
understand your role as the leader of your team of two (that is, you and the
horse). To find out how to prepare your body and mind for riding, take a look
at Chapter Mind
and Body: Conditioning Yourself for Riding.
Keeping Yourself Safe around Horses
Horses are large animals, and
handling them takes some know-how. You can perfect this skill with training and
experience. In order to get the most from the time you spend with horses,
you need the right kind of instruction from a qualified expert. When you have
some knowledge under your belt, you can safely handle a horse in a variety of
To keep yourself safe around
horses, you have to follow some basic rules that those who’ve come before you
have set up. These concepts were created out of experience, so take them
First, you need to make sure
you’re wearing the right clothing. Boots designed for riding are necessary
because they have a special heel that helps keep one of your legs from getting
caught in the stirrup should you fall from the saddle — getting dragged is the
danger here. A safety helmet is also a must if you want to protect that
valuable gray matter. And your legs can get chafed if you ride in shorts or in
the wrong kind of pants, so riding pants are preferable. And before you
ride, you handle the horse from the ground, so wear heavy boots for safety in
case a clumsy equine steps on your foot. (I’ve had it happen — not fun.)
Understanding how horses move
their bodies is also a necessity for safety, as are knowing when to enter a
stall (when you know the horse sees you) and dealing with stupid horse
maneuvers, such as pulling back when tied. Of course, you likewise need to know
the various rules that apply to riding, both alone and with others, either in
the arena or on the trail. Concepts such as what to do when another rider falls
off and when you need to pass another rider are part of rider safety. All this
and more await you in Chapter Safety
First: Protecting Yourself around Horses.
Selecting the Right Riding Style and Gear
Before you can start riding, you need to determine which discipline you want to pursue. Here are your options:
- Western riding, the most popular discipline in the U.S., is often the style of choice for beginning riders because Western saddles provide the most security. Western riding is popular with casual trail riders, as well as those working with cattle. I discuss Western riding in Chapter Off into the Sunset: Western Riding.
- English style riding is made up of some subtypes, including hunt seat and dressage (see Chapter Not Just for the Brits: English Riding for details).
- People who’d like to jump their horses opt for hunt seat, although plenty of hunt seat riders don’t jump — they simply enjoy this style of riding. Hunt seat riders sit in a small saddle and wear their stirrups shorter than Western riders do. Many hunt seat riders enjoy “hacking” (riding) out on the trail.
- Dressage, the ballet of horseback riding, involves precise movements and stringent training of both horse and rider.
You may soon discover, after you
start riding, that horses come with lots of stuff. Here are some items every
horse needs:
- Saddle and pad
- Bridle (including a bit)
- Halter and lead rope
You need some equipment for
yourself as well:
- Riding boots or shoes
- Riding pants
- A proper shirt
- A helmet (if you’re smart)
For more details on these and
other items for both you and the horse, see Chapters Dressing
Up Horses with Saddles, Getting
a Heads-Up on Bridles, and Equipping
Yourself with Other Important Gear.
Riding High from the Start
Okay, it’s almost time to get on!
You still have a few more things to figure out before you get in the saddle,
including how to put on the saddle and bridle and how to climb aboard. Before
you actually find yourself up there, you also need to know how to get off.
Preparing on the ground
You have to do some work on the
ground before you can actually ride. First, you need to know how to catch a
horse, whether in a pasture or stall. Approach horses in pastures quietly and
confidently to encourage them to allow themselves to be caught (don’t think for
a moment that you can catch a horse if he doesn’t want to be!). If the horse is
in a stall, safety dictates that you wait until the horse is facing you before
you go up to him.
Putting on a halter is another
task you need to master. The halter is the horse equivalent to a collar and
leash. When you place a halter on a horse’s head, you’re taking control of that
horse’s movement on the ground.
Mounting and dismounting
Horse people have been mounting
and dismounting for centuries, and they’ve pretty much figured out the safest
and most effective way to get on and off a horse.
Protocol dictates that you always mount from the left side. (This rule began out of necessity with the military, because mounted soldiers wore their swords on their left hips.) You should also consider using a mounting block or high ground, which makes getting up into the saddle easier and reduces the amount of pressure on the horse because you end up pulling less on the saddle.
Just as you mount from the left,
you also dismount to this side. Again, protocol dictates as such, and the vast
majority of horses have been trained in this way. For details on mounting and
dismounting, see Chapter Mounting
and Dismounting.
Getting a grip on gaits
As a new rider, you get to master three of the four gaits of the horse: the walk, the jog or trot, and the lope or canter (the fourth gait is the gallop, which you get to after you have more experience in the saddle):
- The walk, which is the slowest gait, comes first; it’s the one you use the most, especially if you plan to trail ride.
- The jog, as Western riders call it, and the trot, as English riders say, is the bouncy gait and the one most beginning riders have trouble with at first. After you master this one, you know you’re well on your way to becoming an experienced rider.
- Called the lope by Western riders and the canter by English riders, this gait is the fastest of the three you use as a beginning rider. The lope or canter is faster than the walk or trot, and it’s probably the most fun of the three. This gait has a rocking-horse feel to it that many riders really enjoy.
Mastering each of the gaits takes time and practice. A good instructor observes your riding and helps you train your mind and body to cue the horse exactly as you need to in order to get what you want from your four-footed friend. For the basics on how to ride the walk, trot or jog, and canter or lope, see Chapters Enjoying
the Walk, Bumping
Up Your Skills with the Jog or Trot, and Getting
on the Fast Track with the Lope or Canter, respectively.
Many hunt seat riders have the
goal of jumping on horseback. If you’re not sure why riders enjoy jumping, it’s
because it’s a whole lot of fun! Many riders get hooked on this activity.
Jumping can take place in an
arena or out in the field. Arena jumping consists of a series of jumps arranged
in a course that the horse-and-rider team has to negotiate. Some of these jumps
include oxers (two sets of jump standards — vertical poles — and two sets of
horizontal poles) and crossrails (two jump standards with two rails placed
between them in an X position).
Jumping out in the field is
called cross-country jumping, and it’s a test of courage and endurance. A
series of obstacles are laid out on a designated course, which covers 2 to 4
miles in length. Obstacles can include telephone poles, low shrubs, and water
jumps (in which the horse has to jump over something into a shallow pond). To
find out what it takes to jump a horse, flip to Chapter Making
the Leap into Jumping.
Adjusting to Advanced Riding
After you become addicted to
horseback riding (and I know you will), you’ll start thinking about moving to
the next level. You may just want to find a new instructor or switch
disciplines, but in many cases, the next step means adding a horse to your
family. I introduce some important points in the following sections.
Stepping up your current riding routine
As you become more proficient in
your riding, you may want to switch to a different instructor to help you find
your greatest potential in the saddle. After all, some instructors specialize
in teaching only beginners. Should that day come, you want to seek out the most
qualified teacher you can afford. You may also want to consider switching
disciplines or at least trying a different one to see whether you like it. This
step means searching for a new instructor who’s qualified to teach the
discipline you want to try.
Moving to the next level of
riding also means becoming even more physically fit. You may want to start
cross-training to help your body prepare for the more-rigorous riding in store.
Jogging, swimming, and aerobics are just some ways you can improve your
endurance and muscle tone. For details on how to move to the next level or
riding, take a look at Chapter Graduating
to the Next Level of Riding.
Buying your own horse
It’s inevitable: After you start
riding, it isn’t long before you start longing for a horse of your own. Horse
ownership is a big responsibility in time and money, and it isn’t one to be
taken lightly. Find out what’s involved in owning a horse before you take this
big step. One way to find out what horse ownership is all about is to lease a
horse first. With leasing, you can get an idea of the time commitment involved
in horse ownership. You can also get a good sense of what owning one of these
amazing creatures is like before you take a plunge.
Should you decide to buy, getting
the right horse is vital. Just as with human relationships, you have to find a
good match. As a beginning rider, you need a horse who’s quiet, well-trained,
and easygoing. A horse like this can help you develop your skills.
When you’re ready to go horse
shopping, enlist the help of a horse expert. This person can be your riding
instructor, a local trainer you trust, or even an equine vet or farrier (who
works with shoes and hooves) if no instructors or trainers are available in
your area. Start searching for horses for sale on tack-store bulletin boards,
through trainers and breeders, and in local horse publications. For more
details on buying a horse, see Chapter Taking
the Plunge by Buying a Horse.
Looking after your horse
If you love horses, chances are
you’ll also love caring for one. Horse care isn’t hard after you discover what
you need to do to keep your horse happy and healthy.
If you live on property zoned for
horses, make sure you have adequate facilities for your charges. A stall,
paddock, or pasture is necessary. If you don’t have your own horse property,
you need to board your horse, most likely at a commercial boarding facility.
Choosing the right facility is important, both for your horse’s well-being and
for your own enjoyment. You want a place that’s well-maintained, provides good
care for the horses, and has arenas and trail access for riding.
Feeding your horse is a
significant part of horse care. Horses were designed to eat roughage for many
hours a day, so hay is an important part of their diet. Several kinds of hay
are available, depending on which part of the country you live in.
To keep your horse looking clean
and pretty, groom him on a regular basis. You need tools for this task,
including brushes, combs, and a hoof pick to keep his feet clean. Baths are a
part of keeping your horse clean, too, and they’re best performed on warm days
with horse shampoo.
Preventive care is the most
important kind of care for horses. Have your horse vaccinated regularly against
diseases such as equine influenza and encephalitis. Horses also require regular
deworming to help control intestinal parasites. Regular visits from the vet to
check the horse’s teeth and file them down if they develop points (something
that happens when the molars rub together over time) are also important. For
these details and more on how to keep your horse healthy, see Chapter Exploring
Horse Care.
Enjoying Fun and Games on Horseback
The best part about riding horses
is all the cool stuff you can do with them. So many equine activities abound in
the horse world that it’s hard to name them all.
The most popular horseback
pastime in the United States is trail riding. Both relaxing and fun, trail
riding takes you and your horse into the countryside if you live in a rural
area or along “urban trails” if you’re in a suburban or even urban environment.
Chapter Don’t
Fence Me In: Trail Riding has the full scoop on hitting the trails.
Horse shows are another popular
horse activity. In Chapter Show
Off: Riding in Competition, you discover the different kinds of horse shows
out there and may get some ideas of what kind of showing you’d like to do. All
kinds of horse shows exist for all kinds of horses and riders, including
- Schooling shows
- Rated shows
- Open shows
- Breed shows
- Specialty shows
Horse shows and leisurely trail riding aren’t the only ways to enjoy being on horseback. A whole slew of other options are available:
- Bareback riding
- Competitive trail rides
- Drill teams
- Endurance rides
- Historical reenactments
- Parades
- Polo
- Saddle seat riding
- Sidesaddle riding
- Vaulting (gymnastics)
As if all this weren’t enough,
you can also take your horse on vacation with you. Or if you don’t have your
own horse, you can go on a horseback vacation to places where horses are
provided. For details on these equine activities, see Chapter Even
More Riding Styles and Activities.
by Audrey Pavia with Shannon Sand
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