Fighting Infectious Diseases

In This Chapter
  • Recognizing symptoms of infectious diseases
  • Understanding diagnosis and treatment
  • Preventing infectious diseases in your horse
Horses are social creatures, and they have a host of infectious diseases that plague them to prove it! Passed from horse to horse or by a parasitic host, these diseases are dangerous and can be fatal.

In this chapter, we give you the basics on a number of common infectious diseases that can affect your horse. As soon as you see any suspicious symptoms, be sure to contact your veterinarian immediately for diagnosis and treatment. The good news is that vaccines and other prevention methods are available for many of these problems. After reading this chapter, you’ll be motivated to keep your horse inoculated. (Flip to Chapter Getting Up to Speed on Routine Care for the basics of equine vaccinations.)

A Toxin Produced by Bacteria: Botulism

Most people have heard of botulism, the deadly disease that infects food and causes severe illness and often death. Although botulism is most often thought of as something that can show up in canned food, the disease is actually a problem for horses as well.

Horses are affected by the toxin that’s produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. These bacterial organisms are strict anaerobes, which means that they can’t live in the presence of air. These organisms produce seven different types of toxins, and these neurotoxins cause very distinct symptoms. Protection from one type doesn’t cross-protect for another.

Horses can be infected with the botulism toxin in three different ways:
- With any deep puncture wound or when a wound results in considerable dead tissue.
- When a rodent or other animal dies in a field where hay is cut and processed. The tightly compressed hay bales limit the amount of oxygen that comes in contact with the dead animal, creating a perfect growth environment for the oxygen-hating Clostridium botulinum. The horse accidentally ingests the bacteria when eating the hay or hay cubes.
- When the horse ingests bacteria that’s living in pasture soil. After the horse accidentally swallows it, the bacteria begins to grow and produce toxins in the gastrointestinal tract. These toxins are absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract into the bloodstream. From there, it goes to the nerves throughout the body.
After a horse absorbs the bacteria, production of the toxin takes place within the horse’s gastrointestinal tract.


Botulism causes weakness and paralysis. Muscles that are involved with standing and moving, as well as swallowing, are often involved first.

The first sign you may notice in your horse is the inability to swallow or a lot of drooling. The horse may not be able to get up after lying down, and he may begin to lose control of his muscles. In the early stages, this loss of control may cause extreme anxiety in the horse. You may also see his muscles quiver and tremble.

Affected horses may also fall abruptly when trying to lie down. The third eyelid begins to protrude, and the horse can’t control his tongue. The internal muscles are also affected, and the horse can’t control his bladder. His digestive system stops working properly. Finally, the diaphragm, which is the largest muscle involved with breathing, stops functioning, resulting in the horse’s death.

Diagnosis and treatment

No specific diagnostic test for botulism exists, and blood work on affected horses is typically normal. Veterinarians make a diagnosis based on clinical signs. Although serum and feces can be submitted to a lab for toxin analysis, the vet will probably begin treatment immediately because time is of the essence when you’re combating this disease.

Treatment involves giving the horse hyper immune plasma that’s very high in antitoxin titers. However, because botulism types vary, the vet has to use plasma that’s specific to the particular toxin that affected the sick horse.

Treatment is costly, and unfortunately, after the disease progresses and the toxin adheres to nerve cells, the antibodies are ineffective. Treatment is then aimed at providing intense nursing care for the horse until his body can make new neuromuscular transmissions and restore nerve function. This can take seven to ten days, and all the horse’s bodily functions must be supported in the meantime. This support involves providing fluids, feeding the horse through a nasogastric tube, and giving him antibiotics to combat secondary infections.


To help prevent botulism, inspect your horse’s hay regularly for animal carcasses that may have been accidentally baled into it. If you find animal parts, don’t feed the rest of the bale to your horse, and keep an eye on him for possible symptoms. Wound botulism can be prevented by calling a veterinarian right away if your horse seriously injures himself. Immediate treatment of the wound can help ward off botulism.

Affecting the Nervous System: Encephalomyelitis

Encephalomyelitis is a viral disease of the nervous system. Three strains of the same disease can infect horses. Called Western equine encephalomyelitis (WEE), Eastern equine encephalomyelitis (EEE), and Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis (VEE), the illness can cause severe neurological symptoms and often death. EEE and WEE are most prevalent in the U.S., but VEE is becoming more common, especially in the South.

The virus lives in hosts like birds and rodents, and all strains of equine encephalomyelitis viruses are spread by blood-sucking insects, specifically the mosquito. A mosquito bites the host and then transfers the virus from the host to the horse by biting.


Symptoms of equine encephalomyelitis viruses can be lethargy, lack of appetite, and persistent fever. If the virus isn’t successfully cleared by the horse’s immune system after the initial infection, the disease can cause neurological behaviors such as circling, seizures, stumbling, and lethargy. As the disease progresses, the horse may begin head pressing (pressing the head against a wall or other object), become blind, and fall into a coma. Horses with VEE may have diarrhea or lethargy, or they may die before they show neurological signs. Pregnant mares who contract the disease may abort their babies. Some horses experience bleeding of the lungs.
EEE and VEE are especially deadly, and in severe cases that don’t respond to treatment, the horse must be euthanized.

Diagnosis and treatment

The encephalomyelitis viruses may be diagnosed by blood tests, which isolate antibodies to the disease, along with clinical symptoms, or on postmortem testing.

No cure is known for equine viral encephalomyelitis, but veterinarians can provide supportive treatment for affected horses in the form of intravenous fluids, anti-inflammatories, and anti-diarrhea medications.


Vaccinating your horse is the best way to prevent serious infection with encephalomyelitis. Your veterinarian can recommend a vaccine protocol that is appropriate for your particular area of the country.
Eliminating areas where mosquitoes can breed is another way to help control encephalomyelitis. Here are a few tips:
- Remove standing water from your property. Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water, and the larvae hatch and grow there. Eliminating water where the insects can lay their eggs can help reduce mosquito populations.
- If you have a water trough for your horses, stock it with mosquitofish. The fish will eat the mosquito larvae and reduce the number of mosquitoes that may bite your horse. Mosquitofish are often available at no charge from county vector control agencies.
- Spray your horse with mosquito repellent during mosquito season, and try to keep her indoors at night (or during the dusk and dawn mosquito feeding times) if at all possible. You can buy mosquito repellent designed specifically for use on horses at your local tack and feed store, in equine product catalogs, or on the Internet.

A Disease in Three Forms: Equine Herpes Virus (EHV)

The viral disease equine herpes virus (EHV), also known as rhinopneumonitis, has gotten more publicity lately because highly contagious neurological forms of the disease have become more prevalent. Horses transmit EHV to one another through direct contact or by coughing or snorting and releasing the virus into the air.


The symptoms of EHV depend on the form:
- The neurological form of herpes can start with mild fever, slight lethargy, and mild respiratory signs such as a cough.
- The respiratory form usually begins with a cough, fever, and nasal discharge. Many horses also develop a loss of appetite and lethargy, while some horses aren’t affected much at all.
- The abortion form of EHV can be a silent and deadly killer. A mare infected with the virus in the last trimester of pregnancy can abort her fetus two weeks to several months after infection. Some foals may escape abortion but are weak and sickly and die soon after birth. Some mares show a respiratory infection, but many don’t.

Diagnosis and treatment

Neurological EHV can show the same symptoms as many other neurological diseases discussed in this chapter, such as WEE, EPM, and rabies. You can help your vet make the proper diagnosis by maintaining good vaccine records and allowing him or her to perform the appropriate diagnostic tests. These include microscopic examinations of blood, nasal discharge, and tissue samples.

As with most viral diseases, no specific treatment exists for EHV. Most horses recover with good nursing care, and antibiotics may help treat secondary bacterial infections. Unless the horse’s fever is very high, coauthor Dr. Kate prefers to let the disease run its course because the cyclical fever can be used to help monitor the disease’s progress. Also, fever is part of the immune system’s defense.


The vaccines currently on the market are labeled to protect against the abortion and the respiratory forms of EHV, not the neurological form. However, it’s important to vaccinate against EHV because cross-protection may occur. The vaccine will also stimulate your horse’s immune system.
As with other diseases, horses involved in activities such as racing, training, showing, or transport are at an increased risk, not only due to exposure, but also because of stress on the immune system. Do whatever you can to reduce your horse’s stress level (see Chapter Connecting Your Horse’s Behavior to Health for help), and limit your horse’s exposure to common water buckets at shows.

If you decide to breed your mare, be sure to ask your vet about proper vaccine protocols, and be diligent about protection so that your mare doesn’t abort as a result of EHV. Chapter Breeding Your Horse has more information on breeding horses.

Equine Infectious Anemia (EIA)

Equine infectious anemia (EIA) is a disease that affects the blood. It’s caused by a virus that’s spread between horses by biting horseflies. It can also be spread by using needles, dental floats, and other contaminated equipment between horses. Infected pregnant mares can pass the disease on to their babies if they don’t abort them first.


Horses with a serious case of EIA have a high fever, are lethargic, and develop anemia. They often develop thrombocytopenia (lack of platelets), which causes hemorrhages (heavy bleeding) to occur on the gums and elsewhere. They may also exhibit stocking up (swelling) of the lower legs and along the bottom of the abdomen.

The signs of EIA develop 7 to 30 days after exposure to the virus. Horses can die from EIA or become chronic carriers of the disease. These horses will have an intermittent fever and weight loss.

Diagnosis and treatment

The best test for EIA is something called the Coggins test. Because EIA is so serious and must be reported by law to state health authorities, blood for the Coggins test must be drawn by a licensed and accredited veterinarian, and the sample submitted to a state-approved lab.

If a horse tests positive for EIA, he must be euthanized or quarantined for life because this disease has no treatment, and infection is permanent. The infected horse must be kept a minimum of 200 yards from any other equine. The virus lives for only 15 to 30 minutes in the horsefly, so keeping horses this far apart means that the virus usually dies before the infected fly can travel to get another blood meal.

After a horse is deemed positive for EIA, most states also require an obvious brand on the animal. Check with your veterinarian to find out your state’s requirements for frequency of the Coggins test.
Before transporting your horse across state lines, check out the health requirements for transporting. Many large horse show and competitive venues may require a current Coggins test prior to competition. Some venues even want to see the paperwork before you can bring your horse on the grounds and unload. You may be asked to produce current negative Coggins paperwork at any time during any horse-related activity, so don’t leave home without it.


You’d think that with all this testing, EIA would have been eradicated by now. But unfortunately, that’s not the case. To help protect your horse from EIA, follow these guidelines:
- Board your horse only at a facility that’s vigilant about requiring proof of negative EIA status for all horses. (See Chapter Getting Up to Speed on Routine Care for more information about boarding your horse safely.)
- Never use any needle syringe more than once, and be diligent that equine professionals clean all instruments before using them on your horse.
- Make certain you know the EIA status of any horse you purchase.

Hitting the Respiratory System: Equine Influenza

Equine influenza is one of the most debilitating and highly contagious viral respiratory diseases to affect horses. Equine influenza is transmitted from horse to horse and through the air in particles that come from discharge released from the horse’s nose. All horses can contract equine influenza, but younger animals are most susceptible.


Equine influenza can cause a high fever, lethargy, and a nasal discharge that starts out thin and clear, and can quickly develop into a thick copious discharge (see Figure 12-1). Affected horses often develop a cough.

Figure 12-1: Significant nasal discharge is a possible sign of equine influenza. (Dr. Janice Sojka, Purdue University)
Uncomplicated cases clear up on their own within a week, although a persistent cough may last several weeks. Complications and secondary infections can lead to pneumonia and persistent poor performance, especially if the horse is continually stressed and not allowed to recover completely.

Diagnosis and treatment

Veterinarians often diagnose equine influenza based on clinical symptoms. No cure exists for this illness, but good supportive care — such as intravenous fluids and drugs to control fever — can keep a horse from developing serious complications. Sometimes your veterinarian may recommend antibiotic treatment to deal with a possible secondary bacterial infection.


The best way to prevent equine influenza is to vaccinate. Although not foolproof, the vaccine for this virus can go a long way toward keeping your horse from contracting this illness. The number of times per year that you should vaccinate depends on the amount of exposure your horse has to other horses as well as her age. Your veterinarian can tell you how often you should vaccinate.

A Common Neurological Disease: Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis (EPM)

Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis, or EPM, is caused by a protozoan called Sarcocystis nerona and is the most commonly diagnosed neurological disease in horses today. Many horses have been exposed to EPM, but not all horses develop the disease. Younger and older horses are more commonly affected, and horses who have never been exposed to the disease are more susceptible. In horses who have already been exposed, stress is thought to play an important role in developing clinical signs of this disease.

The opossum is the host of this disease. Birds can carry this nasty little parasite in their muscles. The opossums eat the birds and pass the organism out through their stool. Horses then get the disease from eating food or water that’s contaminated with the opossum’s feces.


The EPM protozoa affects the spinal cord and brain, resulting in a variety of symptoms, including incoordination of one or both rear limbs, stumbling, muscle atrophy, and other subtle to severe neurological signs, such as bucking under saddle, an inability to execute lead changes, and unequal stride length. Any signs of brain and spinal cord problems can also signal EPM, from paralysis to loss of bladder control and urine dribbling.

Diagnosis and treatment

At this time, the most definitive test for EPM requires examination of the cerebrospinal fluid (drawn from a spinal tap) in conjunction with clinical signs. Other tests are currently being developed.

Only a few approved products are on the market to treat this disease. The success of treatment depends on the individual horse. Some horses recover completely, while others retain some neurological damage for the rest of their lives. Recurrence of the disease is also a possibility.


A vaccine is available for EPM, but it’s somewhat controversial because it can give a false positive on tests for EPM in horses who are suspected of having the disease. Ask your veterinarian if this vaccine should be a regular part of your horse’s protocol.
To help prevent EPM, keep water and feed sources clean and as free from contamination as possible. Keep trash covered in secure containers to avoid attracting opossums to your property. Remember though that any horse kept outdoors anywhere can be exposed.

Beware of Ticks! Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is more common in people and dogs than in horses, but equine veterinarians are seeing more cases in some areas — most frequently in the Northeastern U.S. This tick-borne disease affects different areas of the body. Ticks that are infected with an organism called Borrelia burgdorferi spread the disease to horses through their bite.


The symptoms of Lyme disease may include a stiff gait, shifting-leg lameness, fever, swollen joints, lethargy, and unwillingness to work. Incidents of equine recurrent uveitis (a chronic eye disease) and neurological problems have also been reported with Lyme disease.

Diagnosis and treatment

Lyme disease is tricky to diagnose because current tests can only indicate whether your horse has been exposed to the causative organism, not whether the horse has an active infection.
Because of the difficulty of this test, Lyme disease is usually diagnosed based on clinical signs and after other diseases with similar symptoms have been ruled out.

Treatment for Lyme disease is a regime of tetracycline, possibly given orally and by injection. In some cases, the disease is never completely eradicated from the body.


As yet, no vaccine for Lyme disease is available. The best prevention is to keep your horse as tick-free as possible by keeping him stabled indoors if Lyme disease is a problem in your area; you can find out by asking your veterinarian. Groom your horse every day as well, keeping an eye out for embedded ticks; we provide details on ridding your horse of pests in Chapter Getting Up to Speed on Routine Care.

A Fatal Neurological Disease: Rabies

Nearly everyone has heard of rabies, but most people don’t know that horses can contract this disease. Rabies, which is alive and well all around the U.S., is caused by a virus that affects the nervous system. It’s transmitted through the bite of an infected animal. When an open wound comes into contact with infected saliva, the virus gains entry into the body. Just about any type of wild mammal can transmit the disease to a horse, including a coyote, bat, or raccoon.


Infected horses may show classic symptoms such as hypersalivation, seizures, and other neurological problems, but they can just as often experience lethargy, colic, lameness, muscle twitching, or even abortion.

Diagnosis and treatment

The symptoms of rabies are similar to other neurological diseases, such as EPM (which we discuss earlier in this chapter), the equine encephalitis diseases (discussed earlier), equine herpes virus (also discussed earlier), and tetanus (which we discuss later in this chapter), so this disease can be hard to diagnose. In most cases, ruling out other possibilities is the best way to determine whether rabies is the culprit in a horse who’s showing neurological symptoms. (A horse who’s suspected of having rabies must be quarantined.)
No treatment exists for rabies in horses. The disease is almost always fatal, and can be definitely diagnosed only with a necropsy (an animal autopsy).


To minimize the possibility of your horse contracting rabies, avoid attracting wildlife to your property by keeping trash containers well secured and keeping grain stores under tight control. But the best way to protect your horse against rabies is to vaccinate her. Talk to your veterinarian about the possibility of adding rabies to your vaccination program. Although rabies may be a relatively infrequent occurrence, the disease’s frequency is increasing. Vaccination is a small price to pay for huge peace of mind.

A Nasty Bacterial Disease: Strangles

Strangles sounds nasty, and it is. Caused by the Streptococcus equi bacterium, this disease affects the lymph nodes. Strangles commonly occurs in younger horses between the ages of four months and five years. Older horses seem to be less susceptible, probably because their immune systems are more developed.

Strangles is transmitted from horse to horse, either by direct or indirect contact. A horse with strangles can contaminate a drinking trough, exposing all other horses who drink from that same trough. Horses can also pick up the disease from contaminated stalls.
The strep bug is a tenacious fellow! The bacterium can survive cold temperatures. In fact, freezing preserves it. It can live for three to four weeks in water that’s been contaminated by nasal discharge. It can also live on wood, glass, and other surfaces for weeks.


Strangles causes fever, lethargy, and a thin, watery nasal discharge that eventually becomes very thick, and usually yellow. Horses usually start showing signs of the disease 7 to 12 days after exposure.

As strangles progresses, it often causes swelling at the throat area, where lymph nodes are situated between the jawbone and throat area. Affected horses may develop a harsh cough or noisy respiration, and a large abscess may form in the lymph nodes and then break open, draining the thick, ugly pus. Most horses recover, but some develop secondary infections or complications.

Approximately 15 to 20 percent of horses experience complications of strep infection, such as laryngeal inflammation and paralysis, and chronic infection of the guttural pouches (see Figure 12-2). These horses carry and shed the strep bacteria and may have recurrent episodes of coughing and nasal discharge. Other horses just carry the bacteria and aren’t sick themselves, but can infect other horses.

Figure 12-2: A horse with an advanced case of strangles may have a swollen guttural pouch. (Dr. Janice Sojka, Purdue University)
Horses can also experience two very serious complications of strangles.
- One is purpura hemorrhagica, an immune system problem that causes severe inflammation of the blood vessels. Signs include swelling of the legs and hemorrhages on the gums and mucous membranes, and it may occur about three to four weeks after the initial infection.
- The other serious complication is “bastard” strangles, where the strep bug goes to the lungs, liver, kidneys, brain, or any other lymph node, and causes abscesses in the tissues of these areas. If these abscesses enlarge and rupture, the resulting infection and inflammation can be life-threatening.

Diagnosis and treatment

If your vet suspects that your horse has a guttural pouch infection, he or she will use an endoscope to view the guttural pouches, take a culture by doing a swab, and flush the pouches with antibiotics.

Treatment is supportive with isolated stall rest. The disease will run its course if the infection is mild. Severe cases with high fever and severe respiratory impairment from the abscess may require antibiotics, and even tracheostomy (a hole is cut in the trachea and a tube is inserted so that the horse can breathe through it). Vets disagree about how to treat the disease in its early stages, however. Using antibiotics as soon as the disease is diagnosed can prevent the formation of abscess, but prevent the horse from building a stronger immunity. This may result in a re-infection of the bacteria that remains in the environment. Coauthor Dr. Kate prefers to let the abscess form and rupture before giving antibiotics if necessary. (If the abscess doesn’t open on its own, a veterinarian may have to lance and drain it.)

The serious complication of purpura hemorrhagica requires an aggressive approach and is considered a veterinary emergency. Treatment can include antibiotics, steroids to quiet the immune over-response, diuretics, leg wraps if necessary, and hydrotherapy, possibly in a hospital.


Try to prevent strangles by isolating all new horses who come to your facility for at least two weeks.

Before you vaccinate your horse, ask your vet whether he or she recommends doing so based on your horse’s level of exposure. Although vaccination may not prevent the disease completely, it may lessen the severity.
Never vaccinate a horse who is already showing signs of the disease, or any horse who has had strangles within the previous 12 months. These horses already have a high antibody concentration, and a vaccine could cause the horse to develop purpura hemorrhagica. If you have any question at all, ask your vet if taking a blood sample to check for a vaccine titer, or possibly a nasal culture, is in order.
You’d think that with modern science, strangles could be eradicated, but even the cleanest, best-run facilities have strangles outbreaks. Part of the problem is that even though vaccines are available, and horses who have had strangles infections develop some immunity, this resistance diminishes over time.

A Lockup of the Muscles: Tetanus

Tetanus, also called “lockjaw,” is a serious and scary disease — and horses are particularly prone to it. Tetanus infection is caused by a toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium tetani. This bacterium is commonly found in the intestinal tract of animals, and the spores can live in the soil for years. That means that it can be found everywhere in your horse’s environment. Horses are also the most susceptible of all domestic animals to the tetanus toxin.

So how is tetanus transmitted? Horses are known for their predilection for injuries, even in the safest environment. Cuts and puncture wounds allow the bacterium to enter the tissues. Here, the bacterium releases its potent toxin. These toxins affect the neurotransmitters in the horse’s spinal cord and brain, and the animal develops muscle spasms and can’t relax.


The symptoms of tetanus include a stiff gait, muscle spasms, and protrusion of the third eyelid. Affected horses often jump violently when touched.

Diagnosis and treatment

A tetanus diagnosis is based on observing the horse’s symptoms. Depending upon the severity of clinical signs when the horse develops symptoms, treatment focuses on locating and treating the wound, neutralizing residual toxin by administering an antitoxin, and providing nutritional and airway support if the horse’s respiratory system is affected. Medication is also given to control muscle spasms.

Sadly, even with all possible intervention, tetanus in unvaccinated horses is always a very guarded to poor prognosis.


Tetanus vaccine is one of the safest and most effective of equine vaccines. Every horse should be vaccinated against this disease.
Horses who are fortunate enough to recover from tetanus don’t acquire future immunity and still require the vaccine yearly.

Attacking the Brain: West Nile Virus

West Nile virus has gotten a lot of press lately. The disease usually has serious effects on only two mammals: humans and horses. It attacks the body, infecting the brain and nervous system.

The virus was first detected in the U.S. in 1999 in Connecticut, and has since spread throughout the country. It can be an especially devastating disease, with up to 30 percent of infected horses dying or requiring euthanasia from complications of the disease. Of the survivors, approximately 17 percent have permanent neurological deficits.

Horses contract West Nile virus after being bitten by an infected mosquito. Birds are the main host of the disease. Mosquitoes bite infected birds, and then bite horses, transmitting the infection to them.


Horses infected with West Nile virus may experience either mild or severe neurological symptoms, including
  • Lack of muscle coordination, stumbling, and weak limbs
  • Partial paralysis
  • Muscle twitching (especially around the muzzle)
  • Hypersensitivity to sight or sound
  • Head drooping
  • Lethargy
  • Falling asleep at inappropriate times, such as while eating
Symptoms usually appear seven to ten days after the horse is infected. Some horses also run a fever when they first start showing signs of the disease.

Diagnosis and treatment

Veterinarians diagnose West Nile virus by testing the horse’s blood serum for antibodies against the virus. No cure exists, so treatment involves supportive care, such as intravenous fluids and anti-inflammatory drugs, to help the horse’s body battle the effects of the organism.

Though not all horses who are bitten by an infected mosquito develop the disease, after a horse begins to show neurological problems, the prognosis for recovery is guarded.


Regular vaccination is the best way to protect against West Nile virus. Most veterinarians recommend vaccinating twice a year for optimum protection. Vaccination protocol may depend on the climate and epidemiological status of the disease in different parts of the country.
Discourage mosquitoes from breeding on your property by getting rid of standing water and by adding mosquitofish to large water troughs and ponds.

by Audrey Pavia with Kate Gentry-Running,DVM,CVA


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