1 Search Strategies
1.1 Introduction
This chapter is primarily concerned with searching, detecting, and locating sources on the ground or above it. In general, only rough guidelines can be given to handlers because weather, terrain, vegetation, and other factors can be highly variable over time and distance and can act independently and in concert to produce a myriad of confounding effects for the search dog team. The handler needs to be continually alert and flexible to changes in the weather, especially wind and physical settings, while searching to thoroughly cover their search area (i.e. to place their dogs downwind and within scenting range of all potential source locations). These skills need to be developed and maintained during training.
Scent is transported by gravity flow of air, convection, and wind,
which are the primary processes of scent transport in the atmosphere. These processes
create scent plumes that are thought to behave like smoke plumes from a chimney
or camp fire. Scent plume movement from outdoor sources is primarily determined
by weather, especially wind, and physical settings (terrain, vegetation) that
create and influence air movement. Plumes move by gravity and buoyant flow of the
scent molecules when there is no wind. The use of dogs to efficiently detect and
locate explosives, drugs, people, cadavers, and other sources requires
information on the characteristics of scent plumes and how their movement is
influenced by weather, terrain, and vegetation. However, there is a lack of
scientific information on plumes from these sources, especially in outdoor
settings. Consequently, SD handlers must use information derived from studies
of wind and plumes of other sources (e.g. insects, smoke plumes) to infer the
probable behavior of scent plumes from the sources they seek.
1.2 Searching and Detecting
Evolution has produced dogs with naturally efficient strategies for
searching and locating scent sources. A moving dog obviously uses its nose to
detect the presence of a scent plume. Moving directly upwind is not efficient
since the dog can detect scent only in a narrow corridor close to its line of
travel as shown in Figure 1. An exception to this occurs when air is
channeled into a narrow valley, especially at night when the cool side slopes
channel cold air with scent into a plume at the valley bottom. Trained hunting
dogs and SDs, when not under the influence of their handlers, will search
naturally by moving directly crosswind (quartering the wind) with their heads
canted slightly upwind. With this method, dogs can detect scent upwind from as
far as conditions allow, which maximizes the area searched from a narrow
corridor to a wide swath (Figure 1). This is the most efficient method since the
greatest area is covered with each pass and fewer passes through the search
area are needed. Quartering the wind minimizes the time and energy required to
search an area for both the dog and handler, and when properly executed, it
results in a high POD. Proper execution requires the handler to have a high
level of spatial awareness and changing conditions which must be developed and
honed during training.
Quartering the wind is a gridding method. It requires the team to
move upwind at the end of a pass through the search area before turning to make
another pass. The distance moved upwind (grid spacing or lane width) is left to
the judgment of the handlers based on their experience in training and
searching with their dogs in similar conditions. The grid/lane width depends on
the nature and size of the source, whether it is above or below ground,
terrain, and vegetation in the search area; weather (especially wind and air
stability); and other factors. Searches for intense above-ground sources
(e.g. recently deceased subjects) may have grid lines separated by
hundreds of yards. Searches for small above ground but covered sources (teeth,
shell cases, cigarettes) may have grid lines separated by a few yards and may
even require cross gridding to reliably detect and locate them.
A few advanced handlers use a modified version of the gridding method for searching (quartering upwind, Figure 2) that is used by insects, fish, birds, and dogs when they have detected a source (DeBose and Nevitt 2008). The dogs are taught to move back and forth in front of them (left to right and right to left) using hand signals, voice and/or whistles, while they walk nearly straight upwind (Osterkamp 2001, 2002, 2003). It is a fast and efficient method when conditions allow it to be used. Gridding methods cannot always be used, and it is often necessary to modify them to ft existing weather, terrain, and vegetation.
Large area outdoor searches for live or deceased subjects have
identified variations and additions to the grid method that can be used for any
large above ground sources. These include hasty searches and hilly terrain
searches (along ridges and in valleys and drainages). Hasty searches are often
the first method employed by the handler. These are used when limited time is
available to conduct the search, the required POD is low, or to delineate the
boundaries of the search area prior to conducting a more thorough search. They
often follow natural or man-made travel paths such as trails, roads, forest and
field boundaries, fences, ridges, or streams. Large slopes that are not too
steep can be searched along contour lines working from upslope downward, if
possible, to conserve the energy of the team.
1.3 Locating Sources
Dogs use the same natural strategy that insects, fish, and birds
use to locate a source (Figure 2). If the plume is not continuous, they
quarter the plume upwind which involves moving across the plume at an angle
upwind. When they pass through the edge of the plume, they turn into the wind
and go back across it until they re-enter the plume and again quarter upwind. The
process is repeated as they advance upwind toward the source. When the plume
becomes continuous, they move directly upwind to the source. Continuous plumes
usually occur close to the source and are also associated with laminar flow,
turbulent fow over relatively smooth surfaces and channeling. Very low
velocity winds may produce a meandering scent plume that varies in direction,
confusing the direction to the scent source. Strong, swirling, gusty winds may
produce gusts of scent that also confuse the direction to the source.
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Figure 2 When a source is detected, insects, fish, and birds quarter upwind to locate the source and dogs use the same strategy. |
While all the details and implications of this method are not
completely clear, it appears that dogs use their wet noses to determine the
direction of the wind, then quarter across wind to detect the scent plume and
quarter upwind to follow the plume to the source either instinctively or as a
learned behavior. Many dogs with experience in hunting, foraging, and searching
use the wind naturally in this way. Puppies and young dogs can be readily
taught to quarter by the handler (Osterkamp 2001, 2002, 2003). Teaching a dog
to quarter at the direction of the handler and, where possible, using this
strategy in training and searching exploits the natural behavior of the dog
when searching for scent and conserves the energy of the team.
A search dog that is trained to quarter out from the handler in a
good search pattern, can be controlled at a distance, and can be directed from
a distance to search in a grid/lane or specific areas will be of great value to
the team effort (Osterkamp 2001). Some agencies (e.g. FEMA, US military) require
dogs to perform these behaviors as part of their training and certifications
and bird hunters spend many hours teaching dogs these skills.
1.4 Calm and Extreme Turbulence
Calm and extremely turbulent conditions require special methods.
Completely calm air is rare; there is usually a slight drift of air that may
change direction randomly and repeatedly. This can move and spread scent in all
directions from a source so when the dog encounters a meandering plume it may
not be able to determine the direction to the source. Low wind speeds can also
produce meandering scent plumes. When scent is encountered under these
conditions, the dog may start to search randomly, circling and looping while
obviously in scent. The handler needs to recognize this behavior and develop a
strategy to help the dog. One possible strategy is to search in a spiral out
from the point where the scent was detected, and another is to grid and/or
cross grid the area. If the search area is small, it may be helpful to place
the dog on leash and conduct a precise grid search to find the source. If the
source is not found, it may be necessary to wait for wind to develop or to
return at a time when there is wind.
Extremely turbulent conditions have the air repeatedly swirling
and gusting in different directions, especially when there are large objects in
the flow (trees, rough terrain, buildings). These objects create turbulence that
fragments and redirects the scent plume and sends scent bearing gusts in all
directions. If the dog detects scent and determines the wind direction from a
gust, it may not be the direction to the source. Under these conditions, the
dog may detect scent from one direction and then another and become confused
when trying to move in the direction of the source. One strategy is for the
handler to stop, try to determine the prevailing wind direction and then
quarter upwind. Spiral and grid searches are options as well as returning when
the wind is less turbulent.
These considerations indicate that search dogs can be expected to
have difficulties locating scent sources when the wind is nearly calm and when it
is extremely turbulent. Therefore, it can be hypothesized that there may be a
range of optimum wind conditions at some intermediate velocity where they will
be most successful locating a source. It is likely that the size and intensity
of the source and the environmental setting (e.g. field or forest) would also be
important parameters. There is support for this hypothesis from a study of
skunks, foxes, and raccoons (Ruzicka and Conover 2011) that showed these
predators were most active when wind speeds were roughly 5 to 10 mph in a
field-like setting. This indicates the optimum wind speed for predators searching
in a field-like setting is 5 to 10 mph. Optimum wind speeds may be different for
SDs but there is no information available.
Search methods can determine whether the dog will get access to
the scent plume. Failure to access the plume is often a result of handler error
and a common cause of failure for SDs. An efficient method for searching is to
first perform a hasty, free search (of leash) around and through the search area
and follow with gridding if nothing is found.
2 Special Effects
2.1 Slope, Valley, and Prevailing Winds
Slope, valley, and prevailing winds can interact to develop a
myriad of wind conditions that differ depending on site conditions (Schroeder
and Buck 1970). For example, upslope and up valley winds can occur in one part
of a valley and downslope and down valley winds in another. Upslope winds
usually dominate the ridges and saddles, while upslope and up valley winds
combine to define wind speeds and directions at the lower elevations.
With strong heating, late afternoon upslope winds in mountain
topography tend to hold weaker prevailing winds above the ridge tops so that
surface winds are primarily those associated with thermal convection (Figure 3). Later in the day, as the upslope winds weaken, the onset of downslope flow
lowers the prevailing wind level back onto the slopes and ridge tops. When inversions
develop in the valleys, lower slope and valley winds are not disturbed by the
prevailing winds. Below the inversion, winds are cool, gentle, downslope and
down valley. Above the inversion, the prevailing wind on upper slopes and
ridges is generally warmer, stronger, and more turbulent.
Morning upslope winds begin first on east facing slopes just after
the sun strikes the slopes and tend to flow directly upslope and up minor side
drainages (Schroeder and Buck 1970). As the up valley winds increase during the
day, the upslope winds turn more up valley (Figure 4). Daily upslope wind
speeds are maximum on south and southwest facing slopes because they receive
more sunlight and are minimum on north facing slopes. On densely forested
slopes, upslope winds may exist above the tree canopy with a downslope flow in
the shaded cooler trunk space below. Where there is dense undergrowth in the
trunk space, this downslope flow can be retarded, diverted, or halted.
Prevailing winds in the same direction as slope and valley winds
reinforce them, and when opposite to them reduce, cancel, or reverse them. This
is especially true for the usually weak downslope and down valley winds at
night. Prevailing winds that set up recirculation zones in the valley can enhance,
retard, destroy, and redirect slope and valley winds (Figure 5) and cause
them to be periodic. Periodic winds can be especially difficult to interpret
because the source may be in the recirculation zone or the scent may be carried
from another direction by the prevailing wind.
Combined slope, valley, and prevailing winds create especially
difficult conditions for SD teams because these winds vary with both location and
time. Handlers must be continually alert to wind direction and how it influences
coverage of the search area. It may be necessary to modify their search plan or
to return to parts of the search area to cover missed areas.
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Figure 4 Upslope winds are directly upslope initially but are turned to a more up valley direction as the up valley wind increases during the day. (From Schroeder and Buck 1970.) |
2.2 Scent Collectors
SDs often show interest in objects (scent collectors) that protrude into the airflow downwind of scent sources and in recirculation zones. Scent collectors that consist of natural materials such as vegetation (bunches of grass, weeds, bushes, trees), soil, and rock have surfaces that are especially attractive to scent molecules. This allows scent from a plume to collect on them in quantities that dogs can detect. An example is the rough bark on the downwind side of a tree where scent accumulates in the recirculating eddies from an upwind source (Figure 15 - Scent and Wind). Scent collects on the bark or is trapped in the dead air spaces of crevasses in the bark. Figure 6 shows two large trees separated by about 20 yards with explosives placed about 7 f high on the tree in the background. With a light wind toward the tree in the foreground, a dozen EDs that worked this setting alerted or stood upright on the downwind side of this tree, indicating that scent was accumulating there. Some dogs were clearly in scent on the upwind side of the tree but moved around to the downwind side where they alerted. When a dog detects scent from a source in a forest, it may show interest or alert on multiple trees while working upwind toward the source, indicating that several trees in the scent plume may accumulate enough scent for them to detect. Rocks, bunches of grass, and bushes that project above surrounding vegetation and lie in the scent plume of a source are other common examples. Cave-like hollows formed by vegetation with the wind blowing into them can also collect enough scent to cause an alert.
Scent trapped in dead air spaces may eventually collect on
surfaces in these spaces. These could include the dead air space near the ground
between stems of grass, in folded leaves, and in the duff on a forest floor. Dead
air spaces in corners, in tiny recirculation zones (road curbs), and in the
large recirculation zones associated with hills, ridges, rocks, forest edges,
and in forest clearings may also trap scent molecules that collect on local
vegetation and surfaces. Scent collectors and trapped scent may act as
secondary sources as suggested in Figure 6. Young dogs in training and dogs
consistently trained on faint scent may alert on these secondary sources, but
should be encouraged to follow the scent plume to the primary source. If the
wind changes from the time the scent collected to when the dog detects it, the
dog cannot follow the scent plume to the primary source. Handlers must
recognize the dog’s behavior and use their knowledge of weather, terrain, and
vegetation and their effects on local scent movement to help the dog find the
source. Grid searches and circling or spiraling out from the alert are common
An article search study in Florida (Mesloh and Mesloh 2006), which
used one dog to search for human scented bottle caps placed on the ground surface
in tall grass, suggested that the best time to search was mid-morning after a
few hours of sunlight. It was hypothesized that the scent was trapped and
collected near the ground surface overnight and that some uplift (convection)
was required to bring the scent up and out of the grass to the level of the
dog’s nose. While plausible, other factors (wind, humidity, barometric
pressure, the dog’s movement) may have been involved. Not enough information
was available to evaluate the hypothesis. For short grass, a forested surface
with leaves or needles, or a relatively bare soil surface, the optimum
conditions for detection of small articles would be expected to be different,
but there is no available information.
2.3 Ponding
Scent ponds are depressions in terrain or vegetation that collect
scent. Examples (Figure 7) are ponds or puddles that have gone dry,
depressions, a valley blocked by a dense stand of trees, a length of ditch that
has relatively dense vegetation on the downslope end, and depressions over old
graves. Syrotuck (1972) and Rebmann et al. (2000) also give examples of ponding
(pooling) in these depressions. Ponding commonly occurs at night under
relatively calm and clear conditions by gravity flow of cold air and scent into
the pond or by gravity flow of heavy scent molecules into a pond under calm
conditions. The pond may fill partially or completely with scent that remains
trapped until there is enough turbulence to flush it out. This turbulence can be
mechanical, produced by the wind interacting with objects in the flow, and/or
thermal caused by solar heating in the depression. A cloudy day with little
wind may allow the scent to remain in the pond all day.
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Figure 7 Cold air and scent from a surface or buried source flow downslope at night and fill the depression (pond) with scent. Scent remains in the pond until daytime turbulence removes it. |
When dogs enter a pond and detect scent, they usually show a CB
while obviously searching for a source. After searching and not finding it in the
pond, they may leave the pond and then return to it. This behavior may be
repeated a few times, but the dog will eventually give up and leave the area
especially if the handler appears to be moving away. It is critical for the handler
to recognize the behavior and help the dog find the source. If the ground is
sloped, even slightly, the source is likely upslope. If there is no discernible
slope, spiraling out from the pond margin may be a useful strategy. For a large
pond, scent may have ponded in only one part of it.
2.4 Channeling
Anything that channels wind channels the scent it carries.
Channels are commonly formed by terrain (valleys, canyons, streams),
vegetation (paths, trails, roads in fields, and forests) and structures (berms,
walls, houses, buildings). Channels can be one-sided like the edge of a forest
with a field, a steep ridge, or the bank of a lake or river. When the wind
direction is at an angle to the channel, wind bearing scent can be diverted
into the channel and along it. Figure 8 is an example of channeled scent from
a cadaver. Syrotuck (1972) and Rebmann et al. (2000) also show settings where
channeling may occur.
Dogs that detect scent in the channel must follow the scent upwind
in the channel to find the source. This process may be confounded by discontinuities
in the scent plume, presence of scent collectors in the channel, flow along an
outside curve, or sources that are not in the channel but rather some distance
of to the side. In these cases, the handler must correctly interpret the dog’s
actions to help the dog locate the source. For a source of to the side of the
channel, the handler needs to use the dog to determine where the scent first
enters the channel and then attempt to use their knowledge of local scent
movement to locate the source. This is difficult, and it may not always be possible
to succeed, especially when the scent comes from a distance.
Scent moving with upslope flow on the side of a ridge may be
prevented from entering a road on top of the ridge by a stronger wind that
channels along the road. Dogs working along the road cannot detect scent from
the upslope flow which makes it necessary to work the dog along the edge of the
ridge rather than in the road.
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Figure 8 CDs and people detected channeled human decomposition scent along a forest road on a wooded ridge with the wind from the northeast. |
2.5 Chimney Effect
Schroeder and Buck (1970) noted that the sun shining on the dark
surfaces of trees, power poles, vertical surfaces (cliffs, sides of structures),
sloping surfaces (hillsides facing the sun), and other surfaces that are dark
compared to the surroundings (ploughed fields, dark crops, island of trees in a
field) heats the air in contact with them. This causes the air to rise along the
heated surface in a kind of “chimney” effect and facilitates the escape of warm
air aloft. In the absence of a stronger prevailing wind, this upward convective
movement draws air from the area near these features upward (Figures 1 and 12), which causes it to rise out of reach of a dog. Trees are a common example
when scent is drawn to them and upward on their exteriors or interiors. Dogs
may alert or show interest at the base of the trees or look upward where scent
may have collected on the rough bark or the underside of branches. Isolated
features on level ground must be searched by gridding with small spacing,
possibly just a few times the size of the source, to detect a source within
2.6 Ridge to Ridge Scent Transport
Conditions that allow wind to transport scent from ridge top to
ridge top (Figure 3) occur when prevailing winds are stronger than up valley
convective winds, when inversions form in valleys and when downwind ridges are
somewhat higher. Winds may or may not pass through the valley bottom in the
first case but cannot pass through it when inversions are present. The ridges can
range in size from those a thousand feet or higher in mountainous terrain and
separated by a mile or more to those several yards high in relatively fat
terrain and separated by several tens of yards. If the winds do not penetrate
the valley, dogs working along a ridge typically show a CB, turn into the wind,
start downslope, lose the scent, and return to the ridge top (Figure 3). They
may repeat this behavior once or twice, but if the handler continues to move
along the ridge, the dog will usually abandon the scent. The handler must
recognize this behavior, determine, and correctly interpret local conditions
that influence wind direction and devise a way to help the dog find the source. A
likely location would be on the adjacent upwind ridge, although this may be
influenced by local topography and processes that redirect the wind. Handlers
can get experience with ridge to ridge flow by setting up this type of problem
at short distances during training.
3 Gridding and Detection Distances
3.1 Introduction
SD handlers often conduct searches without the benefit of any formal
search management and need simplified methods to select grid/lane widths to
attain a desired POD. There is little published information that can be used by
handlers in the field to choose grid/lane widths for above ground sources
except for the empirical stability method of Graham (1994) derived for
detecting live persons. For other sources, handlers must rely on anecdotal
information and their personal experience.
Searches by SD teams rely on the combined handler and support
persons (visual) and canine (scent) searches, and both are strongly dependent
on distance. Theoretical calculations beyond the scope of this work show that
the distances at which non-detection (misses) occur as well as other quantities
are also needed for calculating POD from search theory (Robe and Frost 2002;
Chiacchia et al. 2015). The calculated POD depends on factors such as the level
of effort, size of the search area, and how easy or hard it is to detect the
object of the search. However, this calculated POD based on search theory
differs from the POD usually reported (percent of sources in an area that were
There are many factors that influence the calculated POD and
detection distances that vary with time and location during a search. The
primary factors include the scent flux or intensity (amount of scent from the
source), source location, weather, terrain, vegetation, and the amount of effort
made by the team. The scent flux depends on the source size, temperature,
location, and whether it is contained or not. Weather (wind direction, speed,
presence of sunshine, clouds, air temperature, ground temperature, humidity,
precipitation) influences the ability of SDs to work and detect sources.
Interactions of these weather factors with terrain and vegetation control the
movement of the scent plume. The exact characteristics (size, shape, location,
pattern) of the terrain and vegetation elements are highly site specific in
their effects, which makes it difficult to define detection distances and grid/lane
spacing in general.
Experience obtained during training is necessary for developing
search strategies and choosing grid/lane widths. The effects of conditions that
increase scent concentrations (scent collectors, recirculation zones), decrease
scent concentrations (turbulence), cause scent to rise (convection), and prevent
scent from reaching the dog’s level (inversions) can only be learned by
experience. Also, detection is not equivalent to success because the dog must
still follow the scent plume to the source and examples of conditions that make
this impossible are given herein. In these situations, the handler must learn
how to help the dog.
Factors associated with individual dogs that influence detection
distances include physiological (health, diet, conditioning), psychological
(handler dog interactions), training, motivation to search, threshold for
detection, and presence of unfamiliar distractions (scents, sights, and
3.2 Examples
Table 3.3 shows the cumulative POD by air stability class and
distance from the source for a dog/handler team searching for a live subject in
areas typical of the eastern US (Graham 1994). Additional examples are given
below to illustrate PODs for some types of searches and conditions.
Reed et al. (2010) conducted controlled search trials in northern
California oak woodlands to assess how scat detection rates of two dogs were
influenced by the distance of scats from a search line and by variation in six
environmental factors. Both dogs detected >75% of scats (75% POD) located
within 11 yds of the line and the dogs’ detection rates decreased with
increasing distance of scats from the line. Detection rates for the two dogs
varied significantly with distance and decreased to about 30% and 40%, respectively,
at 27 yds. Among environmental factors, deterioration of scats by precipitation
was the most important variable explaining variations in scat detection rates
for both dogs.
A detailed study of detection distances for desert tortoises in
open shrub desert habitat (Cablk et al. 2008; Nussear et al. 2008), which used
two trained dogs, showed that the tortoises could be detected up to about 70
yards. Mean detection distance was about 15 yards. Detection rates were about
70% for relative humidity between 16% and 85%. Wind speeds were up to 20 mph
and greater wind speeds resulted in greater detection distances. No relationship
was found between detection distances and tortoise characteristics (age, class,
sex, or size), environmental conditions (temperature, wind speed, and relative
humidity), or other study parameters. Detection distances for knapweed in short
vegetative cover on relatively fat ground using three dogs (Goodwin 2010) were
up to 68 yds, like the results for desert tortoises.
Cablk and Sagebiel (2011) studied the ability of three certified
CDs to detect teeth in Nevada. Handlers were advised that the research trials
would focus only on teeth as targets, could train for >2 months prior to the
trials, and were required to keep training records. The site of the trials was
fat with a pine overstory and a shrub/scrub understory consisting of mountain
mahogany, sagebrush, and native grasses. Ten teeth were randomly placed in
plots (10.9 × 10.9 yds) on the ground surface or partially buried and were not
visible to the handler. The plots were cross gridded with six grid lines in each
direction placed at 5 f 6 in spacing. The dogs were worked along the grid lines
on leashes that allowed them to cover one half of the grid spacing, 2 f 9 in.
The teeth recovery rates for the three dogs using cross gridding were 78%, 61%,
and 20%. The results showed that dog teams could recover individual human teeth
in the field setting with high precision, that the team’s capability varied
significantly, and that training records supported a team’s expected field
Two dogs were used in a study to find brown tree snakes in Guam in
a dense tropical forest area about 44 × 44 yds in size during early morning
hours only (Savidge et al. 2011). Detection rates for the two teams were 44%
and 26% for an average of 35%. Detection distances as indicated by a CB or
alert ranged up to 13 yds. About a third of these CBs/alerts were within a yard
of the snake. The results were for snakes mainly in trees at an average
elevation of 3 yds. Temperatures ranged from 73 to 93°F and humidity ranged
from 68 to 100% with a mean of 89%. Wind speeds ranged from 0 to 2 on the
Beaufort scale with a mode <0.6 mph (i.e. calm conditions). Success
increased with increasing average humidity and decreasing average wind speed.
Low wind speed may have allowed scent to pool at ground level in dense
vegetation near the snake which enhanced detection.
Relatively long detection distances were found for detecting feces
from right whales in the open ocean (Rolland et al. 2006). The dogs were worked downwind
of a pod of whales or areas where whales had been previously sighted. When a
dog detected scent, the boat was steered in the direction indicated by it or in
upwind transects perpendicular to the wind (gridding). Feces were detected at
distances that ranged up to 1.2 miles. Finding the feces was not difficult
because of their size, good weather, and the absence of any significant thermal
or mechanical turbulence over open water. These conditions would be expected to
produce relatively undisturbed scent plumes that could be followed upwind to
the source.
This study also compared the abilities of humans and dogs to detect
the feces. Humans detected seven samples at 61 to 393 yds while the dogs
detected the same samples at 164 to 616 yds.
The above examples are not adequate to define grid/lane spacings for
desired PODs. They do suggest grid/lane spacings that may result in detection
of similar sources under similar conditions and, in some examples, the
potential PODs. They also suggest that grid/lane spacing should be much less
than maximum detection distances. However, these studies were all limited, and
the results are likely to change when more sources, dogs, and a wider range of
conditions and study parameters are included.
4 Distant Alerts
4.1 The Problem
Bryson (1984) noted that their dogs consistently alerted on searchers up to 0.6 miles in mountainous terrain. A distant alert, while not precisely defined, is taken to be an alert or CB offered by a dog in response to the scent from a source that is far away. There is no widely accepted definition of the distance. It could range from a few tens of yards for small or buried sources to much more than a mile depending on the size and intensity of the source, weather, terrain, vegetation, and other factors. Distant alerts are often distinguished by the fact that it is often difficult or impossible for the dog to follow the scent plume to the source. Some of the conditions that favor long distance transport of scent and distant alerts include fanning, looping, large eddies and wind gusts, sweeps and openings in forest canopies, and ridge to ridge scent transport. Large areas of terrain that are fat, gently sloping, open, or water bodies also favor long distance transport. Humans can experience “distant alerts” from large intense sources such as above ground decomposing cadavers. Distant alerts by CDs of a mile or more have been reported in searches for these cadavers and for live subjects (Bryson 1984; Palman 2011; Irwin 2008; McMahon 2014). There does not appear to be any reports of distant alerts by other types of SDs. Wolves have been reported to detect live prey at 1.5 miles (Mech 1970) which is similar to other predators (jackals, hyenas).
With fanning, lack of vertical mixing allows the scent plumes to
be transported without much change in concentration at the top of an inversion
so that dogs could detect scent from a distance where it contacts elevated terrain
by working them at this elevation. Eddies and wind gusts much larger than the
scent plume can also transport the plume or large segments of it with little
change in concentration. However, once these contact the ground it is common
for weather, terrain, vegetation, and other intervening turbulent processes to
modify the scent plume (dilute, fragment, redirect, elevate) and generally make
it difficult or impossible for dogs to follow the plume to the source. This is
also true for sweeps and openings in forests that bring wind bearing scent down
below the canopy. When the dog cannot follow the plume to the source, it then
becomes a problem for the handler/IC to solve. Knowledge of scent plume
movement can help them locate the source or narrow its location so that there
is a greater chance of finding it.
Distant alerts are an opportunity for the team to find the source.
Difficulties in locating a distant source depend on the distance, number, and
characteristics of intervening factors that influence scent plume movement. For
example, daytime upslope and up valley flow can redirect scent before it is
picked up by prevailing winds. Channeling by valleys, canyons, ridges, rivers, forest
edges, trails, and roads can move scent significant distances at angles to the
prevailing winds. Forests with a continuous canopy may prevent scent from
reaching the ground at the dog’s level except in openings and places where
sweeps occur. These and other factors may make it difficult to find distant sources
by searching upwind. Distant alerts are easier to resolve in sparsely vegetated
terrain that often occurs in arid regions, at higher elevations, and in
relatively fat or gently rolling terrain.
Distant alerts may involve all the processes that influence scent
plume movement such as scent collectors, ponding, channeling, chimney effects,
up and downslope flows, thermals, gusting, looping, sweeps and ejections, forest
openings, ridge to ridge flow, and recirculation zones. These processes may act
independently or in concert to produce scent conditions and concentrations that
dogs can detect at a distance. Scent may concentrate on scent collectors in
recirculation zones, in the lee of steep changes in terrain, and at forest
edges. Scent from a distant source can be brought down to ground level by
looping, sweeps, in forest openings, and when wind bearing scent contacts
elevated ground. A common and particularly difficult situation in hilly and
forested terrain occurs when upslope winds bearing scent encounter stronger
prevailing winds that move the scent at a significant angle to the upslope
Scent in a forest can cause dogs to stand on their hind legs or on
trees looking up, move around obviously in scent, self-reward (e.g. pick up a
stick), whine, or to stand or sit looking upward or at the handler, and appear
to be frustrated. A recirculating eddy on the upwind or lee side of a hill or
ridge from a source that is far upwind may cause the dog to follow the scent up
or down the slope until they lose the scent and then to return to the start.
They may repeat this behavior or just move away if the handler moves. Some dogs
just stop and stare upwind when detecting the faint scent of a distant source
and then may look at the handler. In these cases, the handler should take a few
steps toward the dog, an action that seems to give them “permission” to follow
the scent plume. Other observed behaviors include chomping grass (nervously),
head turns, and stopping to carefully examine common scent collectors (e.g.
clumps of grass, bushes, rocks, lee side of trees).
Scent over water that is colder than the air (common during the
day over water) is either on the surface or in a thin layer of air above it so
that it is useful to get the dogs as close as possible to the water surface.
When scent is present, dogs may have their noses almost in contact with the
water or even have their lower jaws in it. If the water is flowing, scent
collects on anything protruding from the water (logs, brush, sticks, leaves)
and on vegetation on the outside of bends. As noted previously, a stream may
also channel scent from a distance either on the water surface or just above
4.2 Locating the Source
CDs that detect scent from a faint source will give a CB/alert
that the handler should recognize. However, handlers and dogs both require
special training to locate a distant source and only a general outline is given
here. Handlers must become more sensitive to often subtle behaviors that show
the dog is in scent; to the effects of microscale weather, terrain, and
vegetation on scenting conditions; and to the presence of special effects that
influence the movement of scent. They must also develop the habit of continually
analyzing dog behavior and scenting conditions and adjust their search tactics
as necessary. Skill at recording and interpreting observations and data is
required. Dogs must gain the experience and confidence they need to follow faint
scent for long distances or search for isolated scent on scent collectors. One
procedure is to train the dog in trailing before training any other detector
skill, especially one that requires nose to the ground searching. This
procedure is used to train mine detector dogs (GICHD 2004). Dogs trained to
trail on leash or of leash and then cross-trained in cadaver search can be
trained to follow discontinuous scent from a distance upwind from both live
subjects and cadavers (McMahon 2014). However, it is difficult to apply unless
the terrain is relatively open which is characteristic of high altitudes and
arid regions.
As in all dog training, simplify the initial conditions to where
you know the dog will be successful. Start with short distances, simple
terrain, and sparse vegetation. Increase the variables (distance, terrain,
vegetation, time) one at a time in small steps that allow the dog to always be
successful. Work each step with differing conditions characteristic of your
search areas and where special effects may influence scent movement. The goal of
this training is to improve the ability of the team to follow scent plumes,
continuous and discontinuous, and to locate the paths of scent in scent
collectors, when looping conditions are present, and when quartering upwind to
detect puffs of scent. When there is no scent or not enough scent available for
the team to follow, handlers must use their experience to help their dog.
If a well-trained SD gives a CB/alert but cannot locate or follow
a scent plume to the source, it should initially be considered a distant alert.
The probability of locating a source that produces a distant alert increases
when the handler records data and observations necessary to interpret it.
Multiple CB/alerts from other dogs in the area or the same dog can also
increase it, assuming the handlers are competent at recognizing them.
Current technology includes GPS and cell phone tracking
capabilities that should be used by all SD teams to provide a recorded track of
their path through the search area and a record of the position of any
CB/alerts. If a dog indicates scent or alerts in a certain direction, the wind
direction at the position of the dog or the direction they are pointing should
be recorded immediately since wind can be highly variable, especially in
forests. If the dog is clearly in scent but not indicating a particular
direction, the local and prevailing wind directions should be recorded.
For distant alerts, the handler or their support should record the
usual data for any CB or alert (date, time, map or GPS coordinates, and wind
direction) supplemented by observations on weather conditions, terrain, and
vegetation and their interpretation of the CB/alert. Weather conditions should
include air temperature, wind, percent of cloud cover, precipitation, and
length of the handler’s shadow. Wind data should include the wind direction at
the level of the dog, at the tops of any trees near the alert, any obvious
indicator of wind (gusts, dust, low cloud movement), and the prevailing wind
speed and direction. Weather conditions with the prevailing wind should be
recorded hourly by IC for the search area but may not always be done.
Prevailing wind could be from the above observations or from a nearby weather
station such as an airport or city. Cloud cover and the length of the handler’s
shadow are needed to provide an estimate of atmospheric stability. Terrain can
usually be determined from topo maps but small scale features such as trails,
gullies, cliffs, depressions, small ponds or streams, and others may not be
apparent. The presence of water bodies and especially flowing water in nearby
stream and river channels should be noted. Vegetation characteristics include
type, height and density, presence of openings and clearings, and nearby edges
of fields and forests. The handler’s interpretation should include the presence
of special effects (scent collectors, ponding, channeling, chimney effect, up and
downslope flows, gusting, looping, sweeps and ejections, ridge to ridge flow) and
any other observations of conditions that may influence scent movement.
There are several strategies that may be useful for interpreting
distant alerts. For complex terrain and/or vegetation, one strategy is to try
to accumulate as many distant alerts as possible in a first attempt to define the
general area from which these alerts are originating and then to search for the
source in that area. Their nature of being “distant” often means that the usual
search boundaries must be expanded. This can be done with daytime searches by
taking advantage of upslope winds on sunny days and prevailing winds which can
carry scent across ridges, saddles, passes, and hill and mountain tops. If the
winds are light and variable in these areas or the areas are forested, the
scent plumes may be intermittent. This means that teams moving rapidly may miss
the scent plumes, so it is desirable to conduct these searches at a slower
pace. Improving POD may also be done by using several teams separated by about
100 yds, moving slowly, one team moving very slowly, or by teams spending more
time in saddles, passes, and any place where scent may be channeled or near the
tops of hills, mountains, and ridges that intercept the prevailing wind.
Distant alerts during daytime searches, when conditions favor upslope flow, may
indicate that the source is below the elevation of the alert.
In some searches, it may be possible to box the source (i.e. define
the area where the source must be) by using wind from different directions and
then concentrate resources in that area. The idea is that alerts with a
prevailing north wind usually suggest the source is in that direction. If
alerts are then experienced with a south wind but farther to the north than the
first alerts, then the source is likely in the area between the two sets of
alerts and similarly for east and west winds. This method relies on the
presence of favorable winds that may require weeks to occur during which the
decomposition scent may become fainter. It is important to conduct as many
searches as possible if the subject may still be alive or before decomposition
scent of a deceased subject decreases.
Another strategy is to conduct late afternoon to early morning
searches in clear, stable weather with relatively calm conditions at the bottom
of gullies, valleys, drainages, and slopes, since gravity flow of cool air
bearing scent drains downslope in shade and at night. These searches may be more
successful than the usual daytime searches because upslope flow in daytime tends
to be deep and turbulent and downslope drainage flow tends to be thin, less
turbulent and concentrates scent closer to the ground. Downslope drainage flow
may start and stop at random times, so teams should pay special attention to
the flow, stopping when it stops and continuing after it starts. Alerts in shade
during late afternoon to early morning searches in clear stable weather with
little or no prevailing wind may indicate that the source is above the
elevation of the alert.
4.3 Examples of Distant Alerts
It is impossible to give a definitive interpretation of distant
alerts since enough information can never be obtained. The necessary information
for the search area would include detailed terrain and vegetation maps, maps of
wind, air temperature, cloud cover and air stability at times just before and
during each alert, presence of special effects, and other information. The
interpretations of distant alerts given below are based on written reports and
discussions with dog handlers that conducted the searches or were present at
them and on an incomplete knowledge of local scent movement. While inadequate,
it is hoped that these examples of distant alerts will help improve the ability
of handlers and search managers to find the lost and missing. Additional
accounts of distant alerts have been given by Irwin (2008) and McMahon (2014).
4.3.1 Machias River, Maine, Suicidal Subject
Figure 9 illustrates the effects of scent channeling by a river
and the use of human and dog alerts to find the subject. The subject’s vehicle
was found at the location shown on Figure 9 in November about 5 to 6 weeks
after he was last seen, so there was a long time for scent to spread around the
area. Teams from MESARD (Maine Search and Rescue Dogs) searched downstream
along the river and the team on the west side of the river had several alerts
on small hills. The wind was from the east and the weather cold, cloudy, and
foggy. The team on the east side did not work far enough downstream to find the
subject. At the same time, a team working the water in a canoe did not have any
alerts even though they passed very close to the subject who was lying about 10
yds from the 6 to 8 f high banks. However, neutral air stability, a
recirculation zone on the west slope of a ridge to the east, and other factors
may have prevented scent from reaching the canoe level where the dog could have
detected it.
A few days later, game wardens reported smelling decomposition
scent as they walked a high bank on a bend in the river near the subject’s
vehicle on a sunny day with wind from the south blowing directly up a long
straight portion of the river to the bend. The high bank may have created a
recirculation zone or pool of scent that was defected to the west and north
over the bank where the people could smell it.
Several ideas based on the above facts were developed to guide the
search. Lines drawn upwind from the human alerts at the bend and east from the
dog alerts and the location of the vehicle on the east side of the river
suggested the subject was downriver on the east side somewhere near the
intersection of the lines. Lack of an alert by the team in the canoe indicated
that the body was not in the water. These considerations suggested that the east
bank of the river should be searched to or beyond the intersection of the
lines. The subject was found by a MESARD dog team on the east side of the river
about two-thirds mile south of the vehicle and about a quarter mile north of
the dog alerts. On the first day of the search, it appears that the hills on
both sides of the river may have channeled the subject’s scent to the south
where it was picked up by the east wind and transported across the river during
neutral stability conditions to the dog team on the west side although other
interpretations are possible.
4.3.2 Waterville Valley, New Hampshire, Alzheimer’s Subject
Figure 10 shows CD alerts (including indications and interests)
and detection of decomposition scent by people over a 12 week period after a
woman with Alzheimer’s disease was reported missing. The woman’s body was found
by a MESARD searcher traveling home on an ATV on a cross country ski trail after
a day of searching with her dog. It was located 25 yds of the trail that led
back to the woman’s house and over 170 yds uphill from Avalanche Brook.
A tremendous effort was made by dog teams and ground searchers over
12 weeks in the fall after the woman disappeared. They searched along every trail
plus all the water courses within 1 mile of the place last seen (PLS).
Unfortunately, she was over 1.4 miles from the PLS in a place where foliage
prevented her from being seen. Dog alerts and indications were up to 1.2 miles
from the body as shown on Figure 10.
Winds were generally strong from the northwest and would sometimes
continue at night. Waterville Valley is bordered to the north and west by peaks
and ridges typically 3,000 to 4,000 f in elevation. Two major valleys, one from
the west-northwest and the Mad River valley to the north, channel northwest
winds into Waterville Valley. This complex setting created highly variable
circulating winds and eddies in the search area which distributed scent
throughout the valley and made it impossible to reliably determine the location
of any scent detected. The setting was further complicated by Avalanche Brook
because the stream has a steep gradient, is set well below the level of the
surrounding woods, and is in a valley cut down into the terrain. This suggested
that the valley was shielded from higher level circulating winds so that scent
could flow downstream, which was verified by observations of the movement of
leaves just above the water surface.
The north facing slope where the body was found was partially
protected from the wind by the terrain and shaded by the terrain and forest at
a time of low sun angles. It appears that scent flowed downhill from the body to
the stream channel, was carried by the air downstream, and accumulated in the
bend at the junction with the Mad River, where there were three alerts and
decomposition smell detected by people. Interest by a dog to the east of the
body was likely a direct result of the northwest winds channeled east up Avalanche
Brook. Alerts by two dogs to the north were possibly a result of high level
circulation in the valley.
Interpretation of the effects of the swirling variable winds in the
valley was difficult. However, the three alerts near the junction of the river
and brook and the interest of a dog farther to the east suggested that the body
was in the drainage of the brook. Working out the details of this assumption
eventually led to discovery of the body. There is little that can be done under
these extremely complex conditions, but accumulating alerts, cataloging and
recording observations (like the leaf movement over the water), and persistence
in analyzing and searching can lead to finding the source. If it is an option,
waiting for different wind conditions may sometimes help.
4.3.3 Clarks Fork River, Wyoming, Missing Person
A man was reported missing on October 1 and his vehicle was located near the Clarks Fork River on October 4. Canine teams from Park County Search & Rescue and Northwest K-9 Search & Recovery searched over the next 2 weeks and had multiple alerts (Figure 11) that eventually led to finding the man’s body on October 22 near the river at the bottom of cliffs where he fell.
The alert in the upper left quadrant was about 1.4 miles from the
body. It appears to be the result of channeling by the wind upstream from the
body to where the river turned north and the scent was carried up and out of
the canyon. The three alerts in the lower right quadrant are <½ mile from the
body. The upper and lower ones may have been the result of channeling by the
canyon and terrain near the cliffs. The middle alert is difficult to explain;
however, time lapse photographs of clouds in mountains often show extreme
variations in wind directions that may have caused it.
5 Summary
The primary methods of scent transport in the atmosphere are by
gravity flow of air, convection, and wind. These processes create scent plumes
that are thought to behave like smoke plumes from a chimney or camp fire. Scent
molecules move by gravity and buoyant flow when there is no wind. The use of dogs
to efficiently detect and locate explosives, drugs, people, cadavers, and other
sources requires knowledge of the characteristics and movement of their scent
Dogs search naturally by moving directly crosswind (quartering the
wind) which minimizes the time and energy needed to search an area and results
in a high POD (Figure 1). When a source is detected, insects, fish, birds, and
dogs quarter upwind to locate the source which involves moving across the plume
at an angle upwind (Figure 2). When they pass through the edge of the plume,
they turn into the wind and proceed back across it in the direction they came
from until they re-enter the plume and again quarter upwind advancing them
toward the source.
Calm and extremely turbulent conditions require special methods.
Under calm conditions, the dog may start to search randomly, circling about.
Under turbulent conditions, the dog may detect scent from one gust and then
become confused by another when trying to move toward the source. Possible
strategies to help the dog include spiral and grid searches and returning when
there is wind or it is less turbulent.
Optimum wind speeds in a field are roughly 5 to 10 mph but may be
different for other terrain and vegetative conditions. An efficient method is to
first perform a hasty search around the borders and through the search area and
follow with a grid search if nothing is found.
Late afternoon upslope convective heating can hold prevailing winds
above the ridge tops (Figure 3). If prevailing winds are cool and dense, they
may follow slopes when crossing wide valleys but cross from ridge to ridge in
narrow valleys. When inversions form in the valleys, slope and valley winds
below them are undisturbed by prevailing winds above. On densely forested
slopes, upslope winds may exist above the tree canopy with a downslope flow in
the shaded cooler trunk space below. Upslope winds are directly upslope
initially but turn to a more up valley direction as the up valley wind
increases during the day (Figure 4).
Wind in hills and mountains can be channeled by terrain and create
vertical and horizontal eddies which result in complex search conditions
(Figure 5)
Scent collectors consisting of natural materials such as
vegetation, soil, and rock have surfaces which are especially attractive to
scent molecules. Scent collects on them in quantities that dogs can detect.
Examples are the rough bark on the downwind side of a tree and cave-like
hollows formed by vegetation with wind blowing into them (Figure 6). Scent
collectors can act as secondary sources. Young dogs in training and dogs
consistently trained on faint scent may alert on them but handlers should
encourage and help them follow the scent plume to the primary source.
Scent ponds are depressions in terrain or vegetation that collect
scent (Figure 7). When scent ponds are encountered, it is critical for the
handler to recognize the behavior of the dog and help the dog to find the
Anything that channels wind channels the scent it carries (Figure 8). Channels are commonly formed by terrain, vegetation, and structures.
Channels can be one-sided like the edge of a forest with a field, a ridge, or
the bank of a lake or river. Dogs may need help following the scent in the
channel and finding where scent entered the channel.
The dark surfaces of trees and any vertical or sloping surfaces in
sunlight heat the air in contact with them, which causes the air to rise along
the heated surface. This facilitates the escape of warm air aloft. The upward convective
movement can draw air from near the base of these features upward. Dogs may
alert or show interest at the base of trees or look upward where the scent
collects on the rough bark or the underside of branches.
Wind can transport scent from ridge top to ridge top when prevailing
winds are stronger than up valley convective winds, when inversions form in the
valleys, and when downwind ridges are somewhat higher. Dogs working along a
ridge show a CB, turn into the wind, start downslope, lose the scent, return to
the ridge top, and may repeat the behavior. The handler must recognize this
behavior and devise a way to help the dog find the source.
Distant alerts can occur more than a mile from a strong source.
Locating the source of a distant alert is usually difficult because of the distance,
number, and characteristics of intervening factors that influence scent plume
movement (Figures 9, 10, and 11). These factors often include scent collectors,
channeling, up and downslope flows, thermals, gusting, looping, sweeps and
ejections, forest openings, ridge to ridge flow, and recirculation zones.
Dog behaviors during a distant alert include looking upward,
self-rewarding, whining, staring upwind, biting grass, and others. In dealing
with distant alerts, handlers must become more sensitive to often subtle
behaviors of their dogs when in scent; to the effects of microscale weather,
terrain, and influence the movement of scent. The probability of locating a
source from a distant alert increases when the team records data and
observations necessary to interpret the alert.
Strategies for locating the source include trying to accumulate
more alerts, working ridges, saddles and hilltops during the day, working drainages
and valleys when side slopes are in shade and at night, and boxing the source
(i.e. define a smaller area where the source must be) by using winds from
different directions.
Several examples of distant alerts are described.
Tom Osterkamp
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