Axolotl Frequently Asked Questions

Where Can You Find Axolotls?  

Axolotls are also called Mexican Salamanders because they are mainly found in Mexico – in Central Mexico, to be exact.

There was a time when the lakes in Central Mexico were filled with Axolotls. However, Mexico developed a lot of cities and the lakes were destroyed. Now, Axolotls are only found in small canals in the areas surrounding Mexico. 

Since Axolotls prefer staying in deep waters that have plenty of marine plants, losing their habitats in lakes has greatly affected their population. That’s one of the reasons why Axolotls are now an endangered species. 

Axolotls are an endangered species. 

How Do Axolotls Behave?  

Since Axolotls remain in their larvae form throughout their lives, bodies of water have also become their permanent homes. As previously said, they can be compared to frogs that never develop from their tadpole stage – so as tadpoles, they will remain in the water. 

Axolotls have another unusual trait. If their habitat dries up, they will be forced to develop into adult forms. If tadpoles are removed from the water, they will die (since they are not land animals yet). However, in the case of Axolotls, removing them from water will only trigger their transformation into an adult form. That’s how amazing this species is! 

As nocturnal creatures, Axolotls are more active at night. During daytime, they will simply rest. 

Axolotls are more active at night. 

What does it do when it’s active at night? It mainly looks for food so it can eat. With its slow movement, it actively searches for food in the dark by using its sense of smell. Remember, it’s dark, so it really can’t see anything, but its sense of smell is really good – so when it smells or senses something (a prey – or a live food) it simply snaps at it and eats it. 

Axolotls have tiny teeth in their mouths that they can use to bite into food and tear and chew them into pieces. Their movement when feeding is so fast that they can suck in live animals as if they have a vacuum in their mouths. 

What Do Axolotls Eat?  

When still very young, Axolotls are herbivorous – which means that they mostly eat plants. During this time, algae and other marine plants serve as their food. 

As Axolotls mature, they become carnivorous creatures. Therefore, they no longer eat plants but prefer meat instead. During this time, they eat small insects and small animals and even small types of fish. 

How Do Axolotls Breed and Reproduce?  

When it’s breeding season, a male Axolotl will “dance” to get the attention of the female. It will also make physical contact with the female in the hopes that it will be willing to become its partner. 

When a male and a female Axolotl finally partner up, the male will drop its sperms in the water. These will land on the plants and rocks that are scattered on the ocean floor. 

The female will then pick up the sperms so that her eggs will become fertilized. The process of fertilization is needed in order for the female to have eggs. 

After the fertilization process, it will take about 24 hours (or a day) for the female to lay her eggs. She will lay these in the water and groups of many eggs will fall to the ocean floor. 

Although the female Axolotl can lay up to about 400 eggs in a day, the typical number of eggs is only about 200 – which is still a lot. You might think that these will easily hatch into baby Axolotls, that’s simply not the case. 

It will take about two to three weeks for the eggs to hatch. With the eggs exposed to the many predators underwater, there’s really very little chance for all the eggs to survive. In fact, an egg-eating sea animal can easily finish up a whole batch of Axolotl eggs in one go. 

Still, having the ability to lay many eggs is good. Even if only half of those eggs survive (or even less than half) that would still mean a lot of baby Axolotls. 

If the eggs survive being eaten and are able to hatch, baby Axolotls will have an even greater chance for survival since they can already move (and therefore escape predators). 

At 18 to 24 months (about two years), Axolotls are already considered mature. By this time, they have already mastered the ways of living underwater and are also ready for breeding. 

What does Science say about Axolotls  

Axolotls have a great contribution to science because scientists use them as model organisms. As you know, animals are used for research so that medicines for humans can be developed. 

It has been found that Axolotls are easier to breed in captivity than other species of Salamanders – so that’s good. If they can be bred, then there will be a lot of animals that can be studied in the laboratory. 

Axolotls have the ability to grow new limbs to replace damaged ones. 

The Axolotl’s healing ability is also useful during research and studies. It has been found that, aside from having the ability to grow new limbs, they can also accept transplants. Transplants are important in the field of science because humans sometimes need transplants, such as when they lose limbs in accidents. 

Needless to say, this is one of the favorite species of animals in laboratories because they don’t easily die. In fact, there are cases when injured limbs are healed and new limbs are also developed – the animal will then have an extra limb. 

What is the Population Status of Axolotls  

Axolotls are a critically endangered species. Their numbers are few in the wild – so few in fact, that the chance for recovery is very slim. 

Since they are being bred in captivity (in laboratories and other facilities), we can only hope that this species will not totally disappear in the near future. They are cute and useful animals – and they have their own role in keeping the planet’s ecosystem in balance. That means that all animals are important because they keep our planet healthy. Axolotls are cute – that’s why they are popular as pets. 

What are the Threats to Axolotls ?  

Introducing other types of fish in places where Axolotls live will further endanger their lives. Newly introduced batches of fish can eat Axolotls and that will further contribute to their death. 

Being popular pets also works against them. If they are removed from their natural habitat just so they can be put in a small aquarium, they will not be able to breed well. Breeding is one of our remaining hopes in letting this species of animal recover its number. 

Axolotls and Humans  

Now that you know Axolotls better, be a better caretaker for them if you should decide to keep them as pets. 

They actually make good pets as they are easy to take care of and easy to feed (just give them worms and feeder fish and they’re be happy). 

It is also important to put them in tanks with 61 to 63 degree Fahrenheit temperature. This is really important because not providing them with a proper environment can make them sick. 

Remember, if you’re going to take care of Axolotls, make sure that they are happy and healthy in their new environment. This way, you will help keep the species alive while also making some new friends.

Jack Nelson


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