Caring for an Older Cat

In This Chapter

  • Understanding the normal signs of aging
  • Caring for your cat’s teeth
  • Coping with three common health problems
  • Knowing when to let go
  • Providing for your cat in your will

Until recently, many people had cats who came and went — mostly went — with sad regularity. The common wisdom: You didn’t “own” cats. You fed them, admired their beauty, and enjoyed their company. You let them in and out of your house with a degree of good humor and grieved for them after they disappeared, after a year or two or maybe five, but generally not much more.

The reality can be so much different now. The popularity of cats has led to an explosion in knowledge of how to care for them at all stages of their lives, and geriatric care is no exception. Barring accidents, cats can live healthier, happier lives years longer than they ever have before — 10, 12, 14 years. Protected from the outside world, some cats can live even longer, with 16, 18, and even 20 years a possibility.

The difference in life span is not in the cats themselves but in the relationship we humans have with them — the expansion of both knowledge and responsibility. The secret to a cat’s long and comfortable life rests as much in your care as in the genes she inherited from her mother and father — and we help you make the most of both in this chapter.

Cat Tracks

We focus in this chapter on preventive-care measures that are especially important to older cats and diseases that are more common in felines that are middle-aged or older (more on age stages later in this chapter). You should also check out our more-general preventive-care guidelines in Chapter Preventive Health Care for Your Cat, especially the section on spotting health problems early.

To live with an older cat is to share a lifetime of love in a look, a pat, a purr. The bond you’ve spent years building is a thing of wonder now. You know each other. You’re comfortable and relaxed with each other. You love each other effortlessly. These years are special, and you should enjoy them.

Of course, these are also the years when you realize your cat isn’t going to be with you forever, and these thoughts can dampen your enjoyment of this special stage. Don’t feel sorry for your cat or yourself. Take a lesson from her and enjoy each day wholly. Your cat lives in the now and has no concept that the changes in her life are part of a natural process. She doesn’t know where the years lead. She lives day to day, spending her time purring in your lap or sleeping in the sun, demanding her dinner or chasing a toy across the carpet. If she feels good and is with you, she is happy. And so, too, should you be.


You’re the one who has the biggest influence over your cat’s life span. Protection, prevention, and early detection are the words to remember as your cat ages. We’re not going to sugarcoat this advice for you: The two most important things you can do to ensure your cat a long, healthy life is keep your pet inside and take care of spaying and neutering. An indoor cat is protected from the hazards of the outdoor world, especially cars and contagious viruses. And an altered cat is protected from health problems, such as reproductive-related cancers and infections and, especially in males, the constant pressure to roam in search of mates and to fight in defense of territory.

Cat Tracks

For more information on the indoor versus outdoor controversy, see Chapter A New Appreciation of the Cat. For more information on spaying and neutering, see Chapter Littering: Should Your Cat Become a Parent?.

How Old Is “Old”?

A widely held belief for determining whether a cat is middle-aged or old is that one year in a cat’s life equals four in a human’s. In truth, the situation is not that neat, and if you think about it, you can easily see why. Under a “one equals four” rule, a 1-year-old cat would be the equivalent in terms of mental and physical maturity to a human 4-year-old, and that’s clearly off.


A better equation is to count the first year of a cat’s life as being comparable to the time a human reaches the early stages of adulthood — the age of 15 or so. Like a human adolescent, a 1-year-old cat looks fairly grown up and is physically capable of becoming a parent but lacks emotional maturity.

The second year of a cat’s life picks up some of that maturity and takes a cat to the first stages of full adulthood in humans — a 2-year-old cat is roughly equivalent to a person in the mid-20s.

From there, the “four equals one” rule works pretty well. A cat of 3 is still young, comparable to a person of 29. A 6-year-old cat, similar to a 41-year-old person, is in the throes of middle age; a 12-year-old cat, similar to a 65-year-old person, has earned the right to slow down a little. A cat who lives to be 20 is the feline equivalent of nearly 100 in terms of human life span!

Figure 13-1: Sammy was 19 when he posed for his formal portrait, a good example of the difference a lifetime of proper care can make.


As with humans, age is relative. An unloved and uncared-for cat is not going to enjoy life at 6, whereas one twice that age, given proper care and nutrition, may be nearly as playful as a kitten.

Normal Signs of Aging

Aging comes in a mostly predictable way to cats, so subtle that you may not notice the signs at first until suddenly you look at your pet and think: “How long has she been losing weight?” or “When did she stop trying to jump up to her favorite spot?” The thought right after that is often even more upsetting: “Is this serious? Should I be worried?”

Although anything that worries you warrants checking in with your veterinarian, if for nothing more than your peace of mind, knowing what’s normal for your cat goes a long way toward easing the years for you both. (A keen ob-server of body language and emotion, your cat knows if you’re upset, after all.)


Normal signs of aging are gradual. Sudden problems may be indicative of a serious health problem. If your cat changes quickly in appearance or behavior, have her seen by your veterinarian right away.

Decline of the senses

As your cat ages, her senses of hearing, vision, and smell may worsen, although different cats age in different ways. Some of these changes may be barely noticeable to you as your cat adapts to them, and others may be more obvious, such as foul breath due to dental disease that requires more-frequent attention to control with advancing age.

Other changes can be very hard to notice. Some people aren’t even aware that their pets are deaf, although imagining how that can happen isn’t that hard. After all, even in the best of circumstances, your cat pays attention only when she wants to!


You may suspect that your cat has a hearing loss when you notice that your cat isn’t reacting to the sounds that always used to get a response, such as the whirring of the electric can opener near dinner time. To test your hunch, check by snapping your fingers behind her head. Her ears should swivel back to the sound.


Although your cat can get along just fine indoors if her hearing isn’t as keen as it was, deafness really does put her at risk outdoors. Even the cat who has survived into old age by being street savvy can’t dodge a car if she can’t hear it coming.

Your cat’s sense of taste may have an important effect on her appetite, resulting in a problem in some older cats. Smell is extremely important when your cat is determining what’s enticing enough to try, and if this sense has declined, nothing may seem worth tasting.


Heat makes smell more intense. If your cat isn’t eating, call your veterinarian. If everything checks out okay there, try enticing your cat by serving canned food at room temperature or a bit warmer.

Changes in appearance

Because your cat’s body is undergoing changes internally, you may notice changes externally. Cats lose muscle mass as they age, so your pet may seem bonier than when he was young. Other cats may become obese, eating the same amount of calories despite a reduced level of activity. (For more information on obesity, see Chapter Feeding Your Cat.)

Change may show up in your pet’s coat, leaving it feeling drier and more sparse and the skin less supple. Your cat may not be as efficient at grooming himself as he ages — or, as he becomes more fragile, he may not be able to do the chore so diligently or have the interest in grooming that he once did.

Cat Tracks

Your cat looks better and feels better if you assist him with his grooming. For more information on how to help, see Chapter Good Grooming.

A new kitten?

Because older cats do so poorly when stressed, think very seriously before introducing a kitten to your household.

A kitten’s playful ways just aren’t appreciated by a geriatric cat and may prompt behavior problems such as litter box avoidance or a loss of appetite — the latter a serious health concern in all cats, but especially in older ones.

Keep your older cat healthy by playing with him by using a cat fishing pole or toy on a string. He’s going to appreciate the time you spend with him, especially because you’re happy to play on his terms, leave him alone after he’s had enough, and not keep pestering him like you do with a kitten.

You have plenty of time in your life for a new kitten. If you have an older cat, postpone adding a youngster and let your cat enjoy his senior years as he sees fit.

Figure 13-2: Many older cats tend to sleep more — and they deserve their naps! Watch out, however, for signs of extreme disinterest in life.

Behavior changes

The temperament of healthy older cats is really something to anticipate with pleasure in many cases. Your cat may mellow over time, becoming more interested in lapsitting and less in crawling up your drapes and performing death-defying leaps from atop tall pieces of furniture. This softening of attitude may be what you notice most as you consider your older cat, but other behavior changes may appear that you should also think about.

Your cat may sleep more, but you need to watch that, too. Extreme disinterest in the world around him can also be a sign of disease, as can an increased energy level. Be aware, too, of changes in appetite or thirst — although your cat needs fewer calories and more fluids as he ages, extreme changes need to be checked out.


Because behavior changes in older cats are often the result of health problems, be aware of these changes and be sensitive to how quickly they occur. The formerly sweet-natured cat who’s now cranky or defensive, for example, may act that way because of chronic pain. Or the cat who suddenly neglects his litter box routines may have an infection or even diabetes. Because your cat can’t talk about what’s bothering him, you need to listen to his body and be aware.

Special Care for Kitty Teeth

Some cats, like some people, can go a lifetime without rigorous dental care without ill effects (other than disgusting everyone who smells their breath). However, this is the exception and not the rule. A little care can go a long way toward making your cat more appealing to be near as well as preventing significant dental problems. If you’ve paid attention to his teeth his entire life, you’ve done your pet a wonderful service. If you haven’t, you have some catching up to do to ensure that dental problems don’t make your cat unhappy. Bad teeth can lead to pain while eating. In addition, some people believe periodontal disease can lead to other ill effects when bacteria (causing disease in the mouth) enters the bloodstream and causes infection in the kidneys and other organs. Don’t ignore these problems!

The older-cat physical

Annual physicals are even more important as your cat ages and need to be more extensive than when she was younger. Your veterinarian may suggest blood and urine tests, for example, to determine what’s normal for your cat so that subsequent changes in the test values are more apparent.

This well-cat appointment is a good time to address your concerns about your cat’s aging and get all your questions answered. Encourage your veterinarian to discuss your cat’s condition thoroughly and all the care options that are available to you.

Although feeling comfortable with your veterinarian and confident in her abilities is always important, such considerations are especially important if your cat is older. You’re working together as a team to ensure your cat’s health: Make sure your veterinarian is someone you trust so you can make the best decisions on your cat’s behalf. (Information on choosing a veterinarian is in Chapter Preventive Health Care for Your Cat.)

When your cat is comfortable and relaxed, gently raise his lip and take a look. You’re sure to see the yellowing and wear that’s a normal part of the aging process of his teeth, and that’s okay. You’re looking for signs of developing periodontal disease, which is a relentless chronic process that inevitably leads to oral discomfort, tooth loss, and poor general health. These signs in-clude plaque; a brown, brittle substance called calculus that builds up on the tooth surfaces, especially near the gumline; and gingivitis, which is the in-flammation of gum tissue. In severely affected mouths, tooth root abscesses are not uncommon and require prompt veterinary attention.

You can keep your pet’s teeth healthy by brushing them at least three times a week — see Chapter Preventive Health Care for Your Cat for how to make the task easy on you both. Before you can start such preventive care, however, your veterinarian must treat the problems that have already developed. This care likely involves a cleaning and polishing under anesthesia, along with the treatment or removal of any diseased teeth and diagnosis and management of any further dental problems

If your cat had nothing more than plaque buildup and mild inflammation, he’s likely to go home with clean teeth and dental care instructions. From there, the task of keeping those teeth in good shape with regular brushing and an eye toward the need for further veterinary care is in your hands.

Common Problems

Most health problems older cats get are also seen in younger cats, with the notable exception of hyperthyroidism, which we discuss in this section. Some diseases pop up frequently in older cats, however, and we want to make sure that you’re aware of them.

Cat Tracks

Because many health problems can occur at any age, please don’t neglect the more-general chapters on veterinary care, especially Chapters Preventive Health Care for Your Cat and Common Cat Health Problems, which include sections on preventive-care measures that can keep some worries from ever surfacing at all.

An excellent book-length source of information on older cats is Your Aging Cat: How to Keep Your Cat Physically and Mentally Healthy into Old Age, by Kim Campbell Thornton and Dr. John Hamil (IDG Books Worldwide).


Diabetes is a loss of control of the amount of sugar in the blood — a cat with diabetes has a very high concentration of sugar in the blood and urine. There are two types of diabetes: The first is called insulin-dependent diabetes, in which the pancreas fails to produce enough of the hormone insulin to regulate blood-sugar levels; the other form of the disease occurs when the body does not respond properly to the insulin that the pancreas produces.


Fat cats are more susceptible to diabetes, which is another reason that preventing obesity is so important.

Cats with diabetes may appear to be losing weight while eating actively. They will also drink and urinate more frequently in large volumes. You may notice your cat’s urine is “sticky,” like sugar water, as a result of the high sugar content.


Don’t take these symptoms lightly! In more advanced cases, cats can become acutely ill, even comatose. Any markedly depressed cat should be considered potentially very ill, and you should seek veterinary care immediately.

If your cat is diagnosed with diabetes, your veterinarian will suggest dietary changes that may include controlled weight loss and high-fiber diets. Some-times, medications can help to control the blood sugar level. In most cases, though, you will need to give insulin injections to your cat. Your veterinarian will demonstrate giving injections and discuss how you will together monitor your cat’s progress and medication needs. Be sure to keep a diary of all changes to your cat’s medication needs and responses; this diary will help you and your veterinarian better control your cat’s diabetes.

The Cat’s Meow

Some cases of diabetes can be cured by finding and treating other diseases that are making the cat’s system more resistant to insulin. Some cats will spontaneously recover permanently or temporarily from diabetes. We are not trying to raise false hopes that your cat will have a miracle cure, but rather trying to increase your awareness that healthy or ill, you need to remain always aware of changes in your cat’s behavior.


What got into that cat? It’s a question people with older cats often wonder, as their pets seem to lose weight, even though they’re eating more, and perhaps get even more energetic as they age, instead of less.

Although having an oldster with the energy of a kitten may seem wonderful, that zooming cat may be sick with a disease that can kill if left unchecked. Hyperthyroidism, the overproduction of thyroid hormone, is among the most common maladies in older cats. Hyperthyroidism is certainly the great impersonator within older cats. Paul has a very focused approach to medicine and is largely not in favor of “shotgun” testing, but he does believe that every older cat should have thyroid hormone levels monitored or at least tested at the first sign of any change in health. Hyperthyroidism can be present in many ways — ranging from the overactive thin cat who eats all the time to the “just ain’t doing right cat” that befuddles veterinarian after veterinarian.

When a cat produces too much thyroid hormone, his metabolic rate can soar to the point where it can burn off a third of his body weight. Left unchecked, kidney, heart, liver, and other problems can develop, sometimes leading to death. However, remember that none of these symptoms must be present, and even overweight cats may be suffering from hyperthyroidism.

The Cat’s Tracks

The treatment of hyperthyroidism is one of the bright spots of feline geriatric medicine. Although the disease is common, several good care options can, in many cases, cure the problem.

Veterinary medicine offers three methods for treating hyperthyroidism. The one chosen often depends on location and the overall health and disposition of the pet. Here are your options:

  • Radioactive iodine therapy: This option is the preferred method of treatment, and you can easily see why: cure rates of 90 to 95 percent, with no further treatment. The cat gets one dose of a radioactive substance that kills the overproducing cells without directly harming other body functions. It’s a one-day matter, but what follows presents a dilemma for many owners: The treatment creates a radioactive cat that must be kept on site at the clinic or college for 7 to 14 days, after which the animal is considered safe to go home. Another problem is that this treatment is not available in all areas, adding travel time to the equation for those who want to pursue it. Veterinary colleges are one source of this treatment, as are specialty practices in many urban areas.
  • Surgery: Another option is a thyroidectomy, the surgical removal of the offending thyroid gland or glands, which can be done by a pet’s regular veterinarian or colleague nearby. The problem: The surgery is delicate, with a chance that other problems may result. Surgery is a good option if radioactive iodine treatment is not available, or if the cat hasn’t the temperament to endure confinement.
  • Medication: Hyperthyroidism can be treated with drugs. Tapazole is most commonly prescribed but other options are available. Some cats don’t tolerate Tapazole well, and some owners aren’t up to the task of administering multiple daily pills for the duration of a pet’s life. Because of these problems, drug therapy is often used to stabilize a cat prior to the other treatments in order to address the immediate health problems caused by hyperthyroidism until a long-term solution can be put into place.

Anesthesia and the older cat

As common as anesthesia is in veterinary medicine, many misconceptions exist about its use where older animals are concerned. The idea that the risk of anesthesia outweighs the importance of preventive veterinary care (such as dentistry) is no longer valid. Yes, it is true that no anesthetic procedure is without risk. However, in the hands of a good veterinarian and his staff, anesthesia, even in the elderly patient, has become a routine and very safe procedure.

The risks can be greatly minimized by a history, physical examination, and a few basic tests beforehand, including a laboratory evaluation of blood and urine, and possibly a chest X ray. Although these tests admittedly add to the cost of a procedure, they enable your veterinarian to understand fully the health status of your cat before anesthetizing him. During the procedure, placement of an intravenous catheter and administration of fluids can further add to the safety of the procedure. In the case of dental work, your veterinarian may prescribe antibiotics before, during, and after the procedure.

If finances are a big concern and you have to choose where to save in order to be able to afford the needed procedure, money spent on appropriate anesthetic monitoring and IV fluids during the anesthetic procedure likely provides the greatest return in ensuring that your cat’s anesthetic procedure is as eventless as possible.

No discussion of anesthetic danger can be complete without a few words on your responsibilities where anesthesia is concerned:

  • Follow your veterinarian’s instructions on preparing your pet for surgery. If no food is specified, make sure you deliver your pet with an empty stomach. Following this one piece of advice is one of the easiest and most basic ways to reduce risk. During anesthesia, the contents of a full stomach can be regurgitated with the unfortunate potential complication of being inhaled into the lungs. In general, you should completely withhold food the night before but continue to allow free access to water until the morning of the procedure.
  • Be prepared to provide special home care for your pet after surgery. Releasing animals before sedation wears off fully may be common practice for some veterinarians. Such animals must be kept safe from hot or cold environments because their reflexes are reduced. If you do not feel comfortable caring for a sedated pet, arrange for your veterinarian to extend the care. If your veterinarian does not run a 24-hour hospital, be sure to have the number of your local emergency clinic handy in case complications develop following your cat’s anesthesia.
  • Make sure that you understand what the procedures are and what to expect. Pets commonly have a cough after anesthesia, for example, because the tube used to deliver the gas may cause some irritation. If the cough does not clear in a couple days, call your veterinarian.

No matter what the age of the pet, the chances are very high that the anesthetic will present no problem if both you and your veterinarian work to minimize the risk. And the payoffs, especially those involving dental care, can be significant.


Recent evidence suggests a small percentage of cats treated for hyperthyroidism develop kidney problems. This slight risk should not dissuade you from treating your cat. It may be a reason to try drug therapy first to “test” the response of the kidneys to treatment. We expect that more information will be available on this in the near future and recommend that you discuss this issue with your veterinarian before making a final therapy decision.


Obstipation is the complete inability to defecate, resulting in a very painful and serious condition for your cat that needs veterinary attention. The causes of this backup are not well understood. The intestines become dilated and unable to push stool out of the body normally.

Be alert to your cat’s litter box habits. If your indoor cat is straining or crying out while trying to defecate or if you notice an absence of feces, your cat has a problem. Oddly, this blockage may initially appear as diarrhea, because your cat’s body, so irritated by the retained feces, may generate lots of watery fluid or mucus to try to cope. This discharge may seem like “ordinary” loose stools when passed.


Any change in your cat’s litter box habits is potentially a sign of disease and must be checked out by your veterinarian to ensure that problems are caught while they can still be treated.

Your veterinarian is likely to suggest taking an X ray to determine what’s behind the problem. Enemas are the short-term solution; drugs or surgical methods may eventually be required. Long-term care may require the use of drugs or laxatives to keep stools soft, as well as an increased attention to your cat’s grooming to cut down the volume of hair he swallows. Drug treatments have met with mixed results. Surgery to remove part of the colon is rather extensive and can lead to problems with diarrhea; however, in many cats the surgery can be rewarding.

Cat Tracks

We touch on just a few of the most common health problems in older cats, but many other health conditions afflict cats young and old. Check out our more general health care information in Chapter Common Cat Health Problems, and learn the importance of good preventive care by reading Chapter Preventive Health Care for Your Cat. Above all, consult your veterinarian.

Knowing When It’s “Time”

Euthanasia, the technical term for “putting a pet to sleep,” is one of the hardest decisions you must ever make, and it doesn’t get any easier, no matter how many times over the years you face it. Your veterinarian can offer you advice, and your friends can offer you support, but no one can make the decision for you. If you live with an elderly or terminally ill pet, you look in her eyes every morning and ask yourself: Is this the day?

To know for sure is impossible. But take solace in knowing that in almost 20 years of practice, Paul has only four times had to look at an owner and say, “Hey, it is time.” Although we say to know for sure is impossible, Paul firmly believes that owners do know when it is time and respects their decisions without question. Asking guidance from your friends, family, and veterinarian is very appropriate, but only you can make the final decision. Good friends, family, and veterinarians will offer good “if it were my pet” advice, but they should also respect your decision without question.

Some owners don’t wait until their pet’s discomfort becomes pain, and they choose euthanasia much sooner than many other people would. Some owners use an animal’s appetite as the guide — if an old or ill animal is no longer interested in eating, they reason, he’s not interested in anything at all. Other owners wait until no doubt remains that the time is at hand. Each guideline is the right one for some cat and some owner at some time. You do the best you can, and then you try to put the decision behind you and deal with the grief.


The incredible advances in veterinary medicine in the past couple of decades have made the decisions even more difficult for many people. Not too long ago, the best you could do for a seriously ill pet was to make her comfortable until that wasn’t possible anymore. Nowadays, nearly every advantage of human medicine — from chemotherapy to pacemakers — is available to our pets.

If you can afford such care and have a realistic expectation that it can improve your pet’s life — instead of simply prolonging it — then it’s an option that you should pursue. But let nothing push you into making a decision based on guilt or wishful thinking.

Euthanasia options

Should you be with your pet at the end? What should you do with the remains? The questions are all difficult, but no answers are wrong.

Euthanasia is a quick and peaceful process as performed by a veterinarian. The animal is unconscious within seconds and dead within less than a minute; the euphemism “put to sleep” is a perfect description. Those who attend the procedure come away reassured that their pets felt no fear or pain.

Some people say that staying with a pet at his death is the final gift of love, but no decision you make regarding the last few minutes of an animal’s life changes the love you shared for the years that preceded those final moments. If you want to be there, by all means stay. We believe you may later find it comforting, and staying until the end will help you with closure. But leaving is no less a humane and loving gesture. You know in your heart what’s best for you and your cat.


Call ahead to set the appointment and make clear to the receptionist what you’re coming for. That way, the practice can ensure you don’t need to sit in the waiting room but instead are immediately ushered into an exam room if you choose to remain with your cat.

Your veterinarian is going to do his best to make sure that all your questions are answered and that you’re comfortable with everything before proceeding. He may clip the fur on your cat’s foreleg for easier and quicker access to the vein for the injection of the euthanizing agent; he may also choose to insert a catheter or sedate your pet.


Crying is normal, and your veterinarian understands. So, too, we believe, does your pet.

You may want to spend a few minutes with your pet afterward, and your veterinarian understands that, as well, and will give you all the time you need alone to begin the process of dealing with your loss. (If your pet dies while in the veterinarian’s care, you may also choose to view the body to give yourself closure and let the healing begin. Discuss this decision with your veterinarian.)

You may be more comfortable with having your pet euthanized at home. If so, discuss the matter with your veterinarian directly. Many vets extend this special service to long-time clients. If yours doesn’t, you may consider making arrangements with a veterinarian who does house calls.

Dealing with loss

Many people are surprised at the powerful emotions that erupt after a pet’s death, and they’re embarrassed by their grief. Remembering that pets have meaning in our lives beyond the love we feel for the animal may help. Often, we don’t realize that we’re grieving not only for the pet we loved but also for the special time the animal represented and the ties to other people in our lives. The death of a cat who was a gift as a kitten from a friend who has died, for example, may trigger bittersweet memories of another love lost.


Taking care of yourself is important at this difficult time. Some people — the “it’s just a cat” crowd — don’t understand your feelings and may shrug off your grief as foolish. The company of other animal lovers is very important. Seek them out to share your feelings. You may be able to find a pet-loss support group in your community, or you can go to the Internet, where sites for sharing the loss are plentiful. The outpouring of support in these virtual communities is heartfelt.

A difficult time, no doubt, but remember: In time, the memories become a source of pleasure, not pain. You’re not on any set timetable, but it happens. We promise.

The Cat’s Meow

A handful of books and one really fine video may help you to help your child with the loss of a pet. From Fred Rogers (yes, “Mr. Rogers,” of the Neighborhood) comes the book When a Pet Dies (Putnam) and the video Death of a Goldfish. Rachel Biale’s My Pet Died (Tricycle Press) not only helps children cope better by giving them pages to fill in, but also offers parents advice in special pages that can be torn out. Finally, Judith Viorst’s The Tenth Good Thing About Barney (Aladdin) is a book that experts in pet loss have been recommending for years.

A great book for adults is Dr. Wallace Sife’s The Loss of a Pet (Howell Book House).

What about the remains?

You can handle your pet’s remains in many ways, and doing so is easier if you make your decisions beforehand. The choices include having your municipal animal-control department pick up the body, burying the pet in your backyard or at another site (where it’s legal and with the land owner’s permission, of course), arranging for cremation, or contracting with a pet cemetery for full services and burial. Again, no choice is “wrong.” Whatever feels right to you and comforts you best is what you should do.

The next topic is a difficult one but one that Paul insisted we add to this second edition. The issue is postmortem examination. If your pet dies unexpectedly or while under the care of your veterinarian, and there is any question as to the cause of death or your veterinarian believes there are lessons to be learned by performing a postmortem examination, we encourage you to agree. This may not help your cat but it may very well help hundreds or thousands of other cats. What better way to demonstrate your love of your cat than to assist in the advancement of care for other cats with similar health problems?

Finally, several manufacturers offer tasteful and attractive markers for your yard to memorialize your pet; these items are often advertised in the back of such magazines as Cat Fancy. Other marker choices include large rocks or slabs of stone or a tree or rose bush. Even if you choose not to have your pet’s body or ashes returned, placing a memorial in a special spot may soothe you.

The Cat’s Meow

One great way to celebrate the memory of your cat is to make a donation to your local humane society, regional school of veterinary medicine, or other favorite animal charity. A donation in a beloved pet’s name is a wonderful thing to do for a friend who’s lost a pet as well.

You’re not alone

You may find talking to others about your pet’s death helpful. Ask your veterinarian about pet-loss support groups. Almost unheard of a couple decades ago, such groups are available in many communities today. An excellent resource online is The Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement

Veterinary schools and colleges have been among the leaders in creating programs to help pet lovers deal with loss. A handful now operate pet-loss hot lines staffed by veterinary students trained to answer questions, offer materials that may help you (including guidelines for helping children with loss), and just plain listen. These are wonderful programs, and they’re free for the cost of the call. (If you call during off hours, they call you back, collect.)

Locations, operating hours, and phone numbers of pet-loss hot lines are as follows:

University of California at Davis School of Veterinary Medicine Hours of operation: 6:30 to 9:30 p.m., Mondays through Fridays; Tuesdays through Thursdays during summer 530-752-4200

Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine Hours of operation: 6 to 9 p.m., Tuesdays through Thursdays 607-253-3932

Washington State University College of Veterinary Medicine Hours of operation: 6:30 to 9 p.m., Mondays through Thursdays; 1 to 3 p.m. Saturdays 509-335-5704

University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine Hours of operation: 7 to 9 p.m., Mondays through Fridays 352-392-4700, Ext. 4080

Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine Hours of operation: 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 517-432-2696

Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine Hours of operation: 6:30 to 9:30 p.m., Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 614-292-1823

Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine Hours of operation: 6 to 9 p.m., Monday though Friday 508-839-7966

Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine Hours of operation: 6 to 9 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday 540-231-8038

University of Illinois at Champaign Urbana College of Veterinary Medicine Hours of operation: 7 to 9 p.m., Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday 217-244-2273

Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine Hours of operation: 6 to 9 p.m., Monday through Friday 888-478-7574

by Gina Spadafori and Paul D. Pion


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