This chapter is concerned with the internal and external aerodynamics of the nose involved in the sense of smell (olfaction) as they relate to training and searching with SDs. The sense of smell involves detection and perception of chemicals (odorants or scent molecules) inhaled by the dog. These scent molecules in the environment enter the dog’s nose in the gas phase, in the solid phase as particulates from a source, and attached to particulate matter such as dust or skin fakes. In the warm and humid environment of the nose, scent molecules in the gas phase and those detached from particulates contact sensors (receptors) that generate electrical signals which are sent to the brain. Signal processing and learning by the brain result in the “perception” of an odor or scent.
1.1 Physiology and Function
Olfaction links the dog’s brain to their external environment.
Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of the “wiring” system for olfaction in
mammals, including dogs.
There is a cavity (olfactory recess) at the rear of the nose behind
and below the eyes with a lining of tissue (epithelial layer) that contains the
receptor cells (neurons) (Figure 1). The ends of the receptor cells have 10 to
30 cilia, tiny hairlike structures immersed in mucous, that are in contact with
inhaled air containing odorants (Marples 1969). The binding sites for odorants
in the air are located on the cilia. Each receptor binds to a single type of
odorant. When this occurs, the reaction produces a tiny electrical signal that
is transmitted to a kind of junction box (glomerulus) in the olfactory bulb of
the brain. Several thousand receptors for a specific odorant are randomly
distributed in the nasal lining and are connected to the same glomerulus.
Mitral cells in the glomerulus send the signal to the olfactory cortex of the
brain where information from several types of scent receptors is combined into
a pattern (an odor object) that characterizes the perception of a scent. The
brain can do this because each odorant activates a unique combination of
An odorant also possesses properties that can contribute to scent discrimination (Schoenfeld and Cleland 2005). These include volatility and water solubility that influence movement of molecules through the nose during inhalation. The random distribution of receptor cells makes it possible for dogs to modify scent patterns by influencing the number of molecules reaching different receptors during a sniff. Dogs can then modify and analyze scent patterns by regulating their sniffing.
There is another olfactory system for detecting scent that uses the
vomeronasal organ in the roof of a dog’s mouth. It is thought that this system
is used primarily for detecting pheromones relating to sexual activity.
However, retrievers used in duck hunting, trailing dogs following a trail
through water, and water search dogs have been observed tasting the water. The
process is different from drinking in that the mouth is partially opened and
water flows through it and out the sides of the mouth. This suggests that the
dogs may be using the vomeronasal organ to detect scent in or on the water or
it may be possible for the dogs to “taste” scent.
11 The Dog’s Nose and Scent The foregoing description
of the olfactory system of mammals suggests that the physical and chemical
characteristics of odorants that allow them to bind to receptors form the basis
for the dog’s perception of scent. While binding to receptors is an initial
and necessary step in olfaction, it appears that memory and perceptual learning
play a fundamental role in scent discrimination and perception (Wilson and
Stevenson 2003; Lovitz et al. 2012). The process of perceptual learning involves
continued experience (training) with a scent which leads to improved detection,
recognition, discrimination, and perception of that scent. It is important to
train regularly with all the scent variations that SDs will be tasked to find
(Goldblatt et al. 2009).
Most scents are mixtures of many odorants. A mixture
of only two odor-ants can result in a new scent that is weaker or stronger than
either odorant or one odorant can mask the other partially or completely. This
makes it impossible to predict how a mixture will be perceived by SDs. The
results of studies of mixtures of four or more types of scent molecules (Wilson
and Stevenson 2003; Lovitz et al. 2012; Goldblatt et al. 2009) indicate that
people, dogs, and other animals do not perceive all the individual scent
molecules in a source but perceive the mixture as a whole; it is synthesized.
The idea that dogs can smell every component in a stew is probably not correct.
Synthetic processing based on experience uses memory
and pattern recognition to form an odor object for the mixture. The process is
similar to the sense of sight in that the brain does not perceive each pixel of
a tree but forms a visual object that it perceives as a tree. Formation of odor
objects by the brain is a relatively simple, efficient, and flexible way of
perceiving odors in the environment that gives an almost unlimited ability to
smell new odors. Tus, the search object that SDs seek is likely an odor object
(Gazit et al. 2005a).
The above description of the sense of smell is
primarily concerned with the details of sensing and perception that are
internal processes. However, considerable practical information can be obtained
by considering the fluid dynamics (air and scent movement) interior and exterior
to the dog’s nose. Dogs smell by sniffing and Figure 2 is an accurate,
three-dimensional model of the left canine nasal airway, reconstructed from
high-resolution MRI scans (Craven 2008; Craven et al. 2010).
When inhaling, air is drawn into the nostril from a
distance up to about 4 inches. Dogs tend to reduce this distance to zero
(Settles and Kester 2001), which provides them with the highest scent
concentration, allows them to sample the source independently with each
nostril, and to discern the spatial distribution of the source. Flow paths
during exhalation bypass the olfactory recess, leaving scent-laden air there
for more time which enhances absorption of scent molecules. Sniffing frequency
for free air sniffing is about 4 to 7 times per second in short bouts. Sniffing can
be observed in the movement of the thin skin on the side of my Beagle’s nose
but is difficult to see on the side of my Lab’s nose due to the thicker skin. If
the source is inaccessible, the bouts are longer with a frequency as low as of
one sniff every 2 or 3 seconds. Notice the long deep sniffs a dog takes when
sniffing at the crack of a closed door to an inaccessible room.
Part of the inhaled air is used for respiration and part is directed into the olfactory recess (Figure 2) where hundreds of millions of receptor cells are located (I would like to know who counted them). Tus, olfactory and respiratory airflows are separated, each with a distinct flow path and velocity through the nasal cavity.
On exhalation, an interior fap of skin at the front
of the nose closes and slits on the side of the nose cause air jets to be
directed to the sides of the dog’s nose and downward (Settles et al. 2002). This
nearly eliminates mixing of the exhaled air with the inhaled air so that fresh
uncontaminated scent is introduced into a dog’s nose during sniffing. Laboratory
experiments have shown that dust particles smaller than about 100 ÎĽm can be
made airborne and subsequently inhaled (Figure 3). This indicates that these
jets can also dislodge particulates, skin fakes, and, probably, adsorbed
volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from surfaces.
Observations of CDs show that dogs cast about, typically cross wind, when searching for a buried source or a hidden one on the ground surface. On detecting the source, their movements become more directed as they follow the scent plume. As they approach the source, their noses are close to the ground surface and they typically pass over the source while sniffing and then back up slightly until their noses are directly over the source or downwind of it. The dogs attempt to put their noses as close as possible to the source before giving their alert, a desirable behavior. This method maximizes the ability of the dogs to detect scent since they can detect scent molecules in the air, cause particulates to become airborne and then inhaled, and actively dislodge scent molecules from surfaces which can be inhaled. Not all dogs use this method exactly. There are differences between dogs and between different breeds of dogs (e.g. hounds and some dogs tend to work with their noses always close to the ground).
This abbreviated description of the scenting process
of dogs indicates that dogs smell VOCs in the gas phase and from particulates
(since these may emit VOCs) that contact the receptors in their nose. They
cannot smell particulate materials such as skin fakes and dust particles directly.
Skin fakes (Figure 4) contain volatile glandular secretions (skin oils) and
bacteria which produce VOCs that dogs can smell (Syrotuck 1972). Dust particles
may contain VOCs from explosives, drugs, and cadavers since, under dry
conditions, dust particles adsorb VOCs on their surfaces. With the dog’s head
nearly vertical (Figure 3), the slits on the sides of the nose direct the
exhaled air jets downward and backward along the surface which causes particulates
to become airborne and allows the dog to inhale some of them. On inhalation,
the particulates are brought into the warm and humid environment of the nose.
For dust particles with adsorbed VOCs on their surfaces, the humid environment
provides water molecules that replace the adsorbed VOCs and allows their
transfer to the receptors where they can be detected.
McLean and Sargisson (2005) proposed a variation of the effects of the air jets observed by Settles et al. (2002). When sniffing dry soil surfaces, the dog’s moist exhaled air jets may cause VOCs adsorbed on the dry dust particles to be replaced by water molecules and be released into the air where the dog can inhale and detect them directly. While this hypothesis is plausible, Phelan and Webb (2002) suggest that it may not be necessary because of the robust scenting ability of dogs.
It appears that the scenting methods used by SDs to
detect sources involve direct sniffing of source VOCs and airborne particulates.
Dogs can also use exhalation air jets to remove VOCs and particulates from
surfaces which can then be inhaled. VOCs adsorbed on the particulates can then
be desorbed in the humid and warm air in their noses which frees them for
detection. These methods are part of the sniffing process which dogs use to detect
scent. In addition, conditions dictate which methods are most efficient and dogs
appear to learn to select the appropriate methods for those conditions.
It is of interest to know whether dogs use their
eyes in addition to their noses to locate sources. EDs have been tested under
both virtually dark (very low light intensity) and full light conditions in
controlled (indoor) and uncontrolled (field) environments (Gazit and Terkel
2003b). The main sense used by these dogs for detection was their scenting
ability, not only when vision was difficult (in very low light intensity) but
also in full light. Neither the presence nor the absence of light influenced the
dogs’ detection ability. However, in addition to scent, search and rescue (SAR)
dogs use their eyes to locate visible sources or subjects. Some hounds that
trail with their noses to the ground learn to look for subjects. This difference
between EDs and SAR dogs appears to be due to their training. EDs are trained
almost entirely with hidden sources that can only be found using their scenting
ability. SAR dog training generally includes subjects and sources that are
sometimes visible, especially at short distances, so that the dogs learn to
look for them.
There is little information on limits to the ability
of CDs to detect VOCs from buried decomposing bodies, but experiments with EDs
have shown that their sensing thresholds for explosives can be lower than those
of laboratory instrumentation (Phelan and Webb 2002 or 2003). There were differences
in the sensitivities of the dogs. Not all dogs could reach these low levels and
some dogs could not sense even high levels. There were differences in the sensitivity
of an individual dog on sequential days and in the reliability of an individual
dog at a given level of VOCs. Variations in training history and methods also
resulted in different capabilities between dogs. This suggests it would be
desirable to test the ability of candidate SDs to detect low scent levels and
to select a dog with a suitable nose before investing the time, money, and
effort in training and to define and use optimal training methods.
Dogs usually start to pant at temperatures in the 80s°F,
but this depends on age, physical conditioning, level of work being performed,
and genetic factors. Panting is thought to reduce a dog’s scenting ability
because, with their mouths open, more air is drawn directly into their lungs
through their mouth rather than through their nose. Experience with hardworking
air scenting hunting dogs indicates that they appear to work better at air temperatures
in the 60s°F or less. However, search dogs and hunting dogs appear to pant
while running and are still able to scent the target source, indicating that
some of the inhaled scent that enters through the nostrils moves into the
olfactory recess.
Studies of racing sled dogs, hunting dogs, and other
working dogs (Grandjean and Clero 2011; Reynolds 2017) discuss diet (nutrition)
and exercise (physical training) requirements for optimum physical
performance. A study by Altom et al. (2003) investigated the effects of diet and
exercise on olfactory acuity (scenting ability). A group of dogs was exercised
30 min/day, 3 days per week on a treadmill, while another group was exercised
10 min/ day, 1 day per week. After 12 weeks, the two groups were subjected to a
stress test (treadmill) for 1 hour, followed by measurements of their olfactory
acuity (ability to detect an odorant). The exercise group did not show a
reduction in their olfactory acuity from their pretest baseline. However, the
non-exercise group showed a 64% reduction in olfactory acuity following the
physical stress test. This data shows that a moderate physical conditioning
program can help SDs maintain their scenting ability during periods of intense
work. Gazit and Terkel (2003a) found that increased panting resulted in a
significant decrease in explosives detection, but that the dogs were eventually
able to adjust to working in extreme conditions. Grandjean and Clero (2011)
point out that nutrition and training are interrelated and provide extensive
recommendations for various types of working dogs.
The sense of smell in dogs and other animals has
evolved by natural selection for the ability to use chemical cues (scent
molecules) in activities associated with finding food, reproduction, and
survival. Consequently, they are extremely effective at detecting and
discriminating odors associated with these activities. This implies that the
threshold for detecting some odorants may depend on their importance for
survival to the dog. Some sources (e.g. explosives) that dogs are required to
detect do not meet this requirement. However, dogs quickly learn that finding
these sources enhances activities that are a normal part of their lives
(obtaining food and bonding with pack members, handlers, and others).
The above description of the olfactory system for
dogs suggests that the size of the system and the number of receptors would
indicate the ability of the system to detect and discriminate scent. Rats,
mice, and dogs have about the same number of functional olfactory genes and
their olfactory systems are comparable in their ability to detect and
discriminate odorants. However, dog olfactory recesses vary widely in size
(compare Bloodhounds and Rottweilers to Beagles and Terriers) and all are much
larger than those of rats and mice, a seeming contradiction. This suggests that
other factors may be involved in the sense of smell in mammals.
2 Scent
Training and using SDs efficiently require an
understanding of scent characteristics, movement, and interaction of scent
with the environment. While information on scent characteristics has been scant
in the past, there has been a rapid expansion of information over the last two
decades. On the other hand, information on scent movement and the interaction
of scent with the environment is sparse. This section reviews some of the
information on scent characteristics and scent during training. Scent and Wind
through Water Searches are concerned with scent movement and its interaction with the
2.1 Properties
Scent molecules are defined by their physical and
chemical characteristics at the molecular level, especially those that allow
them to bind to receptors. Scent is the dog’s learned perception in the brain
as a result of processing signals from the receptors and their experience.
All solid and liquid phases of matter emit gas
molecules that are part of the scent that dogs detect. The process is often
referred to as outgassing and can include evaporation (liquid to gas phase
changes), sublimation (solid to gas phase changes), and desorption (removal of
a substance that has been absorbed or adsorbed by a solid or liquid). We will
use the general term, “volatilization”, to describe the processes by which
scent molecules are transferred from liquids and solids to the gas phase. This
transfer of a chemical into the atmosphere involves several steps, including
not only phase transformations but also transport processes. The rate of
volatilization depends primarily on the material’s vapor pressure. Materials
with high vapor pressure at normal temperatures are said to be volatile (they
outgas readily emitting a lot of molecules, e.g. gasoline). Volatility of a
material is measured by its equilibrium vapor pressure. This is done by placing
the material in a closed container and monitoring the vapor pressure in the
space (headspace) over the material and by more complex methods. The vapor
pressure increases as more molecules leave the material than return to it. When
the number of molecules leaving the material equals the number returning, the
pressure becomes constant at the equilibrium vapor pressure. Volatility
increases with temperature so that higher temperatures increase the amount of
scent escaping from a source and available for detection. This makes volatility
of the scent source an important factor in training, testing, and deploying
SDs. Dogs can detect scent emitted from living and dead organisms and matter,
both natural and manufactured, provided the scent source is sufficiently volatile
or has a component that is volatile. Typical values of equilibrium vapor
pressure in mm of mercury (Hg) near room temperature are: water vapor, 8;
trinitrotoluene (TNT), 7.0E-6 (0.000007); acetic acid (heroin), 13; and
dimethyl disulfide (human decomposition), 28. Normal atmospheric pressure is
about 760 mm Hg (29.92 inches or 14.7 pounds per square inch).
Most of the scent from sources that SDs seek are
VOCs. VOCs are compounds whose molecules contain carbon although some carbon
containing compounds are classified as inorganic. VOCs have high vapor pressures
at ordinary ambient temperatures that cause a significant number of molecules to
volatilize from the liquid or from the solid form into the air. The scent of
ethyl alcohol (C2H6O) is an example that even humans can
easily detect. Examples of volatile inorganic compounds (VICs) include those
containing nitrogen (e.g. ammonia, NH3) and sulfur (e.g. hydrogen
sulfide, H2S).
Scent density refers to the “weight” of the scent
molecules per unit volume and can be an important factor in scent movement.
Density is not a significant factor for movement in an open system that is
subject to air currents. However, it can be a factor in closed systems (e.g.
containers, autos, houses) with no internal air currents and in open systems
with restricted pore space (e.g. soils, snow) that inhibit air movement. If the
scent density is less than air (e.g. ammonia), the scent can be expected to
rise, and if it is greater than air (e.g. dinitrotoluene, DNT), it will sink or
flow downward. Almost all VOCs from explosives, drugs, and human remains are
heavier than air so they would be expected, in the absence of wind, to drain
downward and settle in low areas (depressions over graves, ditches, floor
drains, car floors). In outdoor settings, scent can pool in these areas and,
under calm and cloudy conditions, can remain there until removed by turbulent
air conditions.
2.2 Surfaces
Surfaces in contact with airborne VOCs can interact
with the VOCs and modify the concentration of VOCs available to SDs. Common
surfaces include natural ones (soil and rock, vegetation, wood) and
manufactured ones (cloth, plastic, pavement, metal). VOCs in contact with
surfaces can produce new chemical compounds that may help or hinder SDs. VOCs
may be adsorbed (stick) to surfaces and later serve as sources by desorbing (volatilizing)
by natural processes or by air jets from the dog’s nose. Some sources,
especially drugs and explosives, produce microparticles that are “sticky” and
adhere to surfaces where they volatilize or can be removed by the action of
dog’s exhalation air jets, producing scent for dogs to detect. This sticky
nature of VOCs and microparticles can cause contamination of nearby surfaces
such as other training aids, clothes, hair, hands, travel bags, and dust
particles (Oxley et al. 2008; Goldblatt 2017). Dogs can detect these
contaminated surfaces and dust particles (Phelan and Webb 2003).
When scent molecules contact surfaces, their
behavior depends on their properties, properties of the surface, and external
conditions (wind velocity, temperature, humidity, and other factors). The
amount of scent that volatilizes from skin secretions, decomposition fluids,
explosives, drugs, and other sources depends on their volatility, surface area
of the source, whether it is contained or buried, and environmental factors. A
substance that has a larger surface area will evaporate at a faster rate,
resulting in more scent (because there are more surface molecules in contact
with the air). Wind increases evaporation rates from a source by enhancing the
movement of scent molecules away from the surface into the air which increases
its volatility. Increased temperatures increase volatility by making scent
molecules more energetic which allow them to more easily escape a source.
The amount of scent and the time it remains on a surface
also depends on the number of binding sites for the scent molecules. Metals
have few binding sites while most natural surfaces such as vegetation, soil,
and wood have many. VOCs attach readily to these natural surfaces at cooler
temperatures and volatilize at warmer temperatures. This accounts for the daily
and seasonal variations of VOCs found in the environment. For example, the air
in forests normally emits more VOCs during the day than at night and more
during warm seasons than colder seasons (Schade and Goldstein 2001).
Air humidity is also an important factor. VOCs
readily attach to dust and very dry soils. With an increase in humidity, water
molecules preferentially replace the VOCs on soil surfaces allowing the VOCs
to escape into the air, resulting in dramatic increases in VOC emissions from
the soil (Petersen et al. 1996).
Once scent has been deposited on surfaces, it has a
remarkable ability to survive. Depending on the surface, it can survive
washing, radiation, explosions, fire, and even attempts to mask its presence
(Stockham et al. 2004; Goldblatt et al. 2009). Some sources (e.g. urine) may
contain other chemicals, besides the scent molecules, that stabilize the scent
and allow it to remain in the environment longer.
2.3 Residual Scent
The above discussion indicates that VOCs can attach
to surfaces some distance from the source. In addition, when a source is
placed at a site and removed later, VOCs, microparticles, and liquid residuals
may be left behind. These materials can be in the form of liquids from the
source, liquids that have been in contact with the source, particulates from the
source, and VOCs from it. Fingerprints consisting of liquids and particulates
(skin fakes) are an example, and VOCs that accumulate on vegetation downwind of
a source are another. VOCs from liquids, particulates, and the source, when it
was present, can remain in the air and/or may be adsorbed on nearby objects
around the former location of the source or downwind from it.
While there are numerous anecdotal examples of
residual scent involving SDs, there are few studies of it. Scent from some
sources such as explosives and drugs can be transferred to the skin and
clothing of persons handling them and to objects they touch (notice airport
security wiping baggage surfaces). CDs have alerted on blood in vehicles that
were involved in accidents a decade earlier (Osterkamp, unpublished), have
alerted in vehicles that were used to transport bodies, and have found
clandestine graves where the body had been removed. The FBI has shown that the
scent of a person can linger in the neighborhood where their house was located
for at least 6 months after they have moved. A trailing dog given a scent
article from the person trailed a short distance to the house (Stockham et al.
2004). This could have been a result of VOCs on the nearby vegetation and other
surfaces or perhaps the home with its many porous surfaces saturated with the
person’s scent was acting as a source that attracted the dog.
Volatilized scent molecules from a source that has
been removed can cause SDs to alert, but little is known about the conditions
that need to be favorable for this to occur. In the short term (days to weeks),
scent molecules can probably linger in the air at sites with restricted air
circulation (e.g. carpet, grass, leaf layer on the forest floor). In the long
term (perhaps weeks to years), it appears that the scent molecules would have
to be adsorbed on or absorbed in objects around the site. Changes in
temperature, wind, humidity, the mechanical action of sniffing (air jets), or
the dog’s movement may cause the scent molecules to dislodge or volatilize from
the objects which makes them available for detection.
A study of the residual scent left by marijuana,
hashish, amphetamine, cocaine, and heroin in unsealed plastic bags used the
number of alerts of trained DDs to evaluate the persistence of scent at 24/48
hours after the drug was removed from the site of the hide (Jezeirsky et al.
2014). The residual scents of hashish and marijuana were the most persistent and
that of heroin the least, although it has a high vapor pressure. The percent of
dogs alerting on the former location of hashish sources in open plastic bags
after 24/48 hours was 100/80% and on heroin 33/8%. The VOCs causing the alerts
may have diffused through the plastic bags to the surface on which they were
resting or may have passed directly to the air from the unsealed bags and then
adsorbed on nearby surfaces. It is known that airtight containers used to
transport sources to training sites may eventually develop contaminated
exterior surfaces that leave residual scent wherever they are placed. These
results suggest that care must be taken to allow time (several days or more)
for residual scent to dissipate when using areas (buildings, vehicles, field
sites) repeatedly during training and testing. They also suggest that an alert
during a search where nothing is found may mean that a source was previously
present at the site or nearby. For most applications, it is desirable to train
the dogs to offer their alert only when the source is present.
3 Training Aids
Training SDs requires that we have an example
(training aid) of the target source to use to communicate to the dogs the scent
we wish them to find. Training aids are commonly packaged and/or put in
containers to prevent the dogs from coming in contact with the source. The
packaging should not look like toys that are used to reward them since this may
lead the dogs to pick them up, an undesirable behavior (Goldblatt et al. 2009).
Aids should have the same scent expected to be found in searches. If the aids
do not have the same scent, their scent should be sufficiently similar to the
target source to allow the dogs to generalize and detect the source. It appears
that the ability to generalize depends on the similarity of the scent of the
trained and untrained target source, breadth of training with different
variations of the source, and, possibly, the dog’s intelligence. If the target
source is a single chemical compound the task is easier, but most sources
contain many chemical compounds and it may not be known which chemical(s)
triggers the dog’s alert.
The training aid could be some of the source
material, something to which the source scent has been transferred, or a mimic
(simulant) of the source. While the source material used with direct scenting
is an ideal training aid, it can be difficult to obtain, inconvenient, sometimes
requiring numerous source variations, and even dangerous or illegal to use
(e.g. explosives, drugs, cadavers). Transferring the source scent to a sorbent
material (e.g. gauze pad) alleviates these problems (this method is also used by
trailing dog handlers to create human scent articles). The transfer can be
accomplished by direct contact with the source (e.g. wiping a solid or
transferring part of a liquid source onto the material), passively adsorbing
scent from the source onto the material, and by actively drawing scent through
sorbent material to which the scent molecules adhere. Wiping a source with
sorbent material transfers some of the scent to the material. However, in some
cases, wiping may destroy evidence such as fingerprints.
Passive adsorption involves placing the sorbent
material in contact with the source or placing the source and the material,
without contact, in a closed container. A significant time may be needed to
transfer the scent and, if the material contacts the source, it may modify or
destroy a fragile source. Actively drawing scent from the source through and
onto sorbent material to create the training aid is a relatively fast process
that still preserves the source for forensic analysis. The Scent Transfer Unit
100 (STU-100) is a portable, low power vacuum cleaner which uses this method of
scent collection (Tolhurst 1991; Eckenrode et al. 2006).
Training aids may attempt to simulate the scent
source by using the pure chemical, chemical mixtures, a chemical component(s)
of the source that is a major portion of its vapor headspace, or by using a
small amount of the active chemical in a nonhazardous matrix (e.g. silica,
fiber, inert chemical). Another method separates the components of an explosive
mixture but allows their gases to combine and form a merged scent (Lazarowski
and Dorman 2014).
It has been shown that some simulants may not elicit
an alert by SDs which indicates that not all the dominant components are the
actual odor-ants used by the dogs to detect explosives and drugs (Macias et al.
2008; Macias 2009). Regardless of the method used to develop an aid, it should
be confirmed that SDs trained using the aid recognize and alert on the target
source during field operations and that trained canines recognize and alert on
the aid. Training procedures may also need to be modified to proof the dogs of
scents introduced by the method. Also, the dogs still need to be trained on
variations of the actual sources encountered while working.
Dogs are the gold standard for detecting sources
under field conditions because of their scenting ability that allows them to
distinguish the source from a diverse scent background, their mobility in
difficult terrain, their use of highly efficient methods for detecting and
precisely locating a source, their intelligence, and their rapport with humans.
While electronic “noses” may be able to detect the presence of a source, they
must be transported or directed around the search area by a human that
understands the effects of weather (especially wind), terrain, and vegetation on
scent movement; have a reliable way of precisely locating the source once it
has been detected; be able to work through turbulence and discontinuous scent
plumes, and be able to distinguish the source from similar background scents.
Also, an instrument cannot provide emotional support and rapport that may be
desirable under the stressful conditions associated with finding some sources
(e.g. explosives).
3.1 Explosives
The importance, difficulties, inconveniences, and dangers of using the actual explosives as training aids have resulted in extensive efforts to develop aids that are safe and convenient to use. These efforts have been hampered by the possible explosive nature of the aids, the large number of different explosives, possible improvised explosives, lack of knowledge about what chemicals trigger the dog’s alert, debate over training methods, and other factors. Table 2.1 shows some common explosives and their vapor pressures; many more exist.
![]() |
Source: Data from Ewing, R.G. et al. 2013. Trends Anal Chem 42:35–48.a 1.9E−1 means the number with the decimal point moved one place left (0.19). |
Generally, explosives in the top half of Table 2.1 are readily detected by dogs. Some explosives such as RDX and HMX have extremely low vapor pressures that indicate so few scent molecules are emitted from them that dogs are not likely to be able to detect the explosive component directly from the VOC emissions resulting from vapor pressure. Goldblatt (2017) suggests that stickiness of explosive microparticles may be as important as vapor pressure. The ability of dogs to use nasal air jets to dislodge and inhale particles of explosives and dust containing explosive VOCs may account for the ability of dogs to detect some explosives.
Vapor pressures of some explosives vary strongly
with temperature. While there is considerable variability in the data, it
appears that the vapor pressure of TNT increases about 10 times when the
temperature increases from 25°C (77°F) to 40°C (104°F) (Oxley et al. 2005)
indicating that much more scent would be available at higher temperatures.
The mol weight of dry air is 29 g/mol and that of
humid air is less because the water vapor in it is just 18 g/mol. In the
absence of wind or air currents, all the scent molecules from the explosives
shown in Table 2.1 would eventually drain to the lowest point in the area
because their mol weight is greater than that of air. This suggests, when
there is no wind or there is a downslope flow, it would be desirable to
search for hazardous sources (e.g. buried explosives) on a slope by gridding
across the slope and advancing the grid upslope.
Commercial explosives are often mixtures of other
explosives and contain chemicals in addition to the parent explosive. These
additional chemicals may be a result of the manufacturing process, weathering,
chemical reactions between components, and other factors. They are commonly more
volatile than the parent explosive and may account for most of the vapor in the
headspace of the parent explosive (Goldblatt et al. 2009). For example,
military TNT consists of about 99.8% of 2,4,6-TNT and less than 0.1% of 2,4-DNT
but the vapor in the headspace consists of 58% 2,4,6-TNT and 35% 2,4-DNT, a
result of DNT’s higher vapor pressure (Table 2.1). The primary component of US
military C4 (cyclonite, RDX) is about 91% by weight, but it is not present in
the headspace because of its low vapor pressure.
It seems logical to conclude that EDs would detect
the more common chemicals in the vapor headspace. The problem for training is
that while it may be thought that the dogs are detecting the parent explosive,
they may be learning to detect a volatile component(s) rather than the parent
explosive. Since TNT is found in about 80% of all land mines, this can have
serious consequences. For example, a dog trained on TNT that contains DNT may
learn to detect DNT. Russian and some other manufactured TNT does not contain
DNT and neither does some weathered TNT which may result in a failure of the
dog to alert on them (Goldblatt et al. 2009).
In a study to evaluate the ability of EDs to
generalize from a pure potassium chlorate (PC) source to PC-based mixtures
(Lazarowski and Dorman 2014), it was found that 87% of dogs trained with pure
PC alone did not correctly alert to the presence of one or more of four
PC-based explosive mixtures (PC plus a fuel). However, after training with a
device that kept the components separated but allowed the vapors to combine, a
significant improvement was seen in the number of dogs alerting to PC-based mixtures
compared to training with PC alone. A similar inability of the dogs to generalize
from pure ammonium nitrate to ammonium nitrate-based explosives was also noted.
If it is desired to have dogs reliably alert to a mixture of components X and
Y, then it is not sufficient to train them on only one of the components. This is
not surprising since for a mixture of two scents (X and Y), one may partially
or completely mask the other or a totally new scent may be produced as noted
Jezierski et al. (2012) conducted a study of 80 ED
teams used by Polish police to determine the effectiveness of the teams in
finding explosives in training and testing environments. The study was conducted
using rooms known and unknown to the dogs and the exterior of cars outdoors (Table
2.2). Each search was limited to 10 minutes.
Dynamite (NG based) was the easiest explosive to find
based on the shortest search time, most correct alerts (82%), least misses
(2%), and less false alerts (17%). TNT was the most difficult explosive to find
based on longer than average search time, least correct alerts (49%), most
misses (17%), and most false alerts (33%). These results may be primarily due to
the higher vapor pressure of dynamite compared to TNT.
![]() |
Source: Data from Jezierski, T. et al. 2012. Poster presented at the Canine Science Forum, Barcelona, Spain. |
Teams were less successful searching known rooms compared to unknown rooms based on much longer search times, fewer correct alerts, and many more false alerts (although misses were fewer). The exteriors of cars outdoors were less difficult to search than the rooms although the rooms appear to have been much larger. Experienced teams that reexamined produced more correct alerts and fewer misses but did not produce fewer false alerts.
3.2 Drugs
As with explosives, it is not necessary to use
parent compounds for training DDs. Research that includes studies of the
compounds present in the vapor headspace coupled with studies of the response
of dogs to these compounds indicates the dogs use the most abundant chemical
component(s) in the vapor headspace to detect and find drugs (Furton and Myers
2001). Most of the VOCs in drugs have a high vapor pressure (Table 2.3).
Marijuana is a commonly used drug in the USA and is
now legal in several states. Studies of the headspace volatiles have shown
that there are many; however, α-pinene, β-pinene, myrcene, limonene, and β-caryophyllene
occupy a major portion of the headspace (Hood et al. 1973). Additional studies
with canines indicate that α-pinene, β-pinene, and limonene are important for
developing training aids for marijuana (Lai et al. 2008).
Cocaine was an early example of dogs alerting on the primary head-space component of the target source, methyl benzoate. Methyl benzoate is a decomposition product of cocaine with a high vapor pressure (Table 2.3). Field tests of 28 DDs showed that a threshold level of 1 ÎĽg (microgram) of methyl benzoate spiked with cocaine on US currency was required to initiate an alert by 50% of the dogs (Furton et al. 2002). However, the majority of dogs did not alert to pharmaceutical grade cocaine at levels as high as 1 g. Methyl benzoate is not found on circulated currency in sufficient quantities to cause an alert from a DD. Consequently, an alert on currency by a DD dog indicates that the currency was recently exposed to cocaine since no other drugs are commonly found on currency.
![]() |
a Source: Data from Lai, L.H. et al. 2008. J Sep Sci 31:402–412. b Source: Data from |
Acetic acid is the primary volatile in the headspace of heroin and vinegar (Macias et al. 2008). Since vinegar may be commonly found in the search environment, acetic acid is not a good choice for a training aid for heroin and it will be necessary to find some other compound or to use the drug itself as a training aid.
Benzaldehyde is a primary scent volatile of
methamphetamine (Vu 2001). Results from tests with a small number of DDs (6)
showed that they alerted on street methamphetamine but did not alert on
pharmaceutical grade methamphetamine.
Impurities in drugs because of the manufacturing
process may produce volatiles and some manufacturing processes may result in
the presence or absence of certain volatiles. Dogs trained on training aids
developed from drugs manufactured by one process may not alert on similar drugs
produced by another process. For example, the volatile piperonal is a
recommended training aid for MDMA (Macias 2009). It has been shown that dogs
trained to alert on piperonal will alert on MDMA and dogs trained on MDMA will
alert on piperonal. However, piperonal occurs in widely varying amounts in MDMA
depending on the manufacturing process, a condition that may create difficulties
for dogs using piperonal as a training aid to detect MDMA.
A study of 164 DD teams in 1219 searches for marijuana,
hashish, amphetamine, cocaine, and heroin evaluated the abilities of the dogs
to detect and locate these drugs as shown in Table 2.4 (Jezierski et al. 2014).
Street drugs were used for searches in rooms familiar to the dogs, rooms
unknown to them, outside rooms (stables, storerooms), exteriors and interiors
of cars, and lines of luggage. Each search was limited to 10 minutes.
Marijuana was the easiest drug to detect based on the shortest search time, 92% correct alerts, only 4% misses, and 4% false alerts. Heroin was the most difficult drug to detect with the longest search time, 70% correct alerts, 12% misses, and 18% false alerts. This difficulty occurs even though the primary scent volatile in heroin is acetic acid (Table 2.3) which has a high vapor pressure that should make it relatively easy to detect. The ranking from the easiest to the most difficult was marijuana, hashish, amphetamine, cocaine, and heroin. The areas searched had more than 83% correct alerts except for the interiors (58%) and exteriors (64%) of cars. False alerts were generally less than 15% except for the interiors (36%) and exteriors (22%) of cars. The large fraction of false alerts inside cars was thought to be caused by the odor plume that was distributed throughout the interior space. In the US, some DD handlers close car doors with their dogs inside and other handlers open all car doors to help localize the scent plume but there does not appear to be any research to verify either method. Misses were less than 8% except for the exteriors of cars (15%) where the large fraction of misses was thought to be caused by air turbulence around them.
![]() |
Source: Data from Jezeirsky, T. et al. 2014. Forensic Sci Int 237:112–118. |
Comparison of the results for explosives and drugs indicates that explosives are much more difficult to detect and locate compared to drugs based on 72% vs 88% correct alerts and 20% vs 5% false alerts for explosives and drugs, respectively. This may be caused by the much lower vapor pressures of explosives and subsequent reduced scent availability compared to drugs. However, the question remains open as does the reason for the large percentage of false alerts by the ED teams.
3.3 Human Scent
Human scent from live persons consists of VOCs
produced by bacteria acting on the skin and skin fakes (including skin fakes
from breath), volatilization of secretions (oils) on skin and skin fakes, and
VOCs from breath. Except for breath, this scent is carried upward by body air
currents (Figure 5) and exits the body at the top of the head and on
horizontal surfaces. The scent is carried away from the body by the wind which
produces a human scent plume. It is this airborne scent plume that SDs detect.
See Trails and Trailing for a detailed description of scent movement on and away from the
![]() |
Figure 5 Drawing of the rising boundary layer and human scent plume from a person in calm air. |
Scent from human remains is emitted from the remains
as gases or is readily volatilized from liquids and solids. There are nearly 500
VOCs from decomposing bodies that comprise the total VOC profile for them (Vass
et al. 2004, 2008), but the specific compounds that elicit an alert by CDs are
unknown. Some of the VOCs are present throughout the decomposition process and
others are limited to certain stages of decomposition.
3.3.1 Decomposition
Decomposition processes include autolysis,
putrefaction, liquefaction and disintegration, skeletonization, and diagenesis.
These processes are represented by stages of decomposition (e.g. fresh, early
decomposition, advanced decomposition, skeletonization, and decomposition of
skeletal material) that are largely based on the visual appearance of the
remains (Rebmann et al. 2000; Vass 2001; Dent et al. 2004).
The effects of decomposition processes are to reduce
the body to elemental solids, liquids, and gases. These materials and gases
evolving from them eventually pass into the soil and/or to the atmosphere where
the gases can be detected. Bodies exposed to air decompose roughly eight times
faster than buried bodies and about twice as fast as submerged bodies although
many factors can modify these estimates. The slow decomposition rates of buried
cadavers compared to those on the ground surface are generally a result of cool
soil temperatures, soil moisture, lack of insects and scavengers, and other
factors. For buried bodies, except for shallow graves and/or coarse-grained
soils, decay is mostly anaerobic because of oxygen depletion in graves. Autolysis Autolysis is defined as
self-digestion. Without oxygen, cells begin to decay a few minutes after death
(Vass 2001). Decay proceeds from within the cells with enzymes that dissolve
the cells, eventually causing them to rupture and release fluids that are rich
in nutrients. Bacteria in the respiratory and digestive systems multiply
rapidly. Autolysis becomes apparent in a few days when fluid-filled blisters
appear on the skin and sheets of skin slough of the body. When enough cells
have ruptured, the nutrient-rich fluids become available and putrefaction
occurs. Putrefaction Putrefaction
is the consumption of the soft tissues of the body by microorganisms such as
bacteria, fungi, and protozoa (Vass 2001). The microorganisms feed on the
nutrient-rich fluids produced during autolysis. Body tissues are converted into
gases, liquids, and simple molecules. There is a greenish discoloration of the
skin and it is easily detached. The gases cause tissues in all areas of the body
to swell or bloat (including organs and the circulatory system), which
increases body volume. Gas and fluid accumulations in the intestines eventually
purge from the body, usually from the rectum. Further, protein and fat
decomposition produce putrescine, cadaverine, and other volatile fatty acids.
Saponification, freezing, and mummification are the
processes that retard decomposition. Saponification produces a kind of soap
under favorable conditions (warm and moist environments in the presence of
bacteria) called adipocere, which is formed from the adipose fat layer lying
just beneath the skin. It is a rancid, greasy, soapy, wax-like, and malodorous
substance and its formation inhibits further decomposition. A saponified body
recovered from a deep, water-filled South African cave 10 years after the person
drowned looked like it was in good condition but smelled badly (Zimmermann
2006). Mummification is the process of desiccating tissue into a leathery form
under conditions of dry heat or very cold temperatures and low humidity which
tend to preserve the tissue. This process occurs naturally in deserts and Arctic
regions. Freezing a body at the time of death preserves it by stopping the
decomposition process. Permafrost (perennially frozen ground with temperatures
less than 0°C (32°F)) underlies about 20 to25% of the exposed land surface of
the earth (Osterkamp and Burn 2002). Bodies buried in permafrost for more than
a century have been found almost intact, and animals buried in permafrost for
tens of thousands of years have been found remarkably preserved. Likewise,
bodies encased in glacier ice for several thousand years have been found well
preserved. Liquefaction and Disintegration The
body’s tissues and organs soften during decomposition and degenerate into a mass
of unrecognizable tissue that becomes liquefied with continued decomposition.
Liquefaction products may exude from the natural orifices. In the case of a body
buried directly in the soil, a mucus sheath may form around the body consisting
of liquid body decomposition products and fine soil (Dent et al. 2004).
Ultimately, liquefaction and disintegration of the soft tissues leave behind
skeletonized remains. At this stage, the skeletonized body will be held
together by ligaments and surrounded by a putrid, liquefying mass. Eventually
the liquefaction products may be incorporated within percolating water and
enter surrounding soil and groundwater. Skeletonization and Diagenesis Skeletonization
refers to the removal of soft tissue from bone. Skin, muscle, and internal
organs are generally lost to the environment well before a skeleton becomes
disarticulated. In dry or freezing environments and in water where
saponification has occurred, skeletonization may be incomplete. Bone may be
broken down over time by diagenesis and physical breaking. Diagenesis of bone
exposed to the environment refers to the alteration of bone composition by
several complex processes (Dent et al. 2004).
3.3.2 Scent Sources Chemical Compounds Decomposition
odor increases with time and then decreases through the skeletonization phase
until it may no longer be detectable by humans. During putrefaction,
microorganisms destroy soft tissues in the intestines and elsewhere, producing
gases such as hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, methane, ammonia, sulfur
dioxide, hydrogen, and fatty acids (Vass 2001). Putrescene and cadaverine are
significant decomposition products that have been used to train cadaver dogs
but are toxic and should not be used since other training aids are available.
VOCs emanating from buried cadavers in shallow
graves that are not in coffins are under investigation in long-term experiments
(Vass et al. 2004, 2008). These field experiments are valuable because the
environmental conditions (soil, flora, fauna, moisture, thermal, and
atmospheric) can add to, reduce, or eliminate VOCs from decomposition scent.
Decomposition compounds occur in the following classes: acids, alcohols,
halogens, ketones, aldehydes, cyclic hydrocarbons, sulfides, and
nitrogen-containing compounds. The best represented class is cyclic
hydrocarbons, with toluene and p-xylene being reported regularly. Putrescene
and cadaverine have not been detected and extremely light VOCs (ammonia,
hydrogen, carbon dioxide, methane) could not be detected with the methodology
It required 17 days for the first compounds to be
detected at the surface from a 1.5 f burial depth with most compounds apparent
after the first month. These findings have implications for training, evaluating,
and searching with CDs (Vass et al. 2004, 2008). Depth of burial, class of
compound, and season of burial influenced this timing.
Soil temperatures are also important and BADDs
(burial accumulated degree days) are used to calculate the cumulative effects of
variable soil temperatures over time. These factors are not all independent
since BADDs depend on the depth of burial and the season of burial. A cadaver
buried at a depth where the average soil temperature was 5°C for 1 day, 7°C for
1 day, and 10°C for 2 days would have BADDs = 32 degree-days for these 3 days. An
estimate of average annual BADDs for shallow burials near Phoenix is about
8,000 degree-days. Estimates for areas where soils at the depth of burial
freeze, must have thawed soil temperature data available to estimate BADDs
since cadavers do not decompose at temperatures below freezing. Where bodies
are buried in permafrost (e.g. near Fairbanks), BADDs would be near zero. These
estimates can vary significantly from year to year, from site to site, and from
region to region even when at the same latitude because of the influence of soil
properties, elevation, and distance to the ocean or large water bodies on soil
Thirty cyclic compounds that were detectable at the
soil surface over buried cadavers have been identified as key markers of
decomposition and therefore of importance for CDs. They were grouped according
to those found throughout the time of burial, only early in the burial (<7,300
BADDs), and those persisting until all soft tissue was gone (<18,000 BADDs).
Compounds present throughout the decomposition process would be desirable
choice for training aids. However, there is still too little known about the
decomposition compounds that dogs use to detect human remains to state this as
more than a hypothesis.
The bad news is that this group of compounds
(including toluene, ethane, sulfides, methane, aldehydes) is not unique and can
be found in many outdoor samples taken virtually anywhere. Their ubiquitous
presence may account for some of the false alerts by cadaver dogs. Compounds in Near-Surface Soils A
global study of the near-surface chemical compounds of soils associated with
graves (60+ years old) and the downslope surface and subsurface plumes in different
environments identified more than 50 human decomposition compounds detectable in
the near-surface soils as shown in Table 2.5 (Vass 2012). Their presence depends
on environmental conditions and their properties (solubility, density,
molecular weight, etc.) determine whether a compound is detected in close
association with the remains (corpse) and/or in the downslope chemical plume.
The vapor pressures of the VOCs in Table 2.5 are high,
which indicates that their volatility is high and that dogs could easily detect
them if the grave soils are sufficiently porous to allow the scent to reach the
surface and they are not removed by chemical or biological processes in the
Decomposition in the grave environment was found to be aerobic (involves oxygen) if it was a surface or near-surface event, the remains were loosely wrapped in clothing, in a non-airtight container above ground, or covered by <0.3 m (1 f) of loose material. The environment was anaerobic (doesn’t involve oxygen) if the remains were buried a minimum of 0.61 m (2 f) deep in clay textured soils, 0.76 m (2.5 f) in peat or silty textured soils, 1.07 m (3.5 f) deep in sand or loam soils, or the remains were wrapped or placed in an airtight container or matrix. These results indicate that training aids for CDs used to detect graves should include materials that have decomposed both aerobically and anaerobically.
Some compounds tend to concentrate near the remains
rather than in the plume as the gravesite ages. Thus, when searching for
clandestine graves, the compounds that appear predominantly near or at the
corpse as opposed to those present in the plume may be more valuable as training
aids. These include benzene, some fluorinated halogens, sulfur compounds
(dimethyl disulfide, dimethyl trisulfide), and a few aldehydes (heptanal,
hexanal, nonanal, octanal). Using this information requires that we know which
VOCs are present in training aids used for CDs. None of the VOCs associated
only with human decomposition (Table 2.5) were present in a study of training
aids (Hoffman et al. 2009). Unfortunately, not enough is known about the
effects of age, storage conditions (temperature, humidity, aerobic or
anaerobic decomposition), and other factors on training aids to predict the
specific VOCs that would be present in the aids.
![]() |
Source: Data from Vass, A.A. 2012. Forensic Sci Int 222:234–241. |
3.3.3 Live vs Dead
Decomposition scent differs from live scent since it
is thought to be generic. The scent specific to an individual is eventually
replaced by decomposition scent consisting of elemental compounds thought to be
common to all cadavers since it involves the decomposition of proteins, fats,
and carbohydrates. It has been shown there is less variation in VOCs among
recent cadavers than among the living, and decomposition may reduce the
differences among cadavers (DeGreef and Furton 2011). However, each living person’s
scent is unique, specific to the individual, which indicates that some of the
chemicals that make up scent may be controlled by the individual’s genetics. It
is also known that dogs can detect bones, teeth, and hair in older burials and
that these materials retain their DNA. This raises the possibility that dogs may
be capable of distinguishing between individual cadavers (skeletons) by the
unique scent of their bones, teeth, and hair.
The time frame for decomposition to occur is highly
variable and depends on temperature, availability of oxygen, moisture, types of
available fauna (bacteria), soils, diet, medicines, obesity, and other factors.
Typical times required would be a few weeks to a few months. Under hot and
moist conditions, the time can be significantly shorter. At the time of death,
breath and metabolism cease but scent from glandular secretions and bacteria
remain for an undetermined period. Dogs appear to be able to recognize when a
person is dead, but it is not known how they do this. They may be detecting a
lack of visual cues of life, lack of breath in the scent bouquet, a scent
associated with the death of cells, and/or some other effects. Some nurses
report that people who are about to die have a certain smell, but this does not
appear to have been verified.
Carrion flies, when present and under favorable
environmental conditions, have been observed to appear on a corpse in a matter
of minutes after death (Haskel et al. 1997). The flies are attracted to the nose
and mouth most likely because of the odors emanating from these two sites that
attract them. These observations suggest that there may be a scent associated
with death, an “odor mortis,” that appears within minutes of dying or possibly
In response to a suspected murder investigation, an
attempt was made to answer two questions raised by law enforcement
(Oesterhelweg et al. 2008). How long would a deceased body have to be in
contact with a material for the scent to be detectable by a CD, and how long
would detectable scent remain on the material? Carpet squares were placed under
two cadavers wrapped in a thin cotton blanket at postmortem intervals < 3
hours and removed after 2 min for one and 10 min for the other. Tree CDs alerted
on the carpet squares up to 35 days (2-min exposure) and 65 days (10-min
exposure). The authors also concluded that a person dead for 2 hours could be
detected by CDs.
3.3.4 Cadaver Scent and Discrimination
CD handlers have long believed that dogs can
discriminate between human and animal remains, and VOC profiles from human and
animal remains have been shown to be different (DeGreef and Furton 2011). CDs
can detect blood from cadavers at concentrations of 1 ppm and can distinguish
it from distractions including blood in urine, swine blood, and dog menstrual
blood (Riezzo et al. 2014). CD handlers also believe that dogs can discriminate
between fresh human and animal blood stains and this has been confirmed in two
instances by laboratory analysis (Osterkamp unpublished). Human blood stains on
automobile upholstery can be detected for a decade under favorable conditions
(Osterkamp unpublished).
3.3.5 Specific Training Aids
Desirable training aids for CDs would be bodies,
body parts, bones, blood, and other body fluids in various stages of decay
including saponification, mummification, and under different decomposition
conditions (e.g. wet, dry, aerobic, anaerobic). Collection and storage of these
aids would be a daunting task, so handlers must resort to using human remains
that may be lawfully obtained. Handlers obtain human remains for training aids
from other handlers, coroners, medical examiners, morgues, hospitals, and
elsewhere. Several universities in the US, Canada, and Australia, offer classes
for CDs that include detection of full body cadavers (i.e. the full VOC scent
profile for deceased humans).
An assumption in the use of aids is that the dog
will generalize from the limited number of compounds that it is trained to
alert on. Also, it will perform its alert when encountering larger cadaver
parts or the whole cadaver with the full VOC profile (as modified by local
conditions). The basis for making this assumption is not well established.
Handlers compensate by using as many different training aids as possible. Since
these training aids are limited, it is unknown if they contain sufficient
components of the VOC profile to enable the dog to generalize to the odors that
they encounter when finding human remains. However, while we do know that CDs
trained on a few small amounts of human remains do find bodies, it would be
desirable to have a better understanding of what the dogs smell and what is
needed to train them.
Historically, CDs trained with putrescene or cadaverine
have been successful in finding cadavers in the field (Rebmann et al. 2000).
These compounds were not found at the ground surface in the grave study.
Studies of EDs suggest that dogs trained on limited varieties of smokeless
powders were only able to reliably detect the specific types on which they were
trained. Buried bodies may present more difficult conditions because the soil
environment (which includes chemicals and bacteria in the soil) can add to,
remove, and/or modify the VOCs emanating from a decomposing buried body.
In a study of training aids contributed by CD
handlers (Hofman et al. 2009), 33 VOCs occurred in the headspace of 14
decomposing training aids that included blood, tissue, skin, fat, adipocere,
bone, and teeth. No information was given about the storage conditions (e.g.
aerobic, anaerobic, temperature, humidity) during decomposition of these aids.
Comparing these results to 30 key VOCs present at the ground surface over
graves (Vass et al. 2008), only four of the compounds (dimethyl disulfide,
toluene, nonanal, and tetrachloroethylene) were found in the training aids. It
is of interest to cadaver dog trainers and handlers that the first three
compounds occurred in only one of the training aids, body fat attached to skin.
However, the effects of decomposition and environment on the compounds emanating
from body fat and skin are not known. Tetrachloroethylene was found in blood,
muscle, skin, adipocere, bone, and teeth.
None of the 14 training aids contained VOCs known to
be specific to human decomposition only (pentane, carbon tetrachloride, decane,
undecane) (Table 2.5). The training aids did contain seven of the compounds
found in the global grave study. Six were found in bone; five in muscle; four
each in blood, body fat attached to skin, adipocere, and fat; and three each in
skin and teeth.
Disarticulated bodies can be widely scattered by
animals, dispersed downhill under the influence of gravity, and transported by
water. Since searches may be conducted specifically for cadaver parts that can
yield DNA (bones, teeth, and hair), it is desirable to store training aids for
them separately. Bones can be obtained from companies that sell bones and even
complete skeletons although little is known about how these were processed and
handled. Some appear to have been chemically cleaned. Teeth are especially
important since they are commonly used for identification of the body. In some
states, dentists may be able to provide teeth that have not been cleaned or
autoclaved. Hair can be obtained from barbers, hair dressers, and friends.
The large numbers of VOCs produced during
decomposition and the lack of information on what compounds the dogs use to
detect decomposition scent pose significant problems for developing training
aids for CDs. A viable alternative to using human remains for training aids
would be to transfer scent from the remains to a material that would become the
training aid. DeGreef and Furton (2011) used the STU-100 (with Dukal cotton
gauze (Dukal Corporation, Syosset, NY) for the scent collection pads) to obtain
VOCs from cadavers in a morgue and a crematorium, and from gauze containing
decomposition fluid, adipocere, bone residue, or blood. These scent pads were
stored in glass jars and used later in tests of trained CDs. Te majority of
dogs alerted on the aids with different concentrations and from different odor
sources in every scenario tested.
Another way to collect cadaver scent would be to
place sterile gauze pads in contact with a cadaver for a length of time similar
to the method used by Oesterhelweg et al. (2008). The experience of trailing dog
handlers indicates this would be about 10 to 30 minutes. Store the pads in
clean, sealed glass vials or jars for later use. The method requires access to
cadaver sources in different stages of decay but does not require an expensive
STU-100 unit. This method is not intrusive so that morgues and crime scene
investigators may be willing to allow this type of scent collection. The
advantages are that handling the pads would not be as hazardous as cadaver
materials and it does not appear that there are legal restrictions to
possessing them.
Artificial scents such as Sigma Pseudo Corpse I and
II (Sigma Aldrich Chemical Corporation) have been used to train cadaver dogs.
While the scents appear to have a limited scent profile, CDs trained with them
have found bodies (Rebmann et al. 2000), but it is not known if the handlers
observed a full alert or a CB (change of behavior). Training aids have been
made from chemical solutions of the most commonly occurring VOCs found in human
remains. These aids were used in trials with cadaver dogs, but the dogs showed
inconsistent interest in them.
3.4 Other Sources
It appears that training aids for most other types
of SDs rely on some of the source material to communicate to the dog the scent
that results in being rewarded. A novel training aid for SDs used to search for
bed bugs was developed by immersing the bugs in solvents (pentane, acetone,
methanol, and water) (Pfester et al. 2008). It was determined beforehand that
the dogs did not alert on these solvents. The solvents were then sealed in
containers. For training, 1 ml of the extract (equivalent to five bed bugs) was
placed on filter paper inside a vial. All dogs trained on bed bugs alerted on
the pentane extract but not on the other extracts indicating that the scent of
the bed bugs was transferred to that solvent.
Training aids for dogs used to detect human diseases,
especially types of cancer, have used breath from affected individuals, even
though the cancer may not directly affect their respiratory system (Lippi and
Cervellin 2011).
3.5 General Recommendations
Research is currently being conducted to develop
training aids for EDs, DDs, and CDs so that any recommendations may soon be out
of date. ED and DD handlers usually have access to scent kits and source
materials from their organizations. Given the success of the STU-100 for making
training aids for CDs, it would seem obvious to use it for making aids for EDs
and DDs. CD handlers generally use whatever scent sources they can obtain. The
STU-100 is too expensive for many teams, and until new information and/or
products are available, handlers will need to continue using a wide variety of
cadaver materials in different stages of decay or scent pads that have been in
contact with them. Commonly used aids include placentas with blood and body
fluids, skin, tissue, blood, adipocere, body fat, bone, and teeth. Soil from
under a decomposing body (hanging, on the surface, or in a grave) and clothes
or articles that have been in contact with a decomposing body can be also
used. Body fat attached to skin, blood and body fluids, muscle, skin, bones,
and teeth may be especially important in searches for clandestine graves. It is
important to expose CDs to aids of varying sizes and types.
3.5.1 Storage
Glass containers with glass stoppers that are not
exposed to ultraviolet light have been shown to offer greater stability for
stored human scent samples and probably for other scent samples as well (Hudson
et al. 2009). Glass jars with plastic, perforated lids have also been used. If
canning jars are used, decomposition chemicals and chemicals from other
sources may cause the metal lids to rust. Rust can be detected by dogs (Schoon
et al. 2014) and its presence contaminates the stored scent source. Freezing
training aids for long times can cause them to desiccate, possibly changing
their properties, because the duty cycle of a freezer causes moisture to
migrate from the source to the inside walls of the storage container.
Training aids for all SDs should be carefully
handled, stored, and transported to prevent contamination. Contamination can
occur by transfer of trace fluids, microparticles, and VOCs from the aids to
other aids and surfaces nearby. It can also be a result of background scents in
the location where they were prepared, contact with humans (primarily from skin
secretions, perfumes, lotions, smoke, skin fakes), type of clothing and gloves
used by the preparer, the environment (vehicle fuel and fumes, oils, grease,
buildings, sewage) and animals present such as pets and other SDs. Cross
contamination can result when aids are in close proximity while in semipermeable
containers (e.g. paper or canvas bags) during handling, shipping, storage, and
placement. Cross contamination can also occur if two different drugs or
explosives are handled with the same pair of gloves. The problem is that it may
be thought that the dog is being trained for one source, but the dog is
alerting to the presence of another.
Handling aids with clean tongs or forceps while
wearing clean medical examination gloves helps to keep human and other scent
of them. SD handlers often use these gloves to handle their aids. However, if
the outside of the fingers of the gloves are touched by their skin when putting
them on or if any object is touched that has previously been touched by bare
(e.g. door knob, scent container) then human scent
will be transferred to the gloves and aids. Do not hide training aids where
dogs can touch the aids with their wet noses or mouth them. Training aids
hidden for a long time or repeatedly in the same place may cause the location
to be contaminated with residual scent.
It can be argued that ED and DD training aids
(explosives and drugs) will commonly contain the scent of the people that
packaged them (from skin fakes, secretions, breath, lotions, perfumes, etc.),
so that human contamination should not create problems. However, limited
information indicates EDs may prefer the scent of one person over that of
others to the point that it influences their success during training (Goldblatt
2017). Te question may be more important for training than for searches, but it
remains open.
4 Scent in Training
4.1 Scent Availability
Scent availability refers to the quantity of scent
(concentration of scent molecules) available for a dog to detect. It has
usually been assumed that scent availability depends on the amount (volume or
mass) of the source, but there are other factors. Lotspeich et al. (2012) have
shown that scent availability in containers also depends on the container
volume, explosive vapor pressure, and temperature. The primary consideration
for reliable detection of a source by SDs is for the headspace of the container
to be saturated with scent molecules volatilized from the source. Once the
headspace is saturated any increase in the amount of sample will not result in
an increase in scent availability.
Calculations and studies with EDs have shown that
the amount of sample that is needed to saturate different size containers
normally used for training is relatively small. For nitromethane, nitroethane,
and nitropropane, the amounts recommended to saturate a container and allow for
stable concentrations over time are 10 ÎĽl (microliters) for 20 ml
(milliliters) headspace vials, 100 ÎĽl for quart cans and 1000 ÎĽl for gallon
cans (1000 ÎĽl = 1 ml = 3.38E-2 oz).
Generally, factors influencing scent availability
include the characteristics of the container (scent containment, volume,
materials) and the source (phase, type, amount, surface area, diffusivity and
vapor pressure (includes the effects of temperature)). Adhesion of some VOCs
and microparticles to the container surface may also be an important factor
(Schade and Goldstein 2001; Goldblatt 2017). Scent availability depends
critically on the degree of scent containment provided by the container
(packaging). Source containers can be completely closed, diffusion limited,
partially open, or open.
Completely closed containers do not allow scent
molecules to pass through their walls. Common examples include those made of
metal (antipersonnel mines), glass, tires, and some plastics. While plastics
generally allow gas transport through them, from an operational viewpoint the
flux rate of VOCs through the container material does not have to be zero; it
just needs to be below the limit of detection by dogs. A potential problem is
that the VOCs of some sources may degrade the container material (e.g. corrode
some metals, chemically break down plastics).
Diffusive containers are those that allow scent
molecules to pass through the container material by diffusion or have such small
openings that scent escapes through them by mass flow, but very slowly. Diffusion
is such a slow process that it becomes important only over long time periods or
with very thin container walls. Slow mass flow (such as through small holes) can
appear to behave like diffusion but the scent flux would be much larger than for
diffusion. Examples of diffusive containers include thin plastic and rubber
packaging (food storage bags, balloons) that allow scent molecules to diffuse
through their thin walls. Windproof clothing consists of materials that allow a
small amount of air and scent to flow through them but restrict the passage of
wind (they are not truly diffusive).
Diffusive training aids have been developed for
explosives, drugs, cadavers, and other scent sources called COMPS (Controlled
Odor Mimic Permeation System) (Furton and Harper 2017). In use, some of the
source or a mimic is placed in the solid form or, for a liquid, on a sterile
gauze pad in a plastic bag that is then sealed. The thickness of the bag is
chosen to allow scent to diffuse through it at a relatively constant and
reproducible rate that produces a fixed amount of scent available to the dogs.
Scent availability can be controlled by the diffusion rate of the scent
molecules through the bag which is determined by the type of material,
thickness of the bag, and the properties of the scent molecules. The bags can be
stored and used as training aids later. Additional details and variations of
the method for making training aids for EDs, DDs, and CDs can be found in
Macias (2009) and DeGreef (2010).
Partially open sources are those that have
restricted access to the external air. These include unpackaged sources in
containers that are open at the top (cans and jars) and containers that have
significant holes in them (luggage, boxes, back packs, canvas bags). The
National Odor Recognition Test (NORT) for explosives is such an example. It has
the source in a small can with holes in the lid that is placed in an open quart
can that is placed in an open gallon can.
If more scent is available than needed to completely
saturate a partially open container, the excess scent may overflow the
container and flow to low levels in the surrounding area because the VOCs are
typically heavier than the air. This means that in training, testing, and
searching, SDs should be encouraged to search the lowest areas around a known
or suspected position of the source. For sources in closed rooms, scent would
be expected to exit at the bottom of the doors, and for luggage to be present
at the bottom edge. In outdoor areas, scent pools in depressions near the
source until turbulence mixes it with the air and it is transported away by the
Completely open sources are those that are exposed
with unrestricted access to the external air. Examples are sources attached to
surfaces (explosives) and those lying on the ground surface (spilled gunpowder,
shell casings, drugs, bodies, and teeth). Scent availability depends on their
size, surface area, and volatility (vapor pressure which depends on temperature).
On volatilization from the source, scent molecules enter the air where any wind
moves them away from the source in a scent plume detectable by dogs.
It is possible that the scent from a training aid
may remain constant with increasing size of the source, but this may not be
true for all sources. For some sources, the perceived nature of the scent is
thought to change with size. CD handlers have observed that cadaver dogs
trained on small sources may fail to indicate a body or may not perform their
trained alert on one. A similar situation seems to occur with EDs and DDs that
encounter very large sources.
The performance of CDs seems to improve once they
have found a body or two. So, it is desirable to use large sources to train the
dog although these may be difficult to find. One solution may be to put all the
sources used by a group of handlers into an open or ventilated box and work the
dogs on it at a group training or seminar. This may not be the best procedure
due to the differing ages of the sources, cross contamination of the sources,
and other factors.
A curious fact is that agency certifications generally
use relatively small sources. The certified teams are then deemed qualified to
search for large explosive and drug sources and for bodies without ever having
demonstrated in either training or testing that they will alert on them. The
assumption that, if the team can find and alert on small sources, then they can
find and alert on large ones, does not appear to have been evaluated.
4.2 Use of Aids
4.2.1 Preexposure and Prescenting
Preexposure is exposing an untrained dog to a source
prior to initial training. A kind of preexposure occurs with some training
methods that use a scented toy as the first step in training. Hall et al. (2013)
have shown that preexposure increases the success rate during initial training.
Prescenting is exposing a trained dog to a source prior to performing a search
for that source (Papet and Minhinnick 2016). Prescenting in the present context
is used by scent discriminating trailing dog handlers prior to starting a trail
to communicate to the dog the person the dog is to follow. It has also been
used by a few CD handlers prior to land and water searches, especially when the
search is for specific items (hair, bone, teeth) or for specific stages of
4.2.2 Type of Reward
Play/retrieve as a reward (reinforcement) has been
widely used. It is thought that dogs trained with this method are highly
motivated to find scent. However, some agencies use food and select dogs for
their food drive (Department of Agriculture). Food rewards require less skill
to deliver, allow more trials per day, and it is easier to find food-motivated
dogs. Some dogs are trained every day with their food reward for finds being
their only source of food. A potential disadvantage is that in some situations
(disaster, crime scenes) food at the site may become a distraction and even
ingested by the dogs. Food rewards used in training are often dropped by the handler
or the dog so that any dogs working the same hide afterward may be distracted by
the food and ingest it.
Using multiple rewards during training can be
helpful when working the dog in hazardous (along a highway) or difficult (steep
terrain) conditions. Rewards can include food, praise, touch (petting,
scratching), games (keep away), tugging, retrieving, combinations, and others.
The handler then has the option to select the reward best suited to conditions.
4.2.3 Number of Aids
During the initial training, the number of aids
hidden from the dog (hides) should be large to establish initial discrimination
and variable to keep the dog from getting used to finding a fixed number of aids
(Goldblatt et al. 2009). As the dog becomes reasonably proficient at detecting
and locating the scent and the handler proficient in working the dog, the number
can be systematically reduced. For example, a line of ten blocks could contain
3 to 4 sources initially and eventually be reduced to 0 to 2.
It is necessary to use a null line (no source
present) regularly. It appears that dogs that always make a find each time they
are trained are more prone to false alerts. For an operational dog, the number
of aids needs to be large enough to keep the dog motivated to search. It is
usually recommended (e.g.
J. Joyce in seminars) for dogs used to search large
areas to occasionally search a large null area.
4.2.4 Reward Schedule
During initial training, SD trainers generally
recommend rewarding the dog for every correct response. However, most SD
handlers continue to reward their dog in training every time it detects, finds,
and alerts on a source. They do not reward them for a positive response on a
search since it is not known if a source is present. For SDs, it is desirable
to use a variable schedule of reinforcement in training to condition them to
not having a reward every time for a find (Goldblatt et al. 2009). A typical
reinforcement schedule in training might be 80% (4 of 5) of the correct
responses, although there are considerable variations between trainers. SDs
training on multiple sources (e.g. graves in a cemetery) may be worked on 5 or
more sources before they get their reward. However, their handlers must be
acutely aware of any reduction in focus and motivation to avoid developing
problems with their alert.
4.2.5 Multiple Component Sources
SDs may be required to find many different sources
with each source consisting of multiple chemical components. For example, EDs
may be required to find different types of explosives, DDs, different types of
drugs, and CDs, different body parts. Each one of these sources consists of
multiple chemical components. Two distinct methods have been developed for
introducing these sources to EDs and DDs (Goldblatt et al. 2009). One combines
sources to produce a scent mixture that is introduced to the dogs. Once the
dogs recognize and alert on the mixture, the sources are separated for the
rest of the training and never recombined. However, Goldblatt et al. (2009)
recommend introducing each source separately either sequentially or during the
same time frame.
4.2.6 Distractions
Distractions include sights, sounds, and scents that
distract a SD while working. A SD is not fully trained until it works reliably
in different places in the presence of distractions. Other dogs or animals that
SDs see or hear while working are common distractions. Distraction scents are
any non-source scents that cause interest or an alert by the dog which confuses
the issue of whether a source is present. Blood, bones, and other remains of
animals, fish, and birds can be distractions for CDs. Food, fish bait, trash,
animal scents, and human and animal urine and feces are other common
distractions encountered on searches (there are many others). SDs should be
discouraged from showing an interest in or alerting on distraction odors
although some are problematical (feces, urine, and semen for CDs) as noted
previously. This can be done for any SD by routinely including distractions in
yard work and in field problems and discouraging any interest in them.
Distractions may also have an impact on the handler and anything that distracts
the handler may be expected to influence handler-dog interactions and thereby
affect the performance of the team. Tus, the handler should also become
accustomed to training in the presence of distractions that may be encountered
during searches. A potential distractor is the state of stress of the handler
which increases their anxiety and may result in a change in the dog’s
performance during testing or searching (Zubedat et al. 2014).
This idea was evaluated with handlers of military
EDs. Superior officers of the handlers told the handlers prior to a test that
they were to be reassigned and/or were present at the tests where they pointed
at the handlers and appeared to write notes about them. The results showed that
the handlers’ stress decreased their attention and elevated their anxiety level
but increased the activity level of the dogs. Surprisingly, this improved the
dog’s performance as shown by the reduced time to detect the explosives. It was
thought that the external stress disturbed the handler’s focus which resulted
in reduced control of the dog and allowed the dogs to work in a less
handler-dependent manner. These results emphasize the importance of SD-handler
interactions in all searches and suggest that reduced control of the dog (e.g.
of leash vs on leash) may be desirable. Trainers have long recognized this and
often recommend that handlers “let the dog work” (i.e. reduce their control).
4.3 Source Placement
If a certain type or part of a regularly used search
area never has a source, a dog’s motivation to search it and the dog’s POD
(probability of detection) when a source is present may be reduced. In a study
of EDs (Gazit et al. 2005b), experienced handlers and dogs trained on two
different roads on alternate days for 20 days. Road A had sources every time and
road B never had a source present. Sources were then placed on road B at a
frequency of one every third day, but the dogs detected only about 50% of them
whereas their success on road A was much higher (about 90%). The dogs were then
retrained on road B with sources placed there every day but the dog’s motivation
to search road B never recovered. Additional research confirmed this result
(i.e. reduced motivation and reduced ability to detect a source in an area
despite continued reinforcement).
These results appear likely to apply to other SDs. It
is suggested that SDs be trained in as many different environments as possible
and that source placement be varied so that the dogs find sources in all types
and parts of the areas being searched, especially regularly used training areas.
This includes buildings with different types of rooms (e.g. bathrooms, bedrooms,
kitchens, living rooms, etc.) and outdoor settings with different terrain and
vegetation. A way to avoid problems here would be to keep a record of where
aids are placed in each area, to regularly review this information, and to make
sure that all subsets of an area are used.
4.4 Potential Problems
Papet (2016) has reviewed the use of training aids
for DDs and EDs, including aspects of selection, packaging, handling, storage,
and transporting aids. Contamination can occur between aids stored in proximity
and by human scent in all aspects of use. CD handlers have observed that their
dogs may not come to a full alert on aids used by other handlers which probably
indicates contamination. Aids can be contaminated by materials in the area
where they are placed as hides and can also contaminate these areas with
residual scent as noted (Jezeirski et al. 2014). Cross contamination of sources
during use, especially storage, by VOCs and microparticles can be a potential
problem for SDs. This indicates that it is desirable to store training aids
separately to avoid cross contamination.
Contaminating aids with human scent can occur during
packaging and handling. Using medical examination gloves that are put on by
handling the wrist section only and clean metal tongs can be helpful. Skin fakes
falling on an aid or its container and particulates from sources are problems
that are difficult to eliminate. Complete separation of all types of sources
during all phases of use is desirable. The primary handler problem appears to be
contamination with skin secretions since we leave scented skin oils
(fingerprints) on everything we touch. An example in training occurs when a
container contaminated with live human scent is used to package the training
In addition to scent from the surroundings, there
are seven possible scents: source, container, human, and their four
combinations. We would like the dogs to alert on the source scent and any
combination that includes it but not on the container or human scent or both.
However, experience with EDs, DDs, and CDs shows that dogs will often alert on
the container with live human scent on it and no source. This makes it important
to include containers with human scent on them, but no source, in yard and field
work and to ignore interest or alerts on them. Since contamination and
deterioration of training aids due to ageing and weathering can create
training problems, Papet (2016) recommends that training aids for EDs and DDs
be put on a regular replacement schedule where they are cycled sequentially
through usage conditions such as initial training, testing, routine training,
training in contaminated environments, and then replaced.
As noted above, not enough is known about the scents
from specific sources that cause a dog to alert, and the initial training of
many SDs is done with training aids with an unknown scent profile. Special care
should be taken at this stage to make sure that the aids are not contaminated
(Goldblatt et al. 2009; Papet 2016). It is also necessary to use many
variations (types, sizes) of the aids to help the dogs generalize and to
eventually train them on the sources found in the field of operations.
Once scent recognition training has been done and
the dog has an identifiable and reliable alert that the handler is proficient at
recognizing, it is important for the handler to start running blind problems
regularly, including null problems. The reason is that, if the handler usually
knows the location of the aid, they are likely to give involuntary cues to the
dog. Cueing is a major problem when training SDs (Ensminger and Papet 2011a and
b). When training on a line of scent containers, handlers may alter their pace,
body posture, or eye position at a container with scent which cues the dogs to
the location of the scent. In working field problems, handlers are likely to
become lax in the control of the dog while searching until in the vicinity of the
aid and this too is a cue to the dog. Furthermore, if the handler places the
aid and happens to be in a hurry, there is a tendency to hurry the search, not
covering the area thoroughly, and effectively lead the dog to the source to get
finished, a sure recipe for failure since these actions are the opposite of what
must be done during a real search. One of the most important factors when
training SDs is to cover the area thoroughly just as in searching.
During training, it is important to make sure that the
dog responds to the scent of the aid and is not responding to human, container
scent, their combination, or to any other possible contaminant odor. Varying
the type, size, and placement of the aids; running blind problems; and having
distractions present (scent, sight, and sound) are important.
SDs often learn to trail their handlers or others who
place the source, not only in field and forest settings, but also in buildings.
Some strategies to prevent trailing to the source are to throw the source (no scent
trail), to crisscross the area with a bewildering array of human scent trails,
and to enter all the rooms in a building. For buried sources, it is desirable
to place the sources several weeks before the dog is used to find them; sources
buried for weeks to months are much more realistic for training. This requires a
large area dedicated to training and several buried sources. Experience shows
that dogs can remember the location of sources if they are worked more than
every four months on them. Care in burying the sources is necessary because of
possible ground surface contamination from source liquids or particles that the
dogs can easily detect. Cadaver sources may need to be placed in a wire mesh
cage for shallow burials (<0.30 m or 1 f) since roaming dogs and wild
animals may dig them up. Excessive digging by CDs during training usually
requires a long time for the site to return to its natural condition. With
care, sites can be useful for years. A site with a placenta and a large handful
of hair buried <0.30 m deep in 2005 can still be detected about 50% of the
time 13 years later.
Assuming they are properly trained, the most common
reasons for SDs not finding a source during searches are (i) the handler missed
the change in behavior in the dog and (ii) the dog was never in scent, both
handler errors. On searches, SDs that have never found the type and size of
source and the amount of scent available from a source may not give their alert
but rather some other change in behavior (CB). Consequently, handlers must be
aware of changes in the dog’s behavior and be able to interpret them. If the
dog was never in scent, it is likely a result of poor search methods during
training. It is very important during all training to cover the search area
thoroughly. Blind trials help to make sure of this. Variable winds may require
changes in search plans to cover an area thoroughly. The idea of training like
you would search is especially important in SD training. The dog should not be
able to tell if they are training or searching. This is difficult to do because
the dogs are so expert at reading the handler’s emotional, mental, and physical
When a dog or handler works harder and longer during
a search than during training, the dog is more likely to give a false alert and
the handler is more likely to make mistakes. A dog or handler that has only
worked 30 min problems cannot search effectively for several hours. Trainers
(e.g. J. Joyce in seminars) recommend that “nose time” (the amount of time that
the dog and handler can work continuously and reliably) be determined during
training. It is also important during training to condition the dog and handler
for the longest searches they will be asked to do in the terrain or physical
settings where they will do them. Occasionally doing long unknown null problems
and problems where the dog will not make a find until after several hours of
searching is helpful. For known problems, bringing a dog back to the area of a
source repeatedly or hanging out there encouraging the dog to search and make
the find may result in a tendency (it is a cue to the dog) to false alert.
A common question of SD handlers is how often the
dogs should be trained. Research shows that daily training and encounters with
scent sources by SDs improves their ability to recognize and discriminate
between sources and background scents and lowers their threshold of detection
(increases their sensitivity) for detecting weak sources.
Some agencies recommend 16 hours of training per
month in their general guidelines but do not say if this is actual training
time or includes travel or other time. If this is training time only,
small-area searches for buried sources and some structure searches typically
require about 30 min which would be more than 30 such searches per month, an
improbable number. Some arson dogs are trained daily, and some EDs not worked
for 3 days must be reevaluated before going back into service. Clearly,
training almost daily is desirable, but few teams can do this using field
problems entirely. Experience suggests that a mix of yard work (blocks, boxes,
carousel, wall) and field training totaling four or five times a week seems to
keep CDs and handlers sharp in detecting faint scents.
Do not cross -train SDs to detect articles with live
human scent on them unless that is the application you desire. You may have law
enforcement or other agencies dig up or recover some buried clothes or shoes
instead of the desired source. Do not train CDs in cemeteries unless it can be
verified that the bodies were not embalmed with formaldehyde. Plywood
manufactured before the mid-1990s was made with glue containing formaldehyde. A
dog trained in a cemetery on graves with embalmed bodies may alert on disintegrating
plywood made with formaldehyde glue. It appears that the emissions from the
glue are similar enough to embalming fluid for the dog to generalize and alert.
5 Summary
Scent molecules are volatile organic compounds,
VOCs. Scent is the dog’s perception of these molecules as a result of
processing by the brain. During sniffing, exhalation causes air jets to be
directed to the sides of the dog’s nose and downward. These air jets can
dislodge particles of dust, skin fakes, and adsorbed VOCs from surfaces which
can then be inhaled. Scent molecules on dust and skin fakes can be liberated in
the dog’s warm and humid nose and then be detected by the dog. It may also be
possible for the humid air jets impinging on dry soil surfaces to free VOCs
adsorbed on dry soil particles to be inhaled for detection of buried sources
such as land mines. The warmth of the air jets may also help free VOCs adsorbed
on surfaces allowing them to be inhaled and detected.
Sources emit scent by evaporation, sublimation, and
desorption. These processes are collectively referred to as volatilization which
depends on the vapor pressure of the source which depends strongly on the
temperature. For example, the amount of scent volatilizing from TNT increases
about ten times when the temperature increases from 77°F to 104°F.
Drugs and explosives produce “sticky” microparticles
that adhere to surfaces and humans produce skin fakes that come to rest on
surfaces where they can be dislodged by air jets from the dog’s nose to produce
a detectable scent. This sticky nature of microparticles can contaminate nearby
surfaces such as other training aids, dust particles, rooms, and people. For
detection of explosives with very low vapor pressures, stickiness may be as
important as vapor pressure. The ability of dogs to dislodge these particles by
sniffing and inhaling them may account for the ability of EDs to detect
explosives with very low vapor pressures such as RDX.
VOCs from explosives, drugs, human remains, and live
persons are heavier than air and are expected, in the absence of wind, to drain
downward and settle in low areas (depressions over graves, ditches, floor
drains, car floors). In outdoor settings, scent can pool in these areas and,
under calm and cloudy conditions, can remain there until removed by turbulent
air conditions. This suggests, when there is no wind or there is a downslope
flow, it would be desirable to search for buried explosives and other
sources on a slope by gridding across the slope and advancing the grid up the
It is not always necessary to use parent compounds
for training EDs and DDs because the dogs use the most abundant chemical
component(s) in the vapor headspace. Dogs trained on aids developed from
explosives and drugs manufactured by one process may not alert on similar
explosives and drugs produced by another process. For example, EDs trained on
TNT that contains DNT may learn to detect the more volatile DNT. Russian,
other manufactured TNT, and some weathered TNT does not contain DNT, which may
result in a failure of the dogs to detect the TNT.
Residual scent from sources can remain in hides for
days or much longer and possibly result in alerts where nothing is found. Care
must be taken to allow time (several days or more) for residual scent to
dissipate when using areas (buildings, vehicles, field sites) repeatedly during
training and testing. It is also desirable to train dogs to offer their alert
only when the source is present.
Favorable times to search for sources buried in dry
soil are when humidity is high, or when the ground has been recently wetted by
dew, very light rain, or mechanically misted.
Variability in scenting thresholds by different dogs
indicates it would be desirable to test the ability of candidate SDs to detect
low scent levels in order to select a dog with a suitable nose.
SDs that were not physically conditioned showed a
64% reduction in olfactory acuity following a physical stress test. A moderate
physical conditioning program can help SDs maintain their scenting ability
during periods of intense work.
CDs can detect blood from cadavers at concentrations
of 1 ppm and can distinguish between living and dead humans, human and animal
remains, cadaver blood and swine blood, and between cadaver blood and dog menstrual
blood. Human blood stains on automobile upholstery can be detected for a decade
under favorable conditions.
Body fat attached to skin, bones, blood and body
fluids in various stages of decomposition and aerobic and anaerobic decay,
adipocere, and mummified tissue are especially important training aids for CDs.
Glass containers with glass stoppers not exposed to
ultraviolet light, glass jars with plastic, perforated lids, and canning jars
are desirable (in this order) for storing aids. Scent availability from aids
depends on the amount; presence of source particulates; vapor pressure;
temperature; size of the containers; and whether the containers are closed,
partially open, or open. Humidity can also be a factor.
During initial training, SDs should be rewarded for
every correct response. A variable reward schedule is phased in for later
training. SDs are not fully trained until they work reliably in different places
in the presence of distractions (scents, sights, sounds). If a certain type or
part of a regularly used search area never has a source, a dog’s motivation to
search it decreases significantly and may never recover.
SDs and handlers should be conditioning for the
longest searches they will do in the weather, terrain, and environments where
they will search including occasional long unknown null problems. Do not cross
train SDs to detect articles with live human scent unless they will be tasked
to search for it. Daily training improves SDs’ ability to recognize sources,
discriminate between background scents, and lowers their threshold of
detection for detecting weak sources. Do not train CDs in cemeteries unless it
can be verified that the bodies were not embalmed with formaldehyde.
Tom Osterkamp
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