In This Chapter
- Discovering the rewards of working with your dog
- Looking at the basic concepts of trick training
- Getting an overview of dog agility
Nobody has to teach a dog tricks
or go the extra mile to explore new adventures. No one needs to get involved in
agility or other activities with their dog. After all, training is
time-consuming, sometimes costly, and requires incredible patience and
understanding. But if you’ve chosen to go this extra mile, I know that your
relationship with your dog is a special one. Your dog is a special gift to you,
and you have chosen to give back to him.
As you progress in your training,
you’ll find out more about your dog: how he thinks and what he likes. You’ll
gain insight into the way your dog learns and better understand how to shape
that learning process, from the length of the lessons to the various teaching
approaches. You’ll discover how to reward and encourage your dog in fun, engaging,
and constructive ways.
In this chapter, I highlight the
many benefits of teaching your dog tricks, familiarize you with the basic
concepts of trick training, and introduce you to the sport of dog agility.
Ready to go? Your dog can hardly wait!
Beyond Obedience: The Value of Tricks
Why teach your dog to do tricks?
After all, he’s not joining the circus anytime soon. The answer is simple: Most
dogs will jump at the opportunity to perform for fun, praise, treats . . .
almost anything! Dogs are active by nature and love to do stuff — just
jiggle your car keys or utter the word W-A-L-K if you don’t believe me. Tricks
give your dog the chance to release his inner,
audience-starved vaudevillian,
expend pent-up energy, and use his innate dog skills — jumping, barking,
sock-stealing — in positive ways.
A well-trained dog also serves as
an ambassador for us all. Whether you’re just clowning around in your living
room or putting on an act at a local fair, the work and time you devote to your
dog shines through wherever you take him. Sure, your dog may never star in a
commercial or show off his routines at the local Elks Club, but that doesn’t
rob you of one undeniable fact: If you love your dog, he’s a star. And the size
of your star is not measured by how many people share your pride; it’s measured
by you. When I listen to my friends and clients talk about their dogs, I feel
the warmth in their hearts, and when I see the dog face-to-face, I already know
that dog’s worth.
You’ll be surprised at the new
friends your dog wins over with simple tricks and basic good behavior, which I
discuss in Chapter Minding
Manners and Trying Out Some Tricks. Watching your dog strut his stuff makes everyone feel a
little bit happier. Dog-phobic kids lose some of their fear, busy people find a
little time to watch, and total strangers share a smile. Those of us who love
dogs congratulate you on your efforts toward making the world a more
dog-friendly place.
Starting with Trick Training
Classic obedience lessons utilize
a lot of leash work. Dogs must be trained to obey and follow, which generally
involves a lot of ordering about and corrections for misbehavior. It’s serious
stuff. Not so with trick training and other adventures like agility and
flyball. These activities depend on an invisible leash — a strong tie that
brings you together in a flow of excitement and trust, like a coach guiding an
eager athlete.
Are you concerned about how your
dog will handle the freedom? Chapter Encouraging
Self-Control before You Launch into Lessons walks you through the basics and guides
you toward the freedom of off-lead control. In this section, I give you an overview
of trick training and some things you can do to get started today.
Figuring out who’s teaching who
The first thing you need to
explore is your relationship as it exists now. Does your dog look to you for
direction, eager to follow you and learn new things? Or does your dog’s
schedule look something like this:
- Paw for attention: Promptly at 7 a.m.
- Bark at the window: 1–3:30 p.m.
- Scratch at the door: 8 a.m., 3:30 p.m., 9 p.m.
- Steal socks and get the family to chase me: 4 p.m.
If your dog’s day is one long
human training session, all hope is not lost! This is a sign of a smart and
clever dog; he’ll be easy to train. At the moment, though, he’s training you.
Chapter Prepping
for Training — Mentally and Physically helps you restructure your relationship so that you’re the teacher,
not the student. Chapter Encouraging
Self-Control before You Launch into Lessons gets you up to speed on basic obedience commands
your dog should know.
Trying lessons without words
Dogs learn in ways that are both
simple and complex. Dogs are so eager to earn rewards and attention that it’s
amazingly easy to teach them simple things. Get five super-savored treats or a
toy your dog loves to play with, and then try the following lessons.
Heeding the four-paw rule: All paws on the floor
Stand upright in front of your
dog and wave the treat above his head. If he jumps for it, lift the treat up
and look to the sky. If he scratches at you frantically, wear a trench coat and
completely ignore your dog. When he pauses, reward him immediately with the
treat or toy. Repeat this five times in a row, three times a day. My hunch? In
three or four days, your dog will hold still when you offer him treats and
toys. Give it a try!
Sitting for a toy or before dinner
Try this wordless lesson,
building on the preceding four-paw rule. If your dog doesn’t know the command
“Sit,” flip to Chapter Encouraging
Self-Control before You Launch into Lessons and practice it first.
Wave your dog’s toy or hold his
dinner bowl above his head and wait. Don’t look at or talk to your dog if he
jumps or barks at you. Ignore him so he understands that these behaviors will
not work with you. No sirree! Be patient with your dog and keep your eyes
peeled for success. The moment he sits, reward him immediately. If he stands
calmly, position him or maneuver the toy or bowl above his head so that he
moves into a sitting position himself. After five repetitions, surprise — he
won’t bark or jump —he’ll sit automatically! Good dog. Good person. You make a
great team.
Deciding which tricks to teach
When thinking through the tricks
in this book, consider your dog and what he’s likely to enjoy learning. Work on
routines that complement his natural abilities first. For example, if you have
a canine athlete who’s in constant motion on your hands, he’ll likely take to
jumping (Chapter Jumping
and Dancing for Joy), dog agility (Part IV), and other movement-based tricks
like crawling and playing “Hide and Seek” (Chapters Adding
Drama with Clever Tricks and Minding
Manners and Trying Out Some Tricks, respectively).
That said, if he’s the silent type, avoid putting “teach him to bark” (Chapter Barking,
Counting, and Singing on Cue) at the top of your list. Chapter Understanding
Your Dog’s Natural Abilities and Limitations relates breed type,
personality, and age factors to selecting tricks and adventures that your dog
will enjoy and can accomplish.
As you work through your tricks, start with the simplest routines first to build your dog’s success rate and eagerness to learn new things. For example, teach “Paw” before you work on “High five” and “Wave” (Chapter Engaging Favorites).
Using the sequencing approach
When teaching fun and useful
tricks, keep your training sessions short and sweet — no more than five minutes
each to start. Because your dog can’t master an entire routine in five minutes,
you need to isolate each step and build on your dog’s successes using the
sequencing approach. The sequencing approach is fairly simple: Each new
routine has steps to follow, and you need to perfect each step before moving on
to the next. Mastering small steps helps your dog feel empowered as you
progress to more-difficult tasks.
I say a lot more about sequencing
and steps throughout the book, but to illustrate quickly, suppose you want to
teach your dog how to jump through a hoop. Chaining together the following
steps makes this trick a four-step program (you can find more details on
hoop-jumping in Chapter Jumping
and Dancing for Joy):
1. Create a low jump, and then
take the jump with your dog as you command “Over.”
Use a broom to create a low jump across a threshold, like a doorway. Prop up the broom with two objects of equal height, like soup cans or, for a small dog, Dixie cups. Let your dog sniff the setup.
Then take him five doggie paces back. Command “Over” as you run toward the setup and take the jump together. Good dog! Repeat this jumping sequence three to five times per session until your dog is eager to run in front of you and take the jump himself. When you’ve perfected this, you’re ready for Step 2.
2. Let your dog explore the
hoop, and then have him walk through the hoop at ground level, introducing the
command “Through.”
Show your dog the hoop, placing it flat on the ground so that your dog can step around and sniff it.
Holding the hoop at ground level, lure your dog through it with a toy or treat. As he walks through, give the command “Through.”
3. Ask a helper to hold the
hoop to the broom and have your dog jump through it, combining the commands you
introduce in Steps 1 and 2 by instructing “Over–Through.”
Recruit someone to hold the hoop directly in front of the broom. The bottom of the hoop should be at the same level as the broom.
Take your dog back down the runway, instruct “Over–Through,” run up to the obstacle, and encourage your dog to jump through.
4. Phase out the broom,
progress to practicing in other doorways, and then move away from doorways
Continue to work in the same threshold until once again your dog is eagerly running ahead of you to leap over the broom. Now, remove the broom and encourage “Over–Through.” Good dog! Slowly raise the hoop to the height of your dog’s elbow. Once your dog perfects the jump in this threshold, you can branch out to other thresholds in the house. Got that? Now you’re ready for the big time! Encourage your dog to jump through the hoop wherever it is placed.
Repeat your three- to five-minute
training sessions one to four times a day, whatever your day allows. Some days
I’m busy and I get only one lesson in. Other days, I have time for two or
three. No worries — my dogs are up for anything. Your dog will learn, too, as
long as you’re positive and use the sequencing approach.
Sequencing also comes into play
as you decide to teach more and more advanced tricks. For instance, your dog
may need to understand ideas such as targeting (see Chapter Prepping
for Training — Mentally and Physically) to do tricks
like waving or rolling over at various locations in a room or on a stage.
Before you blend two concepts like these, make sure your dog is happy with
doing the trick and moving away from you.
A technique called back-chaining
involves teaching the last step first. It sounds — well, backwards — and
confusing, but it’s especially useful with certain tricks like fetching
(Chapter Go
Fetch! Finding and Retrieving Tricks) and in agility (Part IV) because it makes your dog aware of the end
Rewarding good behavior
As you’re working with your dog,
think of yourself as equal parts coach, teacher, parent, and friend. Because
many of the routines and adventures in this book will be new to your dog,
you’ll need to sell him on why he needs to leap over broomsticks, bark to ten,
and help you pick up the laundry. If you approach these tasks with the right
attitude (mainly fun, fun, fun . . . plus rewards!), he’ll be eager to
participate. Consider how you’d like to be treated when learning something new
— and remember what my grandmother always said, “You attract a lot more bees
with honey than with salt.”
The timing of rewards influences
your dog’s understanding and works hand-in-paw with incentive training. If you
want to teach your Chihuahua how to jump up and “dance” but you reward him
after he has landed on the ground, you’ll actually be reinforcing not-jumping.
Remember your dog isn’t the only one who needs to learn new techniques: Helping
your dog master tricks quickly and without confusion requires you to learn a
few tricks, too.
I cover all these ideas in
Chapter Prepping
for Training — Mentally and Physically, and I throw in a few other techniques, such as clicker and target
training, to really get the motivational ball rolling.
Getting Active with Agility and Other Sports and Hobbies
If parlor tricks aren’t enough to
keep your dog down and you’re enthusiastic about exploring other activities,
you have many to pick from in Parts IV and V. Most of the events are open to
all dogs, regardless of their pedigree, and many invite social interaction and
competitions. One of the most popular and publicized sporting events for dogs
is agility, a relatively new activity on the scene. Agility was first practiced
in England in the 1980s and has attracted enthusiasts around the world like
nothing else.
While many dogs love the
challenge of agility and the time spent with their owners, there are other
sporty activities that can be easier to master and require less of a
commitment. Read through these sections to find one that may be perfectly
tailored to the energy levels and passions of both you and your dog. These
include flyball, flying disc, and pulling sports like sledding, skijoring, and
derivations of skijoring like scootering and skim-joring. Of course, if
rigorous involvement is not your game, there are other ways to socialize and
further your dog’s training, from obedience trials to pet therapy and good
citizenship certification.
What is agility?
Dog agility is a fun
sporting event that challenges teams — one dog and one person — to navigate
through a series of obstacles in a race to get the highest score for their
performance. Think dog park meets Olympic equestrian event meets Dancing
with the Stars. You and your dog perform choreographed moves — over jumps,
through tunnels, and over balance boards — as you race together to finish an
obstacle course. Wow, huh?
Deciding whether agility is right for you and your dog
Is your dog up for the adventure?
While agility is open to all breeds of dogs as well as mixed breeds, it does
require a certain get-up-and-go. Often the dogs who excel at this sport are
the very ones whose enthusiasm and excitement often land them in the proverbial
doghouse at home. Does your dog jump on everything and everyone? Believe it or
not, you may be harboring an agility champion. Is your dog barely winded after
a 6-mile run? Tirelessness is a cherished trait in agility!
There are some restrictions — age
and safety limitations that you must consider before you begin. Personality
also factors in — both yours and your dog’s. Agility requires patience,
persistence, and an über-positive attitude. But there’s no room for dictators
on the agility field — dogs (like people) do not respond well to human
frustration or impatience. To take part in this adventurous activity, you need
to check your inner despot at the door, put on a smiling face, and encourage
your dog through every step of the learning process. To discover more about the
sport and whether it may be a good fit for your dog, flip to Chapter Considering
Agility Training.
Training for agility
If you choose to go forward,
you’ll witness a fascinating transformation. At first, you and your dog will feel
bewildered by the enormity of the effort. You’ll need to learn all the
obstacles and then choreograph a routine that involves up to 16 obstacles in
succession. But if you show up day after day, week after week, and work
together — often next to people who share the same goals and passion for their
dogs as you — you’ll develop a trust and kinship with your dog that only forms
from the camaraderie of a shared goal. You’ll learn to manage and communicate
with one another until your motions are synchronized and fluid . . . two bodies
moving together. Friends for life.
Getting ready for agility
requires a lot of training, so you need to become familiar with some basic
commands and equipment. Many people sign up for agility classes with their
dogs, hire instructors, and/or join agility clubs. Chapter Laying
the Foundations for Agility reviews
up-to-date training methods and PRAT (Positive Reinforcement Agility
Training), a well-studied and effective way of introducing your dog to this new
sport. PRAT uses the latest tools and props and takes your dog’s
species-specific learning capacities to heart, minimizing anxiety and buoying
Part IV of this book introduces
you to the sport. In Chapters Introducing
Your Dog to Jumps, Tunnels, and Tables and Teaching
the A-Frame, Dog Walk, Teeter, and Weave Poles, you learn the basics about the various
obstacles. While each dog is an individual, universal training techniques exist
to help ensure every dog’s safety and guarantee a positive experience while
learning the ropes. If your dog hesitates or you’re concerned about how he may
respond to a certain obstacle, read through the troubleshooting section of
Chapter Sequencing
and Troubleshooting Your Agility Moves — while you may feel your dog’s issues are unique, you’re likely to
find yourself in good company.
Competing and having fun
Mastering each of the agility
obstacles takes time and effort, but once your dog is eager and confident and
you’ve learned to sequence a pre-designed field, you may find yourself
daydreaming about competing and earning titles.
Weekend events that classify
teams by size and experience are held across the country. If you decide to jump
into competitive agility, you’ll compete against others in your experience
bracket. Chapter Competing
in Agility: Ready, Set, Go! introduces you to agility competitions.
If the thought of judges and time
clocks overwhelms you, no worries! Many people do agility just for the fun of
it and never choose to compete. Whatever you decide, agility is a fun time for
everyone involved. You get to share special one-on-one time with your dog,
exploring new experiences and hanging out with others who are excited by the
very same thing!
Trying dog sports, trials, and backyard games
Agility, though popular, fun, and
everywhere, isn’t the only competitive or social dog event on the scene.
Frisbee and flyball are two challenging games that pair a dog’s predatory
instincts with a focused activity. At a competitive level, you and your dog
will be judged against comparative performances and/or against the clock or set
There are other activities that
you can enjoy together with or without other people. From organized obedience
training to more breed-specific efforts, you can work to hone your dog’s
talents and compete against others for titles. Many dog organizations, such as
the American Kennel Club (AKC) and United Kennel Club (UKC), offer competitive
trials, clearly outlining their specifications and granting awards to dogs who
show excellence in their performance. Earned titles at every level represent
the determined effort you and your dog underwent to perform tasks that, while
no longer necessary for our survival, represent skills that did in fact aid in
our evolution. Breed-specific events include lure coursing for Sighthounds,
scent trails for Scenthounds, hunting and field trials for Retrievers, earthdog
trials for Terriers, and herding trials for herding breeds. Competitions judge
how a dog’s breed-specific inclinations have been fine-tuned through training and
how well they can perform their “duties” under stress.
Finally, there are activities and
certifications that are open to all dogs and often sponsored by various groups
and clubs. These events include pet therapy, where dogs earn
certification to work in therapeutic environments (such as nursing homes,
libraries, or hospitals), and canine freestyle, where a dog and handler
perform a choreographed dance to music. Hard to envision? Search YouTube —
you’ll be impressed!
Who knew? So much for you and
your dog to explore together!
by Sarah Hodgson
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