In This Chapter
- Teaching your dog to bark and stop barking on cue
- Sounding the alarm, singing, counting, and more
- Redeeming the problem barker
Barking and Not Barking on Cue
Some dog breeds are prone to
barking . . . a lot! Terriers bark when a sound alerts them. Hounds bark when
they catch a scent. Protective breeds bark when alerted to the unfamiliar. And
many dogs love to bark just to hear themselves. Dogs who bark for a cause will
not be silenced, but don’t despair — if you’re sharing your life with a barking
dog, there is hope. Once you embrace your dog’s natural vocal talents, you can
teach him when barking is appropriate and when it’s not. Although it sounds too
good to be true, conducting your one-dog band is easier than you think. After
you check out a few basic tips in the upcoming list, you can dive into the
following sections to figure out how to train your dog to both shout and shush
on command.
To teach your dog to bark on
command, use the following tips:
- Make eye contact: Look at your dog alertly when you want him to bark. Break your stare when you want him to quiet down.
- Use voice commands: You need two: “Speak” and “Shhh.” Enunciate clearly when you give your commands.
- Give hand signals: Use snappy signals to both encourage barking and discourage it.
• To signal “Speak,” try snapping your fingers near your mouth.
• To signal “Shhh,” put your index finger to your lips as if shushing a child.
Getting your dog to speak up
First, you must embrace your
dog’s natural vocal talents. This is easy enough — just attach a command to his
passion. If your dog is a little hesitant in the barking department, you’ll
need to be more demonstrative to egg him on, but the goal is the same. The
following steps show you how to attach the “Speak” command to your dog’s
barking behavior:
1. Get something your dog
lives for — a ball or a treat, for example.
2. Secure him to a post or
tree, or stand on the other side of a door.
Stay within your dog’s sight if he’s stressed by being physically separated from you.
3. Wave his prized object just
out of reach while you encourage him to get it.
The moment he barks, give it to him and praise, praise, praise!
4. Begin to add the hand
signal to your voice and eye cues.
Snap your fingers near your mouth.
5. Repeat this procedure until
your dog reacts quickly to the “Speak” command.
Encourage him to “Speak,” using the command and hand signal, throughout the day for positive things, such as a meal or a walk. If he speaks out of turn, just ignore him.
To encourage a puzzled or submissive barker to speak up, try baiting him with an enticing toy or treat, prompting him with a sound cue like the doorbell ringing, or tossing a toy and not releasing him to chase it until after he has sounded off!
Commanding “Shhh” for peace and quiet
Now it’s time to teach your dog
to be quiet. Sound like an impossible dream? If you make it fun and teach it
like a trick, you may be shocked to find how quickly your dog picks it up!
To link the “Shhh” command to
silence, follow these steps:
1. Return to Steps 1–3 of the
“Speak” lesson in the preceding section, isolating your dog and standing in
front of him with something tasty or fun. Say “Speak!”
2. After a few barks, say
“Shhh,” stamp your foot, and avert your eyes.
The moment your dog stops barking, reward his silence.
3. Gradually extend the time
your dog must be silent to be rewarded.
4. Repeat this process until
your dog responds to both “Speak” and “Shhh.”
Practice your commands throughout the day, varying which ones you reinforce based on the situation. Sometimes reward the “Speak,” other times the “Shhh.” Have your dog “Speak” and “Shhh” two or three times before rewarding him. He’ll be so proud of his new trick, and so will you!
If your dog is not connecting the “Shhh” command to being silent, see the section on remedying problem barkers at the end of this chapter.
From Counting to Calculus
My dog Hope, a Cairn terrier mix,
is a total ham. Auditorium events really knock her out! One of her favorite
tricks is what I call the numbers routine. I’ll give her an arithmetic problem
or have her count to ten with a group of kids, and she’s more than happy to
oblige. Using my signal, I start her off on cue and (magically) quiet her when
the stunt is complete. Ta-da! The counting trick is where your bark-training
efforts really pay off. People will be thrilled to see your dog doing so well
in math.
Before you start asking your dog to count anything, you must polish his “Speak” and “Shhh” skills so that he can do them with hand signals alone. If you use voice commands, some doubters may think your dog isn’t really counting. Check out the earlier section, “Barking and Not Barking on Cue,” for more on reinforcing the “Speak” and “Shhh” skills.
1. Give the “Speak” hand
2. Count the barks.
3. Signal “Shhh” after your
dog has barked the correct number of times.
Try starting with these
- How much is two plus two?
- How old are you?
- How many eggs are in a half dozen?
Work on your silent
communication, making your signals progressively subtle so that no one can tell
you’re helping out. After your dog can answer the basics, you can proceed to
more difficult math problems, such as
- How many stars make up the Big Dipper? (The answer is seven.)
- What’s the square root of 64? (Hint: It comes after 7.)
Regarding how the hand signals
work, if your dog’s a focus freak and can’t take his eyes off you, you may need
a signal for each bark response. For example, if the answer is “3,” you signal
three bark cues, and then cut the barking off with your silencing cue. Of
course, you’ll be far more discreet if you can use your signals like an on–off
button. Many dogs will just keep barking until they see the silence cue. See
what works for your dog.
Doing a Doggone Duet
Concerned your dog’s not
musically inclined? Most dogs aren’t, if that makes you feel any better. In
fact, I’ve never owned a dog who knew just what to do when I brought out my
guitar. The silver lining? Most dogs who love to bark can be easily cajoled
into barking along to music.
Choosing your instrument
When choosing an instrument to
play with your dog, think it through. If you’ve got a passion for playing a
particular instrument — the piano, for example — think twice about inviting
your dog to join you in a duet. While it’s fun once in a while, his eager
intrusion may wear on your nerves. Consider an instrument that’s cheap to buy
and a rare noise in your home, such as a harmonica or kazoo. Your dog will
nearly go into convulsions when you pull it out, so be prepared — after you
teach him to bark, you’ll have a rough time quieting him until the instrument
is safely tucked away.
Howling the blues
While few dogs will howl in unison to a melodious
sax, the arctic breeds, shepherds, and hound dogs are notorious for letting
out a howl when they hear music or get excited. “Monkey see, monkey do”
applies here. To see whether you can get your dog to howl, follow these steps:
1. Play some soulful music, and let out a good
howl yourself.
Toss your head back, and hit the high notes! 2. When your dog joins in, congratulate him and keep on howling. Don’t worry if your dog doesn’t join in during the first session. Just let yourself go, and see if he doesn’t show more enthusiasm the second time around! 3. End by playing your dog’s favorite game. Soon, his tail will beat the floor whenever you pass by the stereo.
Once your dog gets the hang of howling, you can
signal him to howl sans music. To signal a howl, lean your head back, face to
the moon, and purse those lips. Now you can think of clever questions to ask
your dog. “What does a werewolf do when he sees a full moon?” “What do you
say when you see your girlfriend/boyfriend?” Clever dog!
Barking to the beat
To teach your dog to bark when
you sing a certain tune or play a specific instrument, first you need to teach
him how to speak and quiet down on hand signals, as I explain earlier in this
chapter (see “Barking and Not Barking on Cue”). After he’s learned these
skills, the rest is easy if you follow these steps:
1. Get out your instrument.
If it’s new, let your dog sniff it.
2. Put it in your mouth and
signal “Shhh” to get his attention.
Blow a few short warm-up notes as you continue to signal him to stay quiet.
3. When you’re ready for your
dog to begin barking, signal “Speak” as you egg him on with excited sounds and
body postures.
4. When you’re done, stop
playing, say and signal “Shhh,” and take a bow!
Teaching Your Dog to Sound an Alarm
Dogs can actually be taught to
bark for a variety of reasons, from alerting to visitors to barking when they
hear a phone ring or when they see smoke. From usefulness to entertainment,
finally a barking dog has something to offer everyone! This section describes
how to put that barking to good use.
Alerting you to visitors or strangers
To your dog, your entranceway is
the mouth of his den. Sure, you pay good money for your home sweet home, but to
your dog, your home is just an oversized den. While many dogs bark to alert to
visitors, some don’t. Whether your goal is to teach your dog to bark when
people arrive or to stop barking on cue, practice this:
1. Put your dog on a “Sit–Stay” and stand at the open door.
2. Ring the bell (or have an assistant ring it) and command “Speak.” Click/praise and reward the inevitable bark.
3. Ring the bell and give the “Speak” command again, but this time, after three barks, instruct your dog to “Shhh.” Wait until he quiets before you reward him.
4. Ask a neighbor to come by and ring the bell or knock when your dog isn’t expecting company.
Reinforce “Speak” or “Shhh” — whichever happens to be your dog’s weak suit.
Repeat the process in your car.
While the car is parked in the driveway, have someone approach as you tell your
dog to “Speak.” As your dog catches on, you can gradually work up to doing this
trick in parking lots and gas stations.
Warning you of fire and other dangers
Think through your day: You’re
likely to come up with some reasons for your dog to bark. A client of mine had
trouble keeping up with her 3-year-old son. We taught her beagle mix Bea to
alert us each time he got too far away: This was handy out in the yard and even
indoors when her son would toddle off. Another universal barking trick is to
teach your dog to bark when he sees smoke or fire. I detail how to do this in the
following steps, but remember, you can use this formula to teach your dog to
alert you to just about anything:
1. Gather a book of matches, treats, and a clicker if you use one, as well as a toy for good measure.
See Chapter Prepping for Training — Mentally and Physically for more information about using a clicker.
2. Put your dog on a “Sit–Stay,” and light a match at least 4 feet away. 3. When the flame rises, say and signal “Speak.”
4. Blow the flame out when your dog barks, then quiet him with the signal and command “Shhh.”
Reward and praise him.
5. Repeat and repeat, increasing your focus on a quick response.
You can also teach your dog to
alert to smoke. Training follows the same procedure: When the smoke rises, you
give the signal to speak.
If you’re big into candles and fireplaces, you’ll need to think through this one. You can teach your dog to differentiate between a fire that’s contained in a pit or fireplace versus a fire outside such confines, but it will take some cajoling. First, work with the match as described in the preceding steps. When building a fire or lighting a match, keep your dog on a leash to hold him back from the flame as you direct him to “Stay” and remind him to “Shhh.”
Turning Off the Bothersome Barker
A barking dog is a real headache.
How you handle your situation depends on what’s prompting your dog to bark in
the first place. But whatever you do, don’t yell — yelling is barking in
Doglish, and instead of calming your dog, it riles him up. To solve your
problem, stay cool. I break up the barkers into categories in this section to
specifically target how to curb this habit.
Dogs who bark at everything often fall into one of the following categories: Some perceive themselves as your leader; others haven’t been socialized well and are freaking out; still others are submissive but assume you don’t have a handle on the situation and they must do their best to control it. One of the leader’s duties is to guard his territory and pack from intruders. All the other training and interaction you’re doing will help your dog focus on and respect you as the leader of the pack. Without that “leadership” lesson, you’ll be hard-pressed to make any impression.
Silencing a door barker
Almost everyone appreciates a dog
alarm at the door — a few woofs to announce new arrivals. It gets annoying, however,
when the alarm can’t be shut off. After all, enough is enough. The ideal
situation is to have an alarm bark with an off switch. To teach this routine,
you’ll need a few props. Gather together a clicker and/or a treat cup, as well
as a soda can filled with ten pennies and/or a spray deterrent such as a
canister of mouth spray or a water sprayer. Let your dog’s leash drag behind
him when practicing these setups:
1. To desensitize your dog to
the sound of the bell, position someone outside the door, and ask that person
to ring the bell once every 20 seconds for 3 minutes.
3. After a round of barking
(3–5 good woofs), say “Shhh.”
If your dog ignores you, discretely shake the can behind him or spritz over his head. When he stops barking, praise/click and reward.
4. Before opening the door,
direct your dog behind you or secure him on a greeting station (see Chapter Encouraging
Self-Control before You Launch into Lessons).
Don’t interact or socialize with your dog until he has calmed down. Give him a toy to play with or simply ignore him until he’s calm.
Never hold your dog back while you open the door. Like holding a frantic child, doing so will only make him wilder. Also, approach the door calmly. Running to the door and screaming at your dog will create a frenzy.
5. Repeat and repeat until
your dog gets the hang of it.
Then you can try it with a real guest.
If your dog is too excitable at the door, work in an enclosed, distant room. Move progressively closer until your new game’s the best game in town!
Dogs like to keep busy. One activity many dogs enjoy is playing the gatekeeper — watching the periphery of your home to make sure everything is safe. If you’ve got a barker, discourage furniture perching (sitting and keeping watch) in favor of other games like “Fetch” and “Follow Me.” If your dog watches you instead of the window, you’ll find the silence shattering!
Shhh-ing a motion detector
Do you have one of those dogs who
barks at everything he sees and hears? This type of barking can be really
rewarding for your dog, because whenever he barks at something, whether from
the window or the yard, it goes away. Sure, you and I know that the letter
carrier and the kids on their way to school are going to keep moving anyway,
but your dog doesn’t know that.
If you want to quiet your motion
detector, try the following techniques:
- Avoid leaving your dog alone outdoors for long stretches of time. Confinement often breeds boredom and territorial behavior. Put those two together and you’re likely to end up with a barkaholic.
- Don’t yell. Screaming is barking to a dog: Instead of training him, you’re egging him on.
- Any time you see (or hear) your dog start to perk up, praise him initially (“good boy”), then quiet him by encouraging “Shhh” and calling him back to your side: “Come tell me!”
- Use your clicker or treat cup to encourage your dog to check in with you. If he ignores you, leave him on a drag leash when supervised or attach a short leash (see Chapter Prepping for Training — Mentally and Physically) to enable calm but clear handling: “Come tell me” means just that.
If necessary, use a penny can or spray deterrent (see the preceding section) to help break your dog’s focus.
- If your fellow is a night watchman, station or crate him in your room. Give him a bed and a bone, and secure his lead to something stationary. Bedtime!
- Give your dog an outlet for barking by teaching the noisy tricks outlined in this chapter.
Curbing a car barker
Being locked in a car with a
barking dog is my version of purgatory. For dogs, a car is like a fishbowl,
creating the ultimate territorial ego trip. They bark, and whatever is outside
disappears. In the case of a moving car, it disappears even faster! Yelling at
your dog isn’t the thing to do. Pleading won’t help either. This problem needs
a good training regime. Here are some tips to get you started:
- Instruct “Wait” before you let your dog enter or exit the car, and give permission with “Okay.” It’s your car, your territory; don’t let him forget that.
- Enforce stillness while you drive. Secure your dog in the backseat of the car with a crate or other car safety device. Give your dog a chew toy to keep him happily occupied while you drive.
- Ignore the barking if your car is moving. Driving is a job all by itself.
- Whenever your dog is quiet, reward him with your clicker and/or treats.
- If your dog barks at people who approach the car, ask a friend to help set up the situation by approaching the car when you’re not actually driving. If your dog barks, correct him (see the earlier section, “Silencing a door barker”). When/if your dog stops barking and settles down, ask your friend to toss a piece of cheese into the car window. The idea is to give your dog a more positive association with people who approach the car.
Dealing with an attention hound
Following are three ways to
remedy the situation:
- Teach your dog a good way to get your attention, such as by sitting or bringing you a toy. Whenever possible, ask your dog to “Sit” before giving him attention, and add a cue word to your fetching games, such as “Ball” or “Toy.”
- If your dog has mastered the on–off trick (see the earlier section “Barking and Not Barking on Cue”), turn to your dog and instruct “Speak!” Let him bark a couple of times, then say “Shhh” and ignore him. Walk away if you need to, but don’t give in and pay attention.
- If your dog barks at you for attention, ignore it. Wear your headset, use earplugs, or walk away — just don’t give in. When your dog stops, ignore him another three minutes, and then ask him to sit or fetch his toy. When he cooperates, give him a pat. Otherwise, you’re teaching him that barking is a very effective tool.
Quieting a protest barker
Some dogs don’t like to be left
alone. To tell you the truth, neither do I. If you return to soothe a protest
barker before you leave, you’ll end up with a really spoiled dog on your hands
— one who has trained you.
On the other hand, if you ignore
the protest barking, your neighbors or even your spouse may protest. Is there a
happy medium? Not really, but I’ll give you some suggestions:
- Ignore the barking if you can. Never yell.
- Avoid grand departures and arrivals; they’re too stimulating.
- Let the dog be with you when you’re home. He likes that. (See Chapters Prepping for Training — Mentally and Physically and Minding Manners and Trying Out Some Tricks for more on leading and stationing your dog.)
- Place peanut butter in a hollow rubber toy or bone, and give it to your dog as you leave. That’s a tasty way to keep him busy!
- Return to your dog only after he has calmed down. If you must interfere with his barking tantrum, go to him quietly without making eye contact or comments, place him on a Teaching Lead tied around your waist (see Chapter 2 for more on this device), and ignore him for half an hour while you lead him around.by Sarah Hodgson
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